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OPHELIA COULDN'T BELIEVE how much her life had changed. In less than a week, she found out that wolves and other creatures existed besides humans.

She also found out that she was mated to a werewolf and not just any werewolf, she was mated to an Alpha as well as the King of all werewolves. In less than two days, she was marked and mated.

Surprisingly, she was taking it a lot lighter than she expected. It was also surprising that she was brave enough to allow Darius' fangs close enough to her neck to bite her.

At the thought of the still red and sensitive mark, Ophelia's hand unconsciously inched closer to the mark but she stopped herself before she could touch it.

Darius already warned her about touching it and what it did to him. But at that moment, a sly smirk appeared on her face as an idea came to her mind.

Darius teased her all morning before he left so it was time for a little payback. With that thought in mind, she let her hand rest on the mark and lightly caressed it. But as usual, Karma worked extremely fast.

The more she touched the mark, the more she could feel herself getting spurred by it, so Ophelia quickly dropped her hand and sighed once again.

Just then, she heard two knocks on the door. Next, the door opened and a man walked in.

He walked up to her with his eyes not looking directly into her eyes. He had dark brown hair and eyes that were almost black. She recognised him as one of Darius's guards.

"Luna, I'm Keano," he said as bowed his head once he reached her and handed her a phone.

"Here, the Alpha asked to speak to you."

Ophelia took the phone and the guard bowed again then left, probably to give them some privacy. Ophelia would probably never get used to all the bowing.

Immediately as she put the phone to her ear, Darius' voice filtered through.

"Seems like I've got a playful little mate whose idea of fun is giving me a boner right before I meet with the Governor," he announced and Ophelia could almost picture his smirk with little pointed ends of his fangs poking through the edges of his lips.

"I was bored," Ophelia responded with a shrug.

"So you decided to play a game called 'torture the Alpha King' right?" Darius asked with amusement evident in his voice.

Ophelia chuckled and decided to play along. "So that's what it's called. I thought it was 'tease the Alpha King' but I guess I thought wrong."

"You're becoming bolder now, mate. What happened to the shy mate I left in the penthouse minutes ago?"

"She missed you," Ophelia blurted out without missing a beat, surprised at how easily it came out.

"You have no idea how many times I have wanted to tell Samuel to turn the car around. But not to worry, Ophelia, I'll only be out till evening and then I'll be back before you know it."

A pout appeared on Ophelia's face and she said, "Oh."

As she said that, she began to wonder when she became so clingy.

"It's all my fault. I know the newly formed bond demands for us to be close to each other and it is expected for you to be clingy. I'm so sorry. I will try to get everything done as soon as possible and return to you... Is that alright?"

Ophelia nodded then realised he couldn't see her.

"Yes, it's alright."

After a few seconds of silence, Darius's voice came in again.



"Don't think I have forgotten the stunt you pulled earlier. We will fix the problem you created later," Darius said and then hung up, leaving Ophelia to stare at the phone in shock and wondering what she got herself into.

Seconds later, Keano came in with a tray of food in his hands. She handed him the phone after he put the tray down. Ophelia caught sight of his red face and shifty eyes which confirmed that he had indeed overheard them.

As he bowed once again and left, Ophelia could only wish for the ground to open up and swallow her.

But regardless of her reservations and embarrassment, a part of her really looked forward to the punishments Darius had in store for her.

"IT SOUNDS LIKE the Luna has become a lot more accepting of you, Alpha," Samuel said as soon as Darius dropped the call.

"Indeed she has. I wonder what changed," the Alpha King replied, giving the Earl Delta Captain a pointed look through the mirror.

Instantly understanding what the look meant, Samuel lowered his eyes in submission. "I have no excuse for what I did, Alpha and I'm willing to take whatever punishment you give me."

"I understand why you did it but the fact remains that you went behind my back to talk to my mate about things that should have come directly from me.

"And that is what I find unforgivable. If word gets out that my subordinates do things on their own without my knowledge, who would still respect my authority?" Darius' voice was low but stern.

"I deserve to die for my actions, Alpha," the Captain boldly declared as he turned off the ignition, parking in front of the restaurant where they would be meeting the Governor.

The King asked, "Do you understand why you are to be punished despite your good intentions?"

"I committed three offences. I spoke to Luna about your condition without your permission.

"I was being disrespectful and told Luna about mating activities that should have only come from your mouth, and not my own, and I did all these without your authorisation," Samuel listed.

Darius nodded in approval. "Earl Delta Captain Samuel of the Royal Pack, this is the Alpha King's order.

"When we return to Montana, You will be stripped of your position and rank, and will receive no pay for three years.

"As a Delta, you are to report to Riverside Pass to assist and work with the Riverside battalion for three months in guarding the border of the Royal Pack.

"On no account must you return from the border before the three months are up," Darius instructed.

Samuel bowed as low as he could in front of the steering wheel. "Alpha is ever kind and wise. Thank you for sparing my life, Alpha."

"Let's not keep the Governor waiting any longer," the Alpha King said, looking away from the Earl Delta Captain.

With a nod, Samuel stepped out of the car and opened the door beside Darius. Once Darius was out, they began walking to the small restaurant called 'The Promise'.


Thank you for reading.

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