|XXVII-Future planning|

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Future planning- plan your future ;)

F U T U R E. P L A N N I N G

"See Swara I am telling you, you will not have fifteen kids. Or actually sixteen. How will I handle sixteen niece or nieces?" I warn Swara as we reach the hotel.

I was currently in Swara and bhai's room as going to my room was very dangerous. Like very very dangerous.

A hungry lion was sitting there or actually two. Bhai is also there only, waiting for me.

They were so angry, but dude I did that to save myself. So I am right.

Yet still I am hiding in her room for the time being.

"Woh..actually.." Swara starts as she sits on a sofa chair infront of the bed.

"Swara?" I ask her tensed. She looked scared as her face turned pale.

"Okay see I am telling you but you aren't supposed to tell this to Sanskaar, yet." She says fidgeting with her fingers.


"I think I am pregnant." Swara says, in an extremely fast pace.

And as soon as she said I jumped off the bed!! I am going to be a bua!!

"Swara swara swara!! I am so so so so happy!!" I say as I dance around her.

"Ragu, but?"

"But?" I stopped dancing as I look at her.

"I haven't, you know tested it yet, though I am experiencing the symptoms for quite a some time now." She tells me.

"Arrey Swara, why fear when Ragu is here!" I proudly say as I stand up.

"I will go and get the test kits." I assure her as I take my wallet and leave.

There was a medical shop near our hotel so it was good for me.

I leave the hotel smiling, I am going to be a bua. I smile.

Bhai would be soo ecstatic also Laksh. Actually every everyone!!

And then my thoughts drift to Laksh and my case. Though it is too soon to think of a child, we just had a talk about it. We had discussed, that we would think of children after my 25th birthday.

So yes.

Thinking I had already reached, the medical shop.

"Bhaiya, two.." I start saying then I thought that more the number of kits more is the surety.

"Five pregnancy kits." I ask the medical shop's owner.

He gives me a big smile, as he asks his co-worker.

Okay bro?

Buying the kits, I leave for the hotel.


I knock Swara's door which she opens.

We enter the room like a theif, silently.

I give three kits to her while she goes inside to test.

After sometime she comes out,

With a beaming smile. She shows me the results in all the three kits.


I smile widely as I hug her tightly. So so so tightly.

I am officialy going to be a bua.

"Swara, when are you telling bhai?" I ask her.

"I will tell him in Mumbai. For now Ragu keep these kits with you. I will once again confirm this with the doctor and then I would tell Sanskaar." Swara said as her face had a glow.

Pregnancy glow as you say.

I nod as I hug her once again and leave for my room.

Reaching my room I keep those kits in my purse. And then decide to sleep.

Tomorrow was our last day. And the final meeting.


Happy New Year!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️

May you all have a kickass year ahead!!

If you all haven't checked out my NEW THREE SHOTS--FOREVER RAGINI✨✨ you can go and read it :)

Its completed!!

And theres a surprise for you all At 12:00 am ♥️♥️

Not proof read :)


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