𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. 2

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Huge thanks for Patheticsackofuwus who edited this part!

His emerald eyes were wide open, staring down at the pictures, his heavy breathing echoing in the non-illuminated room, his heart felt like it could burst, it kept beating vigorous, hammering at his ribcage, he felt sick. His body temperature was warm, as a result, constantly he had to wipe off the sweat that gathered at his palms. It felt like he was burning, upon remembering a certain incident, his agitation grew, more and more.

'Does she think I'm a freak now?' 

He thought to himself, reaching out his hand to rub the sweat under his bangs. As his short and hasty breaths carried on. 

'Will she think differently of me?'

'Will she stop talking with me?'

‘Will she be disgusted by me?’

Every second, paranoid thoughts ran wild in his mind, his legs starting to anxiously shake. Hands twitching, controlling himself from gouging his own eyes out. 'Will she even like me now?' His heart dropped. Breath caught in his throat, eyes unblinkingly staring down at the wooden surface.

'No- no- no That can't be- I know she likes me! Even if it's just a bit-! Stop thinking like that you idiot!' izuku nervously smiled, as he forced a chuckle out of his mouth. 
Resting his forehead on his palm, his eyes remained glued to the pictures laying a few inches away. 

'Don't think like that idiot- you're going to give yourself a heart attack!' He breathes in. 'Besides I'm sure she doesn't like that fiancé of hers more than me, yeah. She likes me.'

'Then why else will she smile at me? Every-time we cross paths, her face always lights up! And that’s all because of me!'

He smiles, grinning down at the pictures. Moving his finger towards it, he gently caresses the person on the image. His eyes immediately softening, his heart now pulsating properly, but with deeper beats. He suddenly felt warm, not a unbearable kind, a good one, it felt he could live in peace. Forever, but if someone try’s to take that away, he definitely won't be too happy.

'I'll help you out y/n, I promise I will.' 
'I swear it on my life.'

The next morning➛

I rubbed my eyes, feeling the sting in them immediately after, of course what did I  expect, I did not get the hours of sleep I needed. My vision hurts, my head hurts too, everything hurts. Did I eat anything last night? I don't even remember if I did, I was too focused on other things. That being my y/n, I wanna see her today, will she come out? 

Should I go and meet her myself, but what if I make a fool out of myself again, I doubt she'll feel comfortable around me, at least not now. I just have to make her understand, then everything will be alright. I mustn't make her worry too much.
Does she think that I'm stalking her? Because I'm not, I'm just protecting her, what will happen to me if she somehow manages to get herself killed? I won't live for long either, not without her.
I stop in-front of the window, glancing outside, hoping to see her roaming around, taking a walk or watering the plants, unfortunately, she's not there. 

really wanna see her. 

After she abruptly left our little date together, I can only remember her terrified expression. That made me feel so bad, and it's all because of him, him! That- no no, don't lose your temper, you're going to take care of this in the nicest way possible. 
What's better than slamming his head with a bat? Hmm. 

I've gotta do my research before I even plot anything, it has got to be good, perfect. I can't keep her waiting. 

I don't know why, whenever I think of y/n I always feel at peace, I don't feel like a living piece of failure. Maybe it's because I love her? That's why my heart beats so.. fast, I wish even she felt the same way, I'm sure she does, she just doesn't realize it yet. Yeah, so I have to help her out. 

When was the first time we met? Oh yeah.. i remember, it was a rainy day. How was I feeling that day? I don't remember, I just forgot every single bad thing after I met her face to face. 

She's so.. pretty.. so beautiful.. so perfect..
I could live by just looking at her, every waking hour and night. 

I wonder what's she's doing right now..
Is she thinking about me too?? I really wish she is.. how many times have I wished that same thing again and again? Haha.. I don't even know. Is mom awake? I should check if she is.

Turning around, I walk out of my room, steadily moving towards the kitchen, peaking in I immediately see my mom standing at the counter, preparing breakfast. Thinking of going back unnoticed, I inch over to take a step back, just as I'm about to leave, she calls out. 

"Izuku!! Sweetie, breakfast is ready!" 

I nearly jump out of shock, without making a sound I walked back to the kitchen. "Good morning mom.. how did you sleep?" I asked as I took a seat silently.

"Good morning to you too honey, I slept just fine, did you sweetie?" 

"Yeah.. I did." I replied, seconds later pivoting my gaze down to the wooden surface of the table.

"Hmm? Is something wrong izuku?" Mom asked, I instantly give back a smile, saying there wasn't anything wrong, besides, it's not like