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Laksh- You know what happened recently?
Ragu- No? Did you get some brain???
Laksh-Ha ha very funny. Was that a joke?
Ragu-Nope, sadly a fact.
Laksh-You know I shouldn't tell you, you aren't worth it.
Me- Can I-
Laksh/Ragu- No.
Me- But -
Laksh- I'll tell..
Ragu- First tell me you eediaaathh!!
Laksh- Before that, miss author I don't want any drunk Ragu scenes okay? They are the pain in arse.
Me- Only drunk Ragu scene?
Ragu- Oh puhlease!! I am great.
Me- All are already tired, can you please tell em? Or should I-
Laksh/Ragu/Me- We HIT 2k viewsss and over 300+ votesss and 450+ comments-----
Ragu- What?? This
Laksh- Ya, ikr it isnt great.. author why were u so excited?
Me- Excuse me!!! i am super duper happy!! So shush-- thankyouu to alllll thoseeeeee readers and silent readers aswelllll.. Thankyou so so so so much❤️❣️❤️

Dedicated- amita291 Anzana_Bista01 fairyFARII povenindiran ZaraSiddiqui7 AdibaAfreen Raglaklover Jammu93 anju9624 @shirinss517 @naveenanavee8 @swapnalisawant1
@RaginiMia @RojaGadaba @sravya1218 @vichusanthosh Mona_Ammani @loveraglak @preethibuvana

Andd many moree also to the silent readers!!! -sorryifImissedsome-

Fire-burning and flames, especially when it destroys and is out of control


Waking up to this severe headache. I had no idea why my head ache was aching to such an extent..

By the way, my point of view is back!! Yayyy!!

Okay returning back..

Sitting on the bed, I realise that it wasn't my bedroom.

Where the heck am I? Am I kidnapped? Am I dead? In hell or heaven? Skipped time?

Looking around I noticed familier furniture, but it isn't mine. Thats when I heard the water in the bathroom flowing.

Oh fish!! I am kidnapped, thats my kidnapper, he is bathing!

One second Ragu what is soo weird in taking a bath?

Noo but that person has kidnapped me!! So him bathing is also a problem.

He doesn't know its me!! He has taken panga from Ragu the great, bachuu mehanga padega.

I stood up and took the flower vase in my hand and moved towards the washroom.

"Aaja bachu!"

I heard the shower closing, so that means that idiot kidnapper is coming out.

Wait what if that kidnapper is a male?

And what if he comes out naked!?

No no why would he come out naked right?

But if he comes? Then his fault, right?

No lets do a thing, I'll close my eyes and start hitting that person, hearing the scream I will know whether it is a he or she?

Right!! Perfect!!! So smart!!





Eyes closed, vase in my hand, Jai babaji!!




"You idiot, mad fellow!! You will kidnap me!! Abh dekh!!"

"Raginiiiiiii!!! Its meeee, Laksh!"

Okay, that voice. Is Laksh's.

Opening one eye, I noticed it was THE OLDY LAKSH KAPOOR.

He looked damn pissed off.

People, did you arrange the funeral?

I think I need it now.

"Sorr-ry?" I stammered.

Baby, I am your cute little fianceè forgive me please?

"I will forgive you for today, but how can I forgive you for yesterday?" He said looking shamefully guilty and hurt.

I gulped in fear.

"Ww-hat did I d-do?"

"What did you do?? Don't you remember?" He asked shocked and more hurt.

What the heck did I doo??

"I thought you were my friend. Best friend. But yesterday.."

"What yesterday?? What did I do, tell fast."

"I never knew you felt those things for me.."

"What things?"

Did I confess?

"What things? Ask what you didn't do!"

"Tell fast my heart is beating with the speed of the light!"

"Leave it, you will never accept. Instead you'll say I didn't stop you."

"Stop me?"

Oh please not what I think.

"You were so wild-"

"Whaaaaat???" What did I do??

Ayee bhagwan.

I was feeling so scared, the way he looked at me.

Did we-

"What?" I said in a small voice.

I felt so ashamed.

Suddenly I looked down and noticed, MY DRESS!!

"Wh-who changed my d-dress?"

Please say you didn't. Please say it happened magically but you didn't.

"Do you see anyone else here?"

I shaked my head ashamed.


"Then? I changed it." He said that so casually, like how can he be so calm??

What if I am preg-

Ragu chup!


"Obviously. After yesterday I changing your clothes is so normal."

"What ha-happened yesterday?"

"You- I..."

And here now I couldn't stop myself. I bursted crying.

"I am sorry, I don't remember. Mummy! Papa!! What will ma say? What will papa say? Bhai??? Swaraa?? Durga papa???? Anu maa?? Laksh what will we do, what will I tell them. Oh my god. Oh god . Haye babaji-"

I cried so loudly but was stopped by Laksh's hand which was on my mouth.

My eyes popped out.

This was the first time I noticed he was shirtless with only a towel around his waist.

"I am kidding. Nothing happened." He said laughing loudly.

"I must say you are an entertaining drunk," he commented winking.

"You idiot duffer monkey donkey mad crazy OLD!!"

"Why the fuck do you call me old?? Do you want me to show how young am I?" He whispered huskily while I gulped.

Time to take off!


"Ragu, meet Samir." Tia said as soon as I entered the office.

I looked first at him and then at her.

"New co worker." She said explaining.

"Oh. Hii, Ragini Mehta," I introduced myself smiling.

"Samir Malhotra," he said.

I smiled at him which he returned.


"Hahahahahahhaa!!" I laughed along with Tia and Samir.

Apparently it was our lunch break, and we had bonded quite nicely during the working hours.

Samir, was 28 and married. His wife was pregnant, and now currently he was telling us how he proposed her.

Apparently his wife threw a big tantrum to marry him as he was a playboy back then, but he fell in love with her truly and followed her like a puppy.

Soon she realised he was genuine and they married as soon as they graduated. He was so in love with her and the way he explained and told us how her mood swings are during pregnancy and how he likes it so much when she gets angry without a reason.

We continued 'awwing' when Tia excused herself as her boyfriend called.

"So what about your love life Ragu?" He asked as he sipped his tea.

I smiled blushing.

"Ah ha!! So there is someone, who is it?" He persuaded.

"I lo-ike someone." I declared.

"And the way you say it, I am cent percent sure you love him." He smiled.

Nodding I thought what to say.

Thats when I noticed Laksh behind Samir at a distance.

He was looking at us intently, blushing I changed my focus to Samir and let out a chuckle.

When I again saw, Laksh wasn't anywhere to be seen, but Samir had seen me blushing.

"So supposedly its our boss."


"What huh? You have a crush on him right?" He raised his eyebrows.



"Ooohhoooohohi!!!" He wolf whistled.

"He knows?"

"Na, he is my boss."

Ya sure.

"Does he like you back?"

"I don't think so."

"How are you sure?"

"I know!"

"Like I know Jalebi is straight."

"Wait what?"

And I started laughing.

I know he doesn't like me. Love is a far thing.

Why the fuck did I have to fall in love with a person who I know would never return the feelings back.

What are you doing to me, Laksh Kapoor. You are making me fall harder for you without you even trying and instead of stopping myself. I am contended and happy.



Wohohooo as Author's note is already said,


I am so thankful to all of you!! So so!!

Anddds one more thing I have exams nexr week so I won't be MOSTLY able to update. If i have time I would try a short one. Last update maybe tomorrow before the hiatus!! Till then

You all can re read the chapters and soon I ll be back with a BANG.

And also keep checking my notifications as I might give some update options over there, so do check my announcements.

Till then

Take careee

Ignore the truck load of mistakesss


Love you alll!!


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