[3] Sacred Undergarments

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This is the greatest image of all time. Not mine, lol.

3rd POV

Ayano watches Taro through his window under the cover of night. He changes into a white t-shirt, and some boxer shorts. Ayano giggles to herself. He looks so handsome, even in his pajamas! He then looks out his window, seemingly looking straight at Ayano. This causes her to panic. She's well hidden, can he really see her? Her panic then calms as he shrugs, and continues making his bed. She watches as he climbs into his bed, and turns his light out. He smiles and thinks about Ayano as he drifts off to sleep. After half an hour of waiting around, she decides to finally sneak into his room. She comes down from the tree, and runs across the road. She climbs up some vines, and quietly climbs through his open window. As soon as she stands up, she looks over to Taro, who is in his bed, peacefully sleeping. Ayano smiles. He is so cute when he sleeps! After watching him for a moment, she turns around, and looks around the room. She sees a set of drawers, and slowly opens one of them. It makes a little squeak, and she flinches and looks back at Taro, who's still sleeping soundly. Relieved, she turns back around and looks at the contents of the drawer. It's a bunch of clean underwear. Ayano, about to close the drawer, then comes up with a thought. She smirks and looks at the underwear again. She takes out a pair of boxers, and holds them up in the moonlight. She grins, and hugs them. She stuffs them into a little bag that she brought with her.

She walks over to Taro's bed, and gazes down at him with longing. "A..Ayano.." He mumbles in his sleep, as he stirs a little. Ayano blushes, and puts her hand on his cheek. "I'll always protect you, Senpai." She whispers. She takes her hand away, and looks at him for a little longer. She then notices he opens his eyes a little. She widens her eyes, and quickly hides under his bed. Taro sits up, and looks around the room. He could've sworn he felt the presence of Ayano, but it must have just been his dream. Funnily enough, he could still smell her sweet scent. "Strange.. I could've sworn I heard her lovely voice.. Whatever, it was just a dream. I need some water." He groggily says, as he gets up, and makes his way out of his bedroom. She blushes madly. Was he referring to her? He said that she has a lovely voice! The excitement is hard to contain, but she pushes it aside, and quickly makes her way back out of the window, leaving the room in a desolate silence. Taro returns to his room, now content with his water. He turns his lamp on, and places his glass on his side table. He sits on his bed in silence, thinking about the events of that day. He had completely come to terms with his misdeed, but every time he thought of that teacher, he became even more angry. He despised her. He wanted to make her suffer and watch her beg for her life. But there is still someone he hates even more than her. Osano Najimi. He is the bane of Taro's existence. The thought of him only fuels his anger and bloodlust. He has to get rid of him as soon as possible. He cannot let him confess his feelings to her.

He finishes his water, but before he turns off his lamp, he notices something. "Huh? Did I leave my underwear drawer open? How did I not notice?" He asks himself. He gets up, closes it, turns off his lamp, and goes under his blankets to sleep. He would continue sleeping through the night, uninterrupted, dreaming about that sweet girl that haunts his mind.

The Next Morning

Taro wakes up half an hour before his alarm, and decides to leave early, because why not. It's rather lovely to not wake up to the redhead. He gets ready, and rushes out the door. As he does, he sees Ayano and Osano walking by, and catches up to them. "Good morning, Ayano!" He greets. Ayano smiles and blushes. "Good morning, Taro!" She responds cheerfully. Osano looks at them both, shocked and annoyed. On the way to school, they share some small talk, while Osano remains silent. They are the first to arrive at school, with the exception of some teachers. Ayano, Osano, and Taro part ways as they reach the gate. Ayano and Osano walk to the courtyard, and Taro decides to see if that teacher has arrived yet. He walks in from the back door, and looks around the room. Nothing out of the ordinary, until he sees her legs sticking out from behind the podium. "Did she pass out or something?" He asks himself. He walks closer and closer to the podium, and then sees her dead, blood covered body sprawled on the floor. He noticed the multiple stab wounds, and also noticed that the blood on and around her is dry. But the one thing that stuck out most was the horrid smell. It definitely wasn't fresh. "Must've started smelling sooner due to how warm it was last night.." He mutters. After a moment of observing the scene before him, he smiles. "What a shame.. Looks like I'm going to have to tell a teacher." He says, chuckling a little. As he makes his way to the faculty room, he realizes something is off. That teacher was murdered, and it wasn't him. Who could have done this? Why did they do it? He arrives at the faculty room, and sees two teachers.

