Chapter 3. Struggle

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"I can't believe Alpha Baine allowed such turmoil in the gym," The cranky nurse jibed after cleaning up my nose. Elijah snorted.

"You know how is Maylene," He replied, crossing his arms. I desperately wished Baine was here, but at the same time I really hated him. He let me fight Reese, which I suppose I was ok with. But he watched me get bashed. Sure I stood on my own two feet, but you'd think he'd care a little more..

The old woman scoffed, gently taking the bandage off my nose. My eyes watered, feeling the sting. 

"I swear that boy is going to drive me nuts. I get way too many patients a day," She growled. I chuckled, despite my shock. If he heard her speaking about him like that, wouldn't he kill her or something? Everyone seemed terrified of their Alpha, and yet here she was, saying exactly what was on her mind. And I decided that I liked this bitter-sweet old woman.

"Are you and him close?" I couldn't help but ask as I got to my feet and off the small cot. 

"Oh yes. I basically raised that little trouble maker. His parents were taken from him at a very young age." She replied.

"I'm glad."

The words slipped in a venemous tone. I couldn't help it. What, his parents died or were killed so he thought it'd be fine and dandy if he took mine?

"Don't say such a thing." Maylene scowled at me before flattening her apron on her fat stomach.

"Why?" I challenged. Elijah sighed, staying silent.

"You don't know what he's been through. Very horrifying things, something a 9 year old should never have to experience," She said, taking her glasses off and wiping them on her skirt. I felt anger surge through me.

"So are you saying it's ok that he does what he does? Ya know, taking away innocent lives? All because it happened when he was a kid? So what, it doesn't matter that I'm a teenager and it happened?" I raised my voice slightly.

"I never said I agreed with it," Maylene muttered. "I loathe the way things are now, Elle. But he's my Alpha. I do what he says. Although I don't like it, I'm all he has."

"Well, then you're going to be all will ever have then." I replied with distaste. She said nothing, though she seemed frustrated. I quietly left the office but not before murmuring a thank you. 

I stepped out, wanting to cry. 

Elijah appeared behind me, as we walked to the parking lot.

I stopped mid way, my hands balled into fists. Noticing I wasn't walking at his side anymore, he turned around in confusion.

"I want to see my brother and my surviving packmates," I demanded. He rubbed his head, seeming unsure. "Listen, I know you-"

"You know nothing." I retorted.

"It's up to Alpha Baine really," He replied, seeming uncomfortable. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

With large steps, I appeared under Elijah's nose.

"You better make sure it happens," I growled.

"And what would you do, Miss I-Can't-Even-Fight-Even-Though-I'm-A-Werewolf?" His words were mocking and made my heart sink. I felt so helpless. He crossed his arms, a smirk playing on his attractive face. Why couldn't I be mates with him at least? He was attractive, and nice. At least that's what I felt. He was way nicer than that butthead of a mate that I'm stuck with!!

"I'll kill myself." I say plainly.

"Yeah, ok," He said with a scoff, turning around and heading towards the car. Growling in frustration, I followed suit and got in with silence.



"Why not?" I challenged. Baine rubbed his forehead, down to his eyes and chin - as if he were stressed. What so stressful about letting me see the only family I had left?

"Because I said so!" He snarled. I shrank back. Elijah frowned, knowing he could do nothing in this situation. 

"You're being stupid!" I yell, throwing my hands up in the air. 

"Elijah, escort Elle, out of my office," He said dismissively. I felt annoyance bubble through me. He was acting like I wasn't even here!! What a stupid, mean mate I had!

I glared at Elijah, daring him to move. With a sympathetic shrug, he began to walk towards me. 

"Wait," I groaned. Baine's dark eyes locked with mine, making me freeze. I gulped, looking around his fancy little office. A dirty idea came into my head. There was a trophy of some sort sitting on a small book case. I walked over to it, picking up the cold silver in my hands.

"What's this for?"  I asked absent mindedly.

"None of your business," Baine growled. I rolled my eyes although his words seemed to always pierce my heart. 

"Is it important?" I asked, looking at the wolf standing on the top. It was sitting and howling up.

"He earned it. Best Alpha in the US award you could say," Elijah added.  Baine turned his back, looking at papers, treating me like a fly on the wall.

"Oh. Well that's a shame," I say shortly. Confused, Elijah and Baine turn to face me, and not a second later is the small trophy flung across the room, shattering as it hits a wall.

