𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯𝟬 : 𝗠𝘆 𝗖𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮

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3rd person's POV

Masha Allah! The view from top was mesmerizingly beautiful, completely undescribable.

They landed Slowly in an unknown island.

"Allah hu Akbar! Alhamdulliah my Allah and Jhazkhallah khair Ahmed khan!" Samaira was smiling brightly, thanking Allah for blessing her with such caring spouse.

"BarakAllahu feeki Sam! You are my responsibility so please don't thank me"

"But what now Ahmed khan? Even through we are safe now but still unsafe, what if some one attacks us in this unknown land. By the way what's the name of this island, Masha Allah! It's very beautiful but still can't find an angel that can help us. How about I give-----"

"Oh my Allah! You are too talkative for life,
Miss.Hitler I thought you only know how to remove anger on poor souls, with ladoo's stuffed in your mouth which makes you not smile" Fahad giggled.

"Excuse me, Ahmed khan!
Poor soul and you? nice joke but I didn't laugh!"

"Yeah! I'm such a poor guy!" Fahad said, making a puppy face.

"Come out of your thoughts and guess what? I decided a name for you"

"Poor soul?"

"No, bossy pants!" Samaira busted out laughing sticking her tongue out.

"Oh hello! I don't boss around like you"

"ANYONE there" Samaira yelled while Fahad blocked his ears.

"Oh my Allah! If I stay here more you will make me deaf" Fahad said walking while Samaira stood there folding her hands over her chest.

"Walk women" Fahad said turning helplessly.

"Hahah! Ahmed khan not bad you are scared to walk without me" Samaira cracked a joke.

"Ugh! Shush chatter box"


Both kept walking but stopped while they found a division.

"Left"both said at the same time"Right"

"Ahmed khan! My 6 senses are telling me that's it's for sure right!"

"But I think it's left!"


"Okay! What about we toss a coin?"

"Allah hu Akbar! What on earth are you waiting for? Want me to make a beautiful invitation card or something?" Samaira tells with low tone.

"Uff! Women's are sooo--"

"These men are no less!"

"Okay! I go with heads and you are tails!"

Filppp! 3,2,1..........And and it's a head!

"Huh! I won the toss, strong sense person" Fahad smirked.


"Follow me Miss Hitler" Samaira mimicked Fahad, the way he walked.
She added two horns on his head.

"I can see Cinderella"

"Oh my Allah! First time Ahmed khan called me a cute nickname and Cinderella is my favorite"

"Haha. My Cinderella"

"Bossy pants! I'm bored, Can we play 20 questions??"

"Sure, Cinderella!"

"Favorite color?" Samaira started,

"Black! Your Favourite food?"

"Pizza! Your favourite cartoon?"

"I'm not a kid! I don't watch cartoons" Fahad left a chuckle.

"Allah hu Akbar! You never watched when you were a kid? "

"I did but cartoon itself was never my favorite.... Your Destination place?"

"France! Your crush? Or childhood crush? Anyone proposed you or have you proposed someone?" Samaira blabbered out.

"Uff! so many questions at a time?"

"Yup! Sorry very excited to know" Samaira chuckled turning over and walking in an opposite direction facing Fahad, simply walking backwards.

"Long stor---" Fahad wasn't able to complete "Careful" Fahad caught Samaira's hand as she was about to fall in the pit that was covered with grass, when Samaira took a step back she was about to fall in it but Fahad caught her.

Fahad pulled her towards him and she dashed into his hard chest and both fell on the ground.

Samaira was on top of Fahad. She rested her head on his chest with no movement,
"Samaira?" No response.

"Are you fine?" Fahad shook her shoulders but still no response.

Fahad turned over dropping her on the ground,
"Samaira,wakeup!"Fahad rubbed her palms but still she didn't give any response.

Fahad got worried, he turned and was searching for water while he heard a giggle.