"Taro Yamada, how are you doing? Can we help you with something?" One asks. "I think I saw a dead body in my classroom! It looked like Miss Rana!" He exclaims, making himself look as traumatized as possible. The teachers widen their eyes, and look at each other. "Alright, I'll go check it out. You stay here, and have a cup of tea to wind down, okay?" The other teacher says. Taro nods, and silently sits next to the teacher. "You poor thing. I can't imagine the pain you're going through right now. The last two days haven't been good for you." The teacher says. Taro just sits there, in silence. "It's unfortunate timing. There is to be an assembly held in Osana's memory today, at the start of school. I hope that this won't overshadow that." She remarks. "Miss.. I don't really want to attend the assembly.." Taro says. "I understand how you feel, young man, but I think you should at least try to attend it. For her sake." The teacher replies. Taro nods slowly, looking at the teacher with a downcast expression. The teacher truly felt bad for Taro, and wished that she could do more for him. The teacher hands Taro a cup of tea. He thanks her, and sips it, remaining silent. The teacher sits across from him. "I know things seem wrong now.. But I promise that it will get better." She says, reassuringly. "Thank you.." Taro says with a small smile. the teacher smiles in return. "I'm going to go and inform the headmaster of the incident. In the meantime, finish your tea, and take care of yourself." She says, looking at him again with sympathy. Taro nods, and watches as she walks out. He finishes his tea not long after, and walks around until the assembly.

Mourning Assembly

The headmaster and faculty at the front of the hall watch as the students pour into the gym in an orderly fashion. Taro and Ayano end up in the middle of a crowd next to each other, on one side of the gym. They look at each other, and smile for a moment, before facing forward again. Taro felt everyone look at Taro with sympathy. They must've found out by now what happened. He hated the feeling of hundreds of eyes peering at him. Thankfully, it stops when the headmaster clears his throat into the microphone, gathering everyone's attention. "Ahem.. As some of you may have heard.. One of your fellow students, Osana Najimi, tragically ended her life yesterday. I'm sure we will all be affected by this in different ways. If you ever feel this way, then please talk to someone about it. Now, unfortunately Osana's death is not the only one to occur within this school. This morning, one of the teachers, Miss Rana, was found dead in class 3-2." As he says this, the students start to whisper among themselves. No one except Ayano notices a small smirk on Taro's face, which quickly fades as he notices her gaze. Ayano was wondering what he could be smirking about, considering Osana died the other day. She shrugs it off though, as the headmaster gathers the attention of the students again. "Alright, settle down. As there is no one to cover for her today, all students of class 3-2 may use the usual class time to study, or join with other classes for the day. For now, let us have a moment of silence, and pray for Miss Najimi, and Miss Rana."

The students follow instructions, and after a little while, the assembly concludes with no issues, and the students are dismissed for their classes. Taro, now with no real class for the day, decides to stick with Ayano, who couldn't be more overjoyed. They both walk to class together, feeling happy, and at peace. "Taro.. I can't imagine the pain you must be feeling from Osana's death.. If you ever need to talk, I'm here." Ayano says softly, with a comforting smile. Taro smiles, and blushes. "Thank you, Ayano. Same with you, if you ever feel down." He responds. Ayano blushes. They arrive to class, and Taro sits at the desk next to Ayano's, where Osana used to sit. The teacher looks over at him, and decides not to bother him. Taro pretends to mourn, and be depressed. However, on the inside, he's smiling, and containing maniacal laughter. The sight of Osana falling to her death and the sound of her screams are etched into his mind, and this thought made him feel that way even more, as well as the sight of the teacher's corpse. He pulls out his book to read, and then notices something that angers him. A boy was looking at Ayano with interest. He knows that boy, too. Juku Ren. One of the weakest members of the martial arts club. He was never a fan of the club to begin with. Now, he has another reason to despise him. Then, like some miracle, an idea pops into his head. He smirks to himself as he starts thinking about his plan with Juku.

On the other hand, Ayano would happen to notice a student named Hana Daidaiyama, looking at Taro with a smirk. She wanted to know what that girl was up to. Ayano snaps a picture of her, and sends it to Info-chan. Not long after, Info confirms that Hana has a crush on Taro. Ayano is angered by this. Although, he does hate bullies, so there's no chance he'd ever want to go out with a piece of trash like her. This fact gave Ayano some comfort, but she still had to do something about her. She cannot tolerate her presence. She wants to do so many things to her. Drown her, slit her throat, electrocute her, you name it. She would be more than happy to do it if it meant getting rid of an obstacle. She then smirks as she comes up with an idea, and turns on her phone again to text Info-chan. The teacher continues talking as Taro and Ayano come up with their brilliant plans to eliminate their rivals.


