Twisted Fate

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It was dark for a moment,
Until someone grab me by the arms,
There's Mom,pulling me out of a collapsed,burning roof.
Weakly,she tries lift the debris of the burnt wood.
Suddenly,she stop lifting and run away from me giving me a sign of getting some help.
As she ran,my right hand try to reach towards her as I wish I could grab on to her.

She kept on searching for help until at one point,she stops,looking above with a very terrified face,
She fell on her back as a large,winged figure soaring through the sky with a intimidating roar making the sounds of the burning wood and helpless screams useless compare to its roar.
I tried to get out of the wreck and crawl towards her,
Then, the dark figure landed right in front ,facing her.
It's wings made a strong gust as it tries to land, taking out the fire nears it.
My imagination ran wild as a lot of bad possibility could happen to mom with that beast.
"Run! Mom, Run!" I cried but my voice were too weak against the growling of the beast.
Suddenly, it's tail grabbed mom by the waist.
Mom tried to force herself way out of the grip. She tried pushes the tail open and punch it but it was all hopeless.
Now I'm here,being helpless like a burden that I am to mother before, couldn't help her when she needs it the most.
For a moment the figure looked at me with pair deadly glare sending a jolt down on my spine and only with a flap of it's wing it launches itself up the sky a flew away with my Mom still wrapped by its tail.
Their appearance began fading into the distance as I tried helplessly reaching for them.......
No....Don't take her....



Give my mother back..


I jumped out of my bed as my eyes wide open. My right reaches out,my breathing be came heavier than usual as I realize all of that is just a nightmare... That's I what thought it is...

I'm in a small cubic room with dark blue painted wall filled with posters,posted drawings and motivational quotes, my bed place at the opposite of a wooden dark oak door. There's a set of wooden desk with a wooden chair beside my bed. On top of the desk filled with books and curled paper. Right beside the desk,there's a small square window with a turquoise curtain blocking the sun ray entered the room. A rectangle oak wardrobe located exactly opposite of the desk with an armour stand with full iron armour hanged and also a badge-shaped shield and a iron sword goes with the armour. A golden wall clock hanged on top of the of the door,showing the sun just rise and '' shown below the moving cycle of sun and moon. It's time to go to work.

As soon as I got up from my bed my doorbell echoed,multiple times. Shesh... What an impatient lady...

"Coming!" I walk out from my room and walk towards the front door which is the opposite site of my room. My house are not that big, if you look at my room perspective, the living room and the kitchen were located at the right and were mashed together to make a square living room that fits a small cubic TV right beside the front door with a 2 blocks high glass pane right behind it with a white curtain covering the it,a long couch that can fits 3 person opposite direction of the Tv,a rectangular glass coffee table and a fireplace,and also 3 block of oak wood kitchen counter with Deep blue coloured top that's placed between the living room area and the kitchen area. The kitchen are were a little bit full with cubics of oak wood cabinets rectangular,white silver fridge 2 counter with a microwave and a coffee maker on them, and 4 furnaces placed 2×2. And on the left,there are 2 unused rooms with the size of 3×5 blocks. This house are 4 blocks high in the inside,and the bathroom,just located top left of my room's door. My mom design this house saying that 'It is simple but livable... There's pictures of me and my mom hanging here and there on the walls,so I won't miss her that much...

I reached on the doorknob and slowly push in down and pull the door open. The strong sun ray makes me squint my eyes a little but I can see the village from up here,Chilldelpia. Cool name huh...

My house located on top of a hill,a little bit far from capital. Blocky edge of hills are visible around the village making a natural defence from the hostile mobs and outside attacks. The Inn,Mail post,Bank,Blacksmith and shops and Trading post are gathered in the middle,around a big well in the middle,a huge,white castle sat on the left,on top of the hill with a dark silver coloured path towards the front of the castle,a vast area came in view on the right where all types of crops from free season to seasonal crops were planted there and also the main entrance for the village were located here,you can hear sound of steamboats coming from the dock,far north from my house,sounds of metals clanking came from the Blacksmith and the training camp which located downhill from my house. Villagers passing by the fields and a cold breeze soothing through my face. What a nice day to start the da-wait? Why am I here?

I look around but saw nothing until a voice came from below. I looked down and saw C-Captain?!

"Oh shi- I mean,good morning,Lolita miss ." I bowed down and get up as her face turns in to red. Crap I made her angry.

"Good morning to you too and can you be more faster,and don't be so formal to me,we are not in a training session or something"
She walked in and sat on the couch.

I sigh and close the door. "Okay..."

