Author's Note

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Dear Readers-

First things first. Before we begin this story, I wanted to remind you that this is not completely original.

Characters and settings- most of them, at least- belong to the supermegafoxyawesomehot Team StarKid. I will alert you if I use any characters or settings that are completely of my own invention.

Second: I'm not going to get into this much- at least not right here- but I will admit that I'm not the best at writing anything that involves action, adventure, or mystery. So, I apologize in advance for any moments that may seem choppily written.

Third: yes, this is my second try on this story. I unpublished my first version, deciding to rewrite most to all of what I had written. I hope that it was worth it. (I do tend to get better as I try over and over.)

Fourth: please enjoy this! This was made purely for your enjoyment- mine, too- and if I failed at making a story you enjoy, I failed myself.

Fifth: if you have any questions about this story, feel free to message me. You'll either get a message back or a mention after I'm done with the story in a Q&A section I'm planning on doing. (Do let me know if you don't want to be mentioned in the Q&A. I want to respect your privacy. If you don't want me to, I won't.)

Keep on reading and writing!

You guys rock!


P.S. This cover was made by Canva. Well, by me through Canva. But still. And kudos to WetPoodleNoodle for the suggestion of "Twisted Abominations."

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