Ayano and Taro walk out of the class, and as much as they hate to, go their separate ways to their destinations. Taro makes his way to the martial arts club to find Budo, whilst Ayano follows her new rival. As Taro enters the martial arts room, he's instantly greeted by a smiling Budo. "Hey, Taro. How are you feeling?" He asks. Taro smiles. "I'm okay, thanks. Sad about Osana's death, but I'm trying my best to move on." He says. Budo smiles, and nods. "I understand, buddy. Anyway, what are you here for?" He asks. "I'd like to join the club, if that's okay with you." Taro says. Budo's smile widens. "So, you finally want to join after so long! Sure, bud! Here's your headband. Just try to show up at least once a week for activities, and you can come in and spar at anytime." He says. Taro takes the headband, and smiles. "Thank you. I'll see you later." Taro says, as he turns around and walks out, smirking. Juku stands by the door, letting him pass. Taro looks down at him, and his smirk fades into a cold stare. Juku questions it for a moment, wondering if he did anything for Taro to look at him like that, but shrugs it off, and walks into the club. As he walks away, Taro chuckles quietly to himself thinking about the different ways he can sabotage Juku.

Ayano's POV

I am hidden at the pool, listening to my new rival's annoying banter, to try find something out about her. It's mostly just trivial things, gossip, and what they want to do on Friday, which based on what I've been hearing is just a stupid mall trip. I can't understand what is so enjoyable about shopping. "Oh my god guys, Taro is soo hot!" Hana says. This makes my blood boil hearing her say it out loud. "Taro? Really? Come on girl, he's not that hot." Musume remarks, with a scrunched up face. HOW DARE SHE! MY TARO IS A GOD! HIS LOOKS OUTSHINE ANY OTHER MAN ON THIS PLANET! "Yes he is! And don't judge me for my taste, you literally have a crush on Budo." Hana replies. "Hey, don't say that out loud! I can't let that get out." She says, looking around. I take this opportunity to take out my phone and text Info-chan, telling her that Musume has a crush on Budo. Info praises and thanks me. Wait a minute, Info-chan might know something about my rival!

Info-chan, do you have any dark secrets about Hana Daidaiyama?

Since you helped me with that information, I will give you this one for free. She sends inappropriate pictures of herself to men for money, and also has a cannabis addiction.

Thank you.

I smile to myself as I put my phone away. At this point, the girls are back to chatting about random stuff. I get up, and start walking away, with earbuds in to look like I can't hear them. "Who's that?" One of them says out of fright. "Oh, it's just the weirdo." Another one says. "Hey, can you hear us?" Musume calls out, seemingly worried. I don't respond, and keep walking. I smile again, and start walking around the school.

3rd POV

Ayano walks around, occasionally walking up to people she sees, and telling them Hana's dark secrets. So far, everyone seems very disappointed, or disgusted by them. Now that she has told a few people whom she knows likes to gossip, all she has to do now is wait for the results. She smirks at the thought. After a while, Taro catches up to her, and greets her with a smile. "Hello, Ayano!" He says. Ayano starts madly blushing, and struggles to speak. She simply smiles back, and gives him a little wave. He chuckles in response, causing Ayano to become even more flustered. Taro, on the other hand, found Ayano's behavior adorable, and quite entertaining. He just wanted to sweep her off her feet right then and there, and carry her under that tree. He just wanted to hold her, but of course, all of that was fantasy, for now..

Then he had a thought. He should ask her if she wants to hang out after school! It could help them get closer. After thinking about it for a few seconds, he finally speaks up. "Hey, Ayano.. I was thinking, since so much has happened the last couple days.. Would you like to hang out with me after school in town? I really enjoy hanging out with you, p-plus I could use the distraction.." He says, blushing. Ayano's eyes are now wide as hell. She nearly wants to faint! Being the blubbering, flustered mess that she is, she tries her best to muster up a sentence. "Oh! U-uh I-I-I Um.. Y-YES I WOULD LOVE TO- I mean.. Yeah, sure!" She says, as she fails at trying to play it cool. Taro lightly chuckles in response. "Great, let's meet at the front gate after school, after club activities." He says. Ayano smiles and nods. "Sure." She says, blushing. "Awesome! I look forward to it!" He says. Ayano blushes even more, trying so hard to contain her squeals of excitement. A date with senpai!! She's going a date! With SENPAI! Could this day be any more perfect? "Well, I'll see you later, Ayano!" Taro says, before waving goodbye and walking away. Ayano waves shyly, and watches him, and thinking about the afternoon ahead.


You know what? I need to get this chapter out, so here it is! I'll try put more effort - and speed - into the next one. My apologies, lovelies! I hope you enjoyed reading. :)

Thank you for following the development of "Twisted Love".

(Nearly wrote A Yandere and a Delinquent, LOL!)

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