'Miss.Hilter is acting?' Fahad's inner soul said,
"Now it's my chance to act!" he smirked to himself.

Fahad picked Samaira up and walked forward near the trap hole and acted like he was about to drop her,
"Allah hu Akbar! what on earth are you planning on doing Ahmed khan?"

"Oh, Nothing much just was about to put a drama queen inside the trap"

"Hehe! Put me down"

"Here? Okay"

"Noooooo" Fahad quickly dropped her on the ground because if he wasted one more second then he would surely loose his ears.

"How did you figure that I was acting" Samaira said as she sat on the ground without caring as her legs ached.

"Who will not know but first you removed my soul out, Huh?" Fahad sat down next to her.

"How caring" Samaira appreciated.

"By the way, I asked you something if I'm not wrong you also heard it" Samaira smirked.

"You seriously want to know? It's past leave it" Fahad asked, hoping she agrees with him because it was past he didn't want to talk about it.

"Oh man, very much eager to know"

"Okay" he took a deep breath.

"She was like a star that kept shinning so bright that she could rob anyones heart, my childhood love actually infatuation because you are my love now you are my wife not her"

"Aww! I didn't know Ahmed khan had a childhood love... Please continue!"

"Okay, so we were Neighboors.
Our mothers were more like sisters than bestfriends.
I didn't know when but she fell for me too, yeah it was infatuation but that moment we where like 9 or 10 years old, to be honest not so much knowledge about what was halaal and what was haraam... I know you must be thinking like 10 year old still no knowledge about what's Halaal? What to do my family was not so much into the religion...... Please don't judge me by that"

"Fahad" Samaira called out his name which made him smile.

"I would never judge you, it was your past. Never hate yourself or blame yourself for the mistakes you made in life. They are turning points. They are important lessons you need to learn.
Remember none of it is a random.
The almighty designs them for a reason. They are meant to make you a better person and you are gone better that's what exactly matters" Fahad couldn't stop smiling and thanking allah enough for blessing her with such understanding spouse.

"Thank you Cinderella, okay I will continue so what happened was her father got a transfer and she had to leave for Canada.
Bidding goodbye was very tough for both, you know I cried alot. But before leaving we made a promise to each other that we would get married when we grow old and she would surprise me first by coming"

"Oh my Allah! Did I come in between your love? I'm sorry Ahmed khan"

"Oops no, it's not like that"

"Then, what about your promise?"

"When the person itself is not there, how would I keep my promise?"

"You mean? The Angel is no more?"

"The angel is no more" Fahad could not stop a tear escape from the side of his eyes.

"Shush! It's okay" Samaira wiped the tear from his eyes.

"To be honest! It's not okay because she died due to me, I think and guess when she came back I didn't even recognize her and I hurted her so badly that I couldn't forgive myself"

"Never blame yourself for anything and forgiveness is always given by Allah and I'm sure you are not the reason. See after 24 years of lifetime, I understood that everything happens for a reason and it's not a accident"

"Actually, she died due to cancer.
The day after I hurted her itself she died. She left a letter for me, reading the letter left my heart shattered.
I realized she was my star shine that returned back to the creator"

"Allah hu Akbar" Samaira couldn't stop her tears coming out because she knows if she was in that situation she wouldn't have been able to control.

"And after that I became workaholic, so busy in my world that I forgot everything. But then Allah picked you for me and I got my Cinderella"

Samaira closed her eyes and cried for thinking so low about him everytime, blaming him for being forced into the marriage. She opened her eyes when Fahad almost yelled,

"Thousands of years ago
The sky was
Introduced to the sea
Wrote down your name
Next to mine"

Mrs.Ahmed khan would we be able to fall for eachother in this island where there is no one seen accept us and till someone finds us" Fahad asked as he opened his arms.

Without thinking much, Samaira hugged him.