Lolita is my captain for Chilldelphia Defence and Support Force. I know,me,as a 16 years old male teenager taking part of this defence stuff are sound crazy but job is a job and besides,I don't to go to school as this Organization got a learning section for peoples who got in based on your age. Anyway,Lolita is a 23 years old transfered female Elf Captain from the Moon Elf village because before,this village are used to get attacked by Skeleton Jockeys but now everything is fine. But,despite her age she I'd shorter than she were. With the height of 157 cm,she is categorize as a legal loli which she will get mad you say her 'loli'. She got a short,blonde hair that got covered by her brown cap with a pair if goggle on top like those air force bomber use in the 90s,skin colour of Peach,red-ish orange coloured bandanna hanged on her neck but rarely use it,a cup size between B-C,brown shirt that got a long sleeve at her right and a short sleeve for her left,and a long sleeved,Navy blue jean that she fold up until under knee matching with her brown sport shoes with a pair of high white socks. At her left hand,she got a full arm pieces armour from her iron gauntlet till her shoulder while her right arm,she only got an iron gauntlet. At her back,right under where she tie her bandanna, you will see a small badge shape iron plat with a small, round topaz on top of it. This plat is covered by her hair because of the size of the plat are very small. This is the Eneumonen Energy Core which planted inside her when she's little. She never told me exactly when and why. This core stores and generates the Eneumonen Energy can be use as an extra protective shield go herself and her teammates which is controlled by her mind. And also,this is allowed her to wield a giant mechanical hammer,2× the size of her and the weight of 2 Ender Dragons with ease. The hammer were made especially for the core only which means that she can release tremendous amount of power depends on how many energy she stored which,again,can tell by the topaz from behind her back or aura released from her,only she can call which is fully stored or not and also she only can wield the hammer effortlessly. Speaking of which, where did she put her hammer?

This is how she looks like,I took it while both of us got a special training on the Mount Kaboom!. She ask me to take her photo so that I hanged it in my house to make my house 'livable'.

"By the w-"

"Heads up!" I got cut off when she throw an envelop to me. A special notice from the HQ?

"A letter? What's in it?"

"I don't know? Go see for yourself." She shrugged as she lay down on the couch and starts tapping on the remote of the TV.

I'll check later... "Anyway,where's your hammer? As far as I know,you love your hammer so much until you wouldn't let the Higher up to touch it?" I ask as I walk in the bathroom brush my teeth.

"I leave it at my house,sometimes its kinda annoying when you bring a huge hammer around and accidentally bang in to stuff and besides, today's my off day. "

I took a quick bath,wrapped myself in my towel and snorted "Lucky" before I got in to my room. I got a blank black tee,a boxer and a brown short from my wardrobe for today. As I drying my hair I saw my reflection on a rectangular mirror,beside my bed revealing my neon blue coloured eyes,messy dark hair and slightly dark peach skin tone. Damn,if my was still alive now,I would be same tall as her right now,175cm... As far as I know,she died when she giving birth to me. I don't have dad or anyone that I can call dad because pregnancies are controlled by the queen of each kingdom in this case,Mivilion,the Queen of Chilldelphia and Human race. Sounds crazy but it is what it is. Once ever year,on 25 January, everyone will gathered at the royal spring in the castle gate where the Queen will be there and pray to the Aether God,Notch to give blessings and offspring. After that,bright lights will came out from the pool and will landed and several female citizen to mark them as they will pregnant. All race like Sheep,Cow,Dwarf e.t.c will do this on the same date but the rate for gender are a little bit of insane just literally, 99.99% of pregnancy will be female and 00.0000000000001% will be male which is why male is valuable now. A female who impregnated by a male still got stick with this pregnancy percentage which this type of impregnating are impossible as a male offspring will die in a few month as soon as giving birth. Why do I still alive now? Well,i don't know either nor my Captain and mom told me about it so I decided to shut up and move on with my life.

I look at the hanging picture of me and my mom hanging on top of the mirror. Her dark blues eyes,long blonde hair,pale skin,she wore a white gown and a large white hat covering her face from the sun light. I touch gently on the old photo and sigh,I hope you live a happy life up there,mom.

Suddenly,a reflection of the envelop that Lolita gave me earlier appears. I threw the envelop away blindly earlier but I didn't know it land on top of my desk,and even rays shine down on it like something important. Better check it out,I throw the towel from my head on my chair and grab the envelope. As soon as I lift it,a square neon blue card fell down, I grabbed it and look at the card and the envelope,and back to the card. Weird.

Right before I can rip open the envelop suddenly the door behind me banged open making me flinched and threw the envelop back to the desk.

"Yo Isaac,you gotta see this!"


Lolita grab my wrist and pull me out of the room but I able to grab the envelope back before I realised that my body flung across the the room and landed on the couch. Lolita does a side vault over the couch and landed besides me. How did she get the energy to do that in the morning...

