Chapter 1 ~ Potatoes and Pricks

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There's a fine line between, lonely and alone.

Alone means to have nobody else present with you. Some people enjoy being alone, it soothes them.

Lonely means to be sad, because you aren't in anybody's presence.

I'm misunderstood most of the time, you see. My normal face is mistaken for a sad one, but when I'm sad, nobody is attentive. When I'm mad, people stay clear of me.

I have emotions.

But they aren't present.

Most of the time anyway.

I rarely smile, I'm rarely mad, I'm rarely sad. Just neutral.

But he makes them shine through.

I hate it.


"(Y/N) get down here!"


Mi: Sorry Shu, I gtg. Text you later? :P

Shu: Aw, okay. Bye Mi!

I exited out of the MMO game, and sat up from the black leather chair. Slipping past the doorway, and down the stairs, I look for the brown haired female. My pupils led me to the kitchen, which emmited the fresh scent of red velvet cupcakes.

"Yes Mom." That sounded like a statement more than a question.

"Dinner is almost ready, and I hope all of your school supplies are ready." She glared.

"Of course." I went over to the square table to take a seat. I was in my 2nd year, so I knew how everything went. Despite my features, I'm in no gang, and I'm not under any bad influences. It's only my features what keep people away from me.

Who would want to go near the girl, who has a straight face on all the time? The straight face that looks like an angry one. That one girl who never socializes, but if buttons are pushed, you may end up with a few broken limbs.

Okay that was only one time.

As lonely as I say I may be, the thing is, I do have friends. Two as a matter of fact. That MMO game is my quiet place. As much as I may scream, it secretly makes me happy.

FC and Shu.

As much as I would love to meet the two, I'll probably scare them off. In my opinion, I don't look intimidating at all. Or am I being a little modest.?


I ate the food that was presented before me, taking whiffs that would send anybody crazy. Fettuccine. Shrimp fettuccine.

(Sorry if you're vegan, or don't like that fud)

What a classic. I knocked the water in my throat, and slid out of the seat running into my safe haven. Looking up to the clock on my wall, sent me wondering how long I was playing the game.

Changing into fairly comfortable clothing, I jumped into the comfort of my bed. Cuddling with one of my pillows, I was engulfed in darkness.


"Do well Darling!"

"Yeah, yeah, bye Mom."

I stepped out of the slick vehicle, as I came face to face with the place I call 'prison'. My bag was slung over my shoulder, and my hair was swept over to the side. Planning to go straight to homeroom -like I always do-, I took out my phone to take a look at the schedule. My reading was interrupted when my phone was knocked out of my hands, and my feet unbalancing slightly. I regained my composer, ready to pummel the culprit to pieces.

"I'm sorry!" The girl looked up at me.

"If my screen is cracked, I'll crush you~" I said lazily, but venomous.

"Eh?! You can't do that!" She defended.

"Says who? You stupid potato." I said getting closer to her, gripping my phone in hand.

"I'm not a potato!" The black haired girl defended.

"Tch, get out of the way." I pushed past her.

"I'm not done with you!" The female stepped back in front of me.

I got in front of her again, never turning around to look at her. "I don't know who you think you are Freshman, but stay away from me. It's for your own good." I turned my head slightly. "Unless you wanna become mashed potatoes, don't argue with me either."

"That's against the rules!"

"Never got scolded for it before." I smirked.

Before looking at the amber eyed female's reaction, I headed for my homeroom. I knew where it was located, I've been here for a year. Room 34A.

There sat my perfect desk, sitting in the corner, just how I liked it. What I despised however, was the jerk sitting next to me by said desk. It takes every nerve out of my body not to punch him square in his already scratched up face.

Fate, and what I mean by fate, is teachers, why do you do this?

I took out my phone, which had no scratches on it, out to take a little peak before the teacher came.

"Shu?" I whispered.



Shu: Good morning! Have you talked to FC yet?

                    Are you supposed to be texting me? Aren't you in school?

Well.. yea, my teacher allows it I guess.
Why'd you leave last night? FC killed me!

                   It's not my fault he's bad at protecting people.
                   Don't tell him I said that, heh.

Oh don't worry Mi.
I'll make sure he knows.;)
Oh! I have to go, ttyl, I have to tell you something that
happened just now..                                                                                        |


I pocketed my phone as I heard shifting beside me.

"Not you again." The figure grunted.

"I never wanted to sit next to you, don't act like it was my fault." I turned my head.

"When since do you abide by the rules?" He taunted. "Stop talking to me."







My hand stung. There was a red mark imprinted on his face, next to the band aid. "I said to leave me alone, you prick!" Gasps were heard in the room and most eyes were on us. "I don't see why you have the need to bother me when we don't even associate nor like each other."

"At least I'm the one with friends." He said simply, shrugging off the fact that I just hit him.

"I do have friends! And I'm pretty sure you bribed the people."

"No. They're really sweet and kind. Something you aren't."

"Oh yea?" I taunted.


"Prove it."


Aaron! Yas!

Aphmau ain't got nothing on us *insert fabulous girl emoji here*

I'm now apart of a group (I'm pretty sure I'm going to say this on every book, but oh well), called TravisTroublemakers you should go follow it! (Shameless self promo, oops) We're working on something as I type, so ye.



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