"Ahmed khan, I find myself lucky now that I found a treasure like you.
You are one in million, you are my charming prince that came true. Sorry for not behaving good with you before" Samaira had tears forming, however the start of marriage was not good for her but in end it's all allah's plan and everything is written.

"Cinderella, the day I met you my life changed.They way you make me feel is hard to explain. You make me smile a special kind of way.
I guess I already started falling for you" Fahad parted away kissing her forehead, wipping away her tears.

Fahad's phone was on the ground when he sat down it fell almost. Samaira picked it up smiling, when she took she found a coin.
She took and examined it with a glare.

"Ahmed khan! You are a cheater" Fahad covered his ears moving backwards smiling.

The coin was biased, head on both side.

"How can you do this to me bossy pants? I had a strong feeling this route was the wrong one"

"Cinderella! I'm sorry" Fahad surrendered himself by keeping his hands in air.

Samaira moved forward while Fahad took a step back. Samaira messed Fahad's hair,
"Sorry rejected" she smirked.

"Ugh! You know most precious thing of boys are their hair, you should never mess them up" Fahad said setting his hair back normal.

Samaira started tickling Fahad but nothing much happened,
"I don't get tickles" he started doing the same with Samaira.

Samaira couldn't control and she started laughing,
"Bossy pants stop it, I cant control like you"

Samaira again went to mess up Fahad hair but Fahad caught her hands.

"Not again Cinderella" Fahad turned Samaira and she dashed his hard chest, he still didn't leave her hands.

"Look there, 2 lost souls like us" Fahad pointed with boths hand to a tree where two birds sat close to each other, chirping.

"Haha! There are cute" and suddenly the weather betrayed them and it started raining.

Fahad pulled Samaira inside a shade under the same tree but Samaira wanted to get wet.

"No Sam, you will get ill"

"Please" Samaira jumped out, lost enjoying the rain but suddenly she saw the rain stopped, she opened her eyes and saw a shade of leaf then she turned and found Fahad inside the leave to, he had his tux removed he made Samaira wear on top as she was wet.

"Come, walk we will go your way" they kept walking by taking the correct route, soon the rain stopped and they still walked finding no one.

"Are you hungry?" Fahad asked noticing a banana tree.

"No" but Samaira's stomach didn't support and it growled.

"Hahah!" Fahad picked the bunch of bananas calmly.. They continued to collect fruits in between if they found.

They stopped when they reached the end or start of the island,
"Isn't the sea so beautiful?" Samaira asked as both noticed the sea.

"Yes, Masha Allah" Fahad said and noticed the surrounding around.
He found everything there already to make a small house.

"It looks this some one had planned to make a house but left it" Samaira commented while Fahad agreed.

"What say if we make a house and stay till someone finds us"

"That's good idea"

Without wasting a single minute both got into work. Helping each other, almost like after 3 to 4 hours they made a house.

"We did it" Fahad said excitedly.

"Yes! But one thing is missing?"

"Light? It's gonna be night soon" Samaira nodded with a smile of how he read her mind.

Fahad went and collected stones and went inside the house.

Trying quite hard, they lit their house. They both came out and sat opposite to the sea watching the sunset.

Samaira rested her head on Fahad's shoulder, while the dolphins sang jumping in and out. Both intervened eachothers fingers, enjoying the sunset.
Which made the moment more memorable.


Sneak peak:

"Dare you step inside my house?" Mr.Khan yelled which made both Fahad and Samaira halt, who were entering the house.

"I can't let these middle class women play around with my son like how she does with these both" Mr.Khan indicated the pictures he was holding.


A/N Assaalm alaikum and hey!

How are you all doing?

How was the update? Hope you liked it? Excited for the next chapter??

"Every love will hurt you one day, except the love of Allah♡"


Don't forget to shower you love with hitting the star button and drop a comment about how was this chappy?

Special thanks to youngWwriter without her I couldnt have written. Tysm and ilysm.

Remember me in our dua's😘
Keep shinning Bright 🔆
Loads of love to all

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