"Okay,so what is this 'thing' that really important until I can't have a time t-"

"Watched the damn TV Damnit! The queen! The Queen is-"

I rolled my eyes and look at the TV.

Today,on 29th July 2029,The Queen of Chilldelphia,Mivilion,will chose a life partner,or a husband on her 18th birthday at the royal castle. Every citizen are welcome to her Majesty's birthday party and the person who got an envelope with the royal stamp mark are must to attend this ceremony as one of the candidates. Her Majesty will chose as many partner as she wants. The ceremony will be held at the royal main palace at 8 p.m so don't forget to join this ceremony! Long live the Queen!

What in the world of goodie gum drops that I've just witnessed...

"Okay,the Queen is choosing her life companion and good for her while I'm getting my breakfast."

I got up from the couch and make my way to the kitchen area. Suddenly,Lolita grab my wrist. What now...

"What is it..."

"Can we go to the ceremony tonight? It's been awhile since my last party and beside,there's gonna be a lot of free food!"

Umm.... Free food huh... Well,no other choice than...

"Okay,but just don't get to drunk there,okay? Remember how you almost wreck the training camp?" I sigh as her face starts to flash into a little bit of strawberry.

"I-I promise." She smiled and lay back at the couch,changing the channels.

I continue walking until I'm the kitchen area. I opened up the fridge to get a blocky plate with 2 pieces of cooked beef on it and put it in the microwave,heating it for 5 minutes. After that,I grab a jar of powdered coffee from a shelf on top of me and 2 mugs inside another shelf. I made 2 coffee with extra cream and took out the reheated cooked beef from the microwave,I grab the coffees with my left hand and the plate with my right hand. Then,I started to walk towards Lolita which is still spamming the remote. She began to notice me and got up to sit while resting her chin on her left palm,I sat beside her and place the coffees and the plate in the coffee table.
I pick up the coffee and give it to Lolita.

"Your coffee."

"But I di-"

"It's your favourite,extra cream."

"Thanks." She grab the coffee and smile a little before taking a sip. I smiled and take my coffee and beef. I start to chewing on the beef little by little. Sound of mixed voice from the changing tv channel took over us until Lolita rest her head on my shoulder,I shocked a bit but rest mine on her head and then,she starts to speak up.

"Isn't it to heavy to breakfast with a meet?"

I swallow pieces of meat in my mouth before replay.

"Nah,I'm a growing boy. I need protein you know." I took another bit of the beef.

"I know but at least take some cereal product to give some energy. It doesn't matter how much you eat meat but without energy,you won't get the protein that you eaten,so,get some cereal product food every time,okay?"

I swallow the remaining meat and took a sip of my coffee.

"I will."

Lolita has been like my mom as soon as she moved here in Chilldelphia. I met her when I'm trying designing my equipment,she helped me to give the idea of what I want, she said 'Your equipments symbolize who are you really are,design your equipments based on what you want to be.' . From here,we got closer and closer until I got directed under her command. She raised and teach me since than,everything from food to clothes she bought them for until last year,when I'm 15 where I'm old enough to work at CDSF officially. She raised me in her house located near the castle and this house has been empty since then. This house looks kinda old but there's no such thing bad home,right?

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Suddenly,there's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Lolita jumped out of the couch and walk towards the door while I take a sip of my coffee while spamming on the remote. My eyes move from the TV to Lolita's way as she open the door. At first,her face was shocked but then it ease back. Her mouth starts to moving and her right hand point towards me than back to her. She stood for awhile and nodded. She turns towards my direction and say "It's time!" before bowed and closed the door. Welp,I never knew it would be this fast but duty is duty...

"Sooooo....who is it?" I asked while turning of the TV and grab my plate and mug.

"The castle's guards, as always." She gives a small smile and help me with the dishes. I walk to my room and put on my armour. I grab the envelop on top of the desk and put it inside of my short's pocket before putting on the iron legging. Then,I set the shield at my back and the sword at my side,inside it scabbard. I think I'm ready to go.

I walk out if the room right as soon as Lolita done with the dishes. At first,her expression was somewhat amazed but ease down. Both of us start making our way to the front door. As we arrived at the door she grabbed the keys from the key holder as I open the door. I walk out of the house followed by her. I look down and admire the morning scenery of the village. Now,the village is much more livelier as villagers starts to filling the streets and noises coming from are hearable from here.

"So,you already decided your armour design,huh?" Lolita ask as she starts to lock the front door.

"Not yet,I use this design for awhile while I'm think for it." I look down at my plain iron armour. Less attractive but armour is an armour.

"All set and we're ready to go! Free food,here I come!!!" She skipped happily off the porch down to front yard and down the hill as I follow her at behind.

Let's make the best out of this day!

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