|XIII-Fun events|

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Aye Aye ayee!! I know I know I said I'll update after my exams, but today I had this half an hour free and plot ready sooo why not? And it is gonna be kind off smaller chapter more of a filler, longer chapters would resume after the torture 😂.

And alsoo as I had posted in the morning, TWIST IS #1 in TEMISH .


•funeral cancelled as of now, arranging party!!!•

Fun events- an event including fun and excitement.


"First step to know whether he likes you back." Instructed my new love guru Mr. Samir.

Beta the problem is I effing know he loves me back, help me win this challenge.

Now see, in all anger and everything, I had said 'i am going to win and all.' Now the thing is I truthfully have no idea that how would I do it.

And trust me when I say, Laksh is a great player. Since the lunch when we had started our this personal challenge, that donkey is ignoring me and also behaving extra sweetly with those other women employees.

I wouldn't say he is flirting, cause obviously he knows his limits or else confession is a far thing, I will murder him first.

But that sweet talking is bringing so damn great jealousy to me.

But Ragu! Control, he wants this only.

"How would we do that?" I ask innocently.

Samir has proved to be a great brother to me, helping my love life. He has this agenda that he wants to unite us.

"Jealousy works? Doesn't it?" He said smiling.

Obviously it does, like that jealousy lead to our first kiss. But now I am pretty sure that even if I try to make him jealous he will control that, like me.

But one never knows right? Maybe or hopefully he is wayyy more possessive than I am. Then toh its a cake walk.

"I like it. How and what should we do?" I asked beaming and smirking.

Is that even possible?

"See, I would have said I will help you but the thing is I can't strangely Sanskaar sir told me that he needs my full concentration on this project. And I am quite shocked that he decided to give me this project, when I am so new. So I can't spend more time helping you. Though I am there with you at every step." He confessed guilty.

Na na na na!! Betaaa you shouldn't be guilty. My 'so called brother should' he is taking Laksh's side? Like seriously. What does he think that I wouldn't know?

Bhai ruk jao, ghar to ek hi hai.

"Ooh okay." I said low.

"Hi, Ragini? Right?" I saw Rohan, one of the interns in our company. He is good looking no doubt but Laksh is mor-

Ragu he is in your opposite team don't forget.

"Yeah?" I said smiling back.

"You needed my help? Actually Swara ma'am told me that you would need my help?" He told me while taking a seat next to Samir and I.

Swara, I love you!! Thankgod atleast you are in my team. I love you so damn much!!!

"Yes we do!" Samir exclaimed excitedly.

"You didn't say that Swara ma'am also wanted to set you up?" Samir whispered.

I had no idea tooo.

"I had no idea."

"Okay? So what help you want from me?"

"Become her boyfriend?" Samir said without skipping a beat.

"Whaat? Excuse me? Samir thats not possible. I am sorry Ragini, I am already engaged, I have a girlfriend who is now my fianceè. I can't become your boyfriend." He ranted.

Saans lele bhai?

"No no he means a fake one like just acting. That too below PG level acting. Thats it. And if you want please ask your girlfriend first then agree."


"So deal right?"

"Yes! On mission, Ragini." Rohan confirmed.

"I hope this plan works. But till then Rohan you need to keep your mouth shut okay? You are not telling anyone about this deal." Samir instructed.

Waah Samir bhai!! Jaha real brother left me, you came in my life to help. Wiping my fake tears.

Laksh just wait.


"Ready?" I muttered as I saw Laksh near the cafeteria.

"I am scared." Rohan said panicking.

Now is not the time!!

"Not the time."

"Okay. What should I do first?" He asked confused.

Is he sure that he has a girlfriend?

"Hug me." And the colour of his face turned white.

Dude I ain't asking you to marry me okay?

That thing is already sorted.

With shaking hands he hugged me, and I went to the whole actress level of acting- chuckling, blushing. When the hug broke, I instructed him to tug the strand of my hair behind.

Thats a main nuclear bomb. Laksh loves doing that and I am so hoping this instigates him.

As soon as Rohan did this,

"Ahem ahem!" I heard my favourite voice.

Bulls eye.

"What are you both doing?" He asked angrily.

Ohh mera sweetu!

"What sir?" I ask cutely.

Thats when I don't know how this scared cat next to me gathers courage and wraps his hand around my waist.

Then I notice Samir, telling Rohan to do this, by imitating.

Laksh's eyes widden as if they are gonna pop out.

"Separate." He sternly instructs.

Rohan returing to his scared form, jumps back a feet away from me.

Oh boy!

"I am paying you both to work, not to romance in this office. You get it?" Laksh first darts towards the scared cat.

"Excuse me? I don't work for you! I work for Sanskaar sir and Swara ma'am. Not for you." I retort back.

Take that back khadoos.

"Who said?"

"Wait before that, you Mr. go back to your cubicle or if you want you can collect your resignation- written by me." He turns towards the scared cat again.

"N-no sir." And he escapes and quickly as possible.

"And yes now your queiry my dear future wife. Who said that you aren't under my share now?"

"Wait what? You didn't!!"

"Oh I so did. Sanskaar has officially transferred you under me. And thats an order by your father so-"

"Thats cheating. I am not working for you! I will be under Swara-"

"Na na na," grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. "You will. And trust me if I see that male near you I swear I am going to -"

"You are not doing it fairly!!" I cried.

"Oh I am so doing this right." And he pecked my cheek before leaving.

"Everyone gather here, now!!" Swara called.


For todayy!!! Comment and vote :)

Love you all!!


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