"What the hell?!" Elijah shrieks, but Baine's pitch black eyes are more angry than confused.

"What are you doing?" He growled lowly and slowly. 

I walked to his book shelf, picking up a book.

"I'm getting what I want. One way . . ." I lifted my hand and chucked the book at his desk, knocking a plethora of papers off of it.

"Or another," I say with a grin. 

"Elijah, get out," Baine growls. and as expected, he does so. I stay waiting after the doors slams closed. Now I feel a bit nervous. I was causing distruction to get what I wanted. Did that not make me like him? That made me go from nervous to scared.

"Let me see them," I growl.


"Why?" I shout, kicking the book shelf in anger. A few books measily fell to the ground as I tried to control my temper. 

I blinked, and he was right in front of me. Alpha perk I guessed. He hovered over me, his height showing authority. I gulped.

"Why can't you just listen?" He growled in a whisper almost. I shivered, but held my ground.

"Why can't I see them huh?" A realization hits me and I feel tears pool in the corner of my eyes. He seemed to have noticed, for his expression slightly grew softer. 

"Did you . . . kil. . . . get rid of them?" My voice comes out as a hoarse whisper, and images of Jax and Sarah being pinned against their will with wolves attacking them from all sides flood my vision. I blink and I realize Baine's hand is on my face, wiping a stray tear.

"No. I did not do that. They're alive," He says, his voice rumbling through his chest. I feel a relief surge through me. I look up and note that his warm and spark filled hand is still on my face. I study his features. He's not doubt gorgeous, what with a strong jaw, straight nose, dazzling oceanic eyes and chocolate brown hair. His brows scrunch and his eyes return to black. As if touched by fire, he removes his hand.

A sense of loss fills me. 

"Will it always be this way?" I asked him. He sighed, turning his back on me and crossing his arms.

"Get out." 

Another spike peirces my heart. And for a second, I thought everything would be okay, and we could . . . I shake my head and laugh at my pitiful self. He killed my family. He is a monster. By being cruel to me, he was doing me a favor.

I take a shaky step, followed by another. I pass him and I know he's burning holes into the back of my head. I can almost feel it. My hand reaches for the door and slightly opens it.

"Elijah will show you to your old packmates tomorrow morning," He says quietly and curtly. A spark of hope eminates through out my body. Though I'm still upset that he pushed me away like yesterday's meatloaf, I was going to see my family! Jax, Sarah, and all those who survived.

I close the door silently behind me and stand there for a second outside his door in the hallway. I leaned against it, straining my ears. I hear him breathing on the other side. He's closed off. A part of me is glad. Who wants to get to know a murderer?

But the soft, annoying side of me wanted to know why.


Baine's POV**

I stand quietly, listening for sound on the other side.  All I hear is the faint breathing that comes from her slightly parted lips behind that door. I squeeze my eyes, rubbing them with my thumb and pointer finger. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sit down on the leather couch I have placed in my small office.

[I want her] My wolf growls. I growl back.

[We don't need her] I retort.

[I do.He states with a snarl. I say nothing, lolling my head back.

[We have to accept her. This pack needs a Luna. I need a Luna. I need her.] He pines. I growl at his softer side showing.

[Do you honestly believe she'll accept us? We obliterated all she once knew. Killed her loved ones.]

[If you would at least make an effort!] He growled darkly. My wolf and I rarely fought. I sneered.

[We don't need her! I should have just . .] I couldn't say it to my wolf. That I should have just killed her. Because I know that I never could have done that. Destroy those innocent blue eyes that held so much innocence? I couldn't. I simply couldn't. Which was a first. I was ruthless. Brutal. Cruel. 

That was how I was known.

[You don't want to fall in love again] My wolf muttered. I blocked him out. I didn't have time for this. However my mind wandered to Elle. Her olive tan skin, feathery blonde. I had never seen her smile, but I was sure it was undoubtedly beautiful. I would never deny the fact that she was a beautiful girl. 

But feelings and love ruin people. I've seen it first hand. I've witnessed it first hand. So I did what I had to. Used fear and brutality to lead. I blocked out feelings, and I'm successful, powerful and an Alpha. I didn't need feelings. They were a waste of time. Elle is a waste of time.

[Who are you trying to convince?] My wolf whispered darkly.

Idk if this is a good chapter but I thought I'd update it cuz why not? Vote? Comment? OKAYYY

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