Mated to a Monster

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Meet Jax and Elle. The Alpha's son and daughter.

Jax was more than ready to take over his father's position on being Alpha of pack Halfmoon, and ready to protect his family, friends and pack. Yet when a dark and strong neighboring pack invades, Halfmoon finds themselves defeated, and struggling with their numbers.

Red Claw pack's Alpha - Baine, is a strange and cruel man. But when he sets his sights on Elle after dominating her pack, he utters the words that changes her life, turning it upside down. Elle always wanted a quiet and subtle life. Not this . . . scary and dark world she must call home!

When Elle discovers this man who nearly killed off her whole pack is her mate, she's disgusted by his existance. He's horrible. A monster. But at the same time, fate has something up its sleeve. Elle must endure her harsh new reality, all whilst trying to understand how fate brought Baine into her life.

Surely he's only a monster . . . or . . is he really?


"Attack! Attack!" I heard out of the building. Jax, my brother, stared up at me with large eyes. We were twins, and both had astonishing blue eyes, mirroring the sky.

"Don't go," I whimpered.

"I have to. Mom and dad can't fight alone, and what sort of Alpha would I be if I let them go on their own? Stay here Elle. I need you safe," and before I could object, he left me in the closet that I was sworn to hide in, and left the room.

I grabbed my knees up to my chest and tried not to cry. I was 20 and Jax was 20. He was supposed to be Alpha in a week, yet now we were being attacked by another pack. I didn't know why. Halfmoon wasn't that big! We weren't a threat to anybody. Why would someone target us? I wasn't sure, but I knew I had to get to the bottom of it.

My hand reached out for the wardrobe's semi clear door, but I stopped half way when my best friend came running in the room, frantically searching for me. Her green eyes were wide with one emotion. Sarah and I had known eachother since birth. She was like a sister to me, and she was also Jax's mate.


I opened my mouth to yell for her, but the sound of thumping paws made her turn. Running towards her was a huge grey wolf - bigger than one I could turn into, and it bit into her leg, making her call out in fear. Immediately, my hand opened the door as the wolf tried to drag Sara down the hall.

"Stop!" I yelled, catching the wolf's attention. I slid out of the wardrobe, completely disobeying my brother. The wolf's head popped up with just enough time for Sara to shift into her beautiful white wolf. One I've always been jealous of.

She kicked underneath the wolf's belly, making a gash. The wolf howled before leaving us and running out of my home.

She soon shifted back naked, but I didn't care. She was my best friend and soon to be sister-in-law.

"We have to run, the pack is suffering Elle," She seethed as she took deep breaths. I took a glance at her leg which was heaving blood.

"Oh my God your leg," I whispered, putting my hand over my mouth.

"Don't worry about that, I'm fine. But your brother ordered me to come and get you. Elle we're losing this battle, and our fighters are paying the price," She rushed out, getting me up from kneeling. I stood up, my knees shaking.

We were losing? How many of my packmates had died trying to hold off the intruders.

As we raced down the halls of my palace like house with her limping, we came to the stairs.

"Sarah, I'm afraid," I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes.

Since I was born, my family treated me very delecately. No training. No harsh outside world. It was just my home and pack house. I was naive to the outside dangers, and here I was, in the middle of a blood bath.

She forced a smile, wiping a strand of blonde hair from my face.

"I know you are. But you a strong girl, and you have more power than you realize. We'll get through this. You, me, Jax, our parents. We'll get through this," She muttered, although I think she was trying to assure herself more than me.

I nodded and we limped down the winding staircase together as I slung her arm over my shoulder.

"Sarah!" I heard my brother yell from outside. With the desperate cry of my brother, Sara left my side, and jumped to the next stair while phasing into her wolf in the process, and racing outside to see her mate. I gulped. I was a new shifter. Although I was 20, I shifted just last month into a strange brown and grey wolf. I'd always been insecure about this because most girls learn to shift at 15 when they mature. Yet here I was, the daughter of a royal and pure blood line who couldn't even properly shift or even fight.

I ran down the stairs, welcoming the sounds of snarls, and shouts outside. Coming to the door, I slammed it open and welcomed a horrible sight that even now will forever haunt my memories.

Members of my pack were slain on the ground, both in wolf and in human form. Everything seemed to come to a slow, the world around me was crumbling before my very eyes. Just last night I was watching movies with my family, not having a worry in the world. Then in a second it's gone.

The sound of someone crashing through a nearby trashcan grabbed my attention, and the world began to pick up its speed.

I searched for signs of my brother, but a wolf whizzing past me so fast made me fall backwards in the mud, landing next to a wolf who's eyes were lolled into the back of its head. I pried my eyes off it's open mouth, and got back up.


I turned to see my mother running towards me.

"Mother!" I screamed, and raced towards her, but I stopped short.

"No, behind-"

I was too late.

The short brown wolf behind her had pinned her down, and bit into her neck. She screamed and struggled underneath, allowing reality to come back to me.

"No!" I screamed hoarsely, staggering towards them, trying to shift. The wolf looked up at me after tearing out a chunk of her back. The she-wolf's eyes narrowed before slowly backing away and running in a different direction. I watched it run off, before I scrambled to my mom's side, unable to do anything to help.

I kneeled down and examined her.

Her neck was smeared with blood, and her brown hair was covering her face.

"Elle," She croaked. Hope filled me as lightly turned her around in the mud so she could face me.

"Mom, oh my God. You . . You're going to be ok! I'll get help! Just, don't close your eyes!" I rushed out the words through my tight throat.

"Elle, please . . ." She rasped quietly as her defeated eyes found mine.

"Take it," She muttered, pointing to a necklace she often wore. It was a small golden chain, with a pendant on the bottom with a glowing red inside.

I nodded as she snapped it off her neck, using a lot of her strength.

She bit back a choke, which sounded like a gurgle.

"Mom? Mom! Stop it! Don't . . Don't go! C'mon I'll help you!" I tried, but her pale blue eyes focused on the grey sky above us, growing stony. I let out a sob followed by another, clenching my teeth together.

"I love you Mom," I whispered, kissing her forehead and laying her head back on the mud. I brought my fingers up to her eyelids, lightly closing them. Still sobbing, I stood up.

"Elle!" I made a 180 turn to see my brother, along with Sarah and very few other members of our pack being surrounded by the other pack. I ran towards them, but a body knocked me over. A man grabbed me by my arms as he dragged me to to the crowd.

"Jake! Get our Alpha!" He yelled over the terror striking my home. "We've got another royale!" He called. I tried to yank my arms out of his.

"Let go you bastard!" I hissed.

A sharp hand on my cheek made me squeel as I was thrown on the ground.

I looked up to see Jax and Sarah staring at me, along with other wolves from our pack.

"Who? I thought their Alpha only had a son!" Someone bellowed from behind the men and wolves from the intruding pack. I sat on the ground and stared up at the ones trying to kill us.

A man shuffled through the pack, trying to get to the front. He appeared from his packmembers, and stared us down. I felt my stomach do a flip as his stunning green eyes landed on my blue ones.

I hadn't even noticed it had started to rain, but through my blurry vision of rain and tears, I could see his tall frame staring at me with intense eyes. He was lean, and had though he was wearing a short sleeve black shirt, along with dark jeans and army boots, I could cearly see he was well built. His eyes widened for a short second, but I felt mesmorized. For some untold reason, I could lose myself in those orbs of green.

"Mate," He growled, his jaw clenching. I fell backwards on my elbows now, still clutching my mother's pendant.

Mates? To him?

"Alpha, what should we do with this lot?" Somebody called from afar. My mate turned.

My mate was their Alpha? Of the pack that tried to obliterate ours? A warm hand grabbed my shoulder, helping me up. I stood on shaking legs to see Sara in her wolf form next to Jax, who was now holding my hand.

"I'm sorry," He whispered. I heard him using my elite hearing. I didn't know what he meant for what. For being attacked? For my mate being him? For mom dying? Mom . . . Dad!


"Halfmoon pack!" A strong voice sent chills down my spine. It was so husky, and deep. My head snapped in his direction. His eyes focused on me as he continued to speak. I gulped nervously. Would he kill me?

"You have one of two choices. Join Red Claw pack, or die." I looked around for signs of my dad, but he was no where. Instead, Jax answered.

"We'd rather die!" Someone spat behind me. It was a guy in my pack who was incredibly young - only 12. He was so brave, and courageous.

"So be it," Their alpha said with a small smile. My heart stopped. He was a monster.

One of their wolves stepped forward, but I did too.

"No! No more . . No more . ." I called out, my voice getting smaller with each word.

"Elle," My brother lightly said. I looked towards him. He seemed so broken. His blonde hair was a mess as he hovered over Sara's wolf.

"I don't want anymore of us to die," I whimpered, looking around. Before, we had at least 100 wolves. There were 8 of us in a circle being cornered by Reddawn. My eyes locked on my mates. I was sending a silent prayer that he'd let us go.

"We'll join you," My brother heaved out weakly, staring at the ground. I let out a sigh of small relief. The rain was pouring now.

"Very well." Their alpha said.

And one by one, we were herded like cattle to follow them.

I stayed silent. I lightly brushed past their alpha, my mate, and gasped. A small current bolted down my arm. I looked up at him, but his jaw was clenched as he glared at me. I shut my mouth, and walked on.

Then, a hard grasp turned me around.

"What's your name?" He orderd gruffly, getting in my face. I backed my head away in fear.

"Elle!" I whimpered.

His grip loosened.

"My name is Baine Rivers. I'm the Alpha of Red Claw, and your mate," He said harshly. I grit my teeth. The rest of the pack was dissapearing from the bushes and into the foresty woods. I found my eyes wandering to the sight around me.

Blood smothered the leaves around motionless bodies of wolves and humans alike. Friends, family. Gone.

"No," I whispered.

"What?" He asked in a angry voice, tugging me closer.

Feeling rage, I started to panic as well. I tried to wretch my arm from his and began to squirm in fear. I was in the hands of a murderer.

"Help! Someone!" I called out with my scratchy throat.

"Stop that!" He hissed, turning me against his back and locking my arms in front of me.

"No! Help! Somebody help me! Mom, Dad!" I screamed in desperation.

No sound.

"Stop, fighting me!" He growled.

"Let go of me you monster! You . . . you murderer! You beast, let go! Let go of me!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face, one after another. He killed my family. He ruined my pack. He ruined me.

"Whether you like it or not, I'm your mate and your mine!" He replied viciously. I slunk down, him only carrying my weight. Everything I know is gone. Everyone. Gone. Never to be seen again at family events, school. Nowhere. Just . . . gone.

"You killed them," I whispered, before it came to much, and my head lolled forward as I fell into unconsciousness.

Prologe was intense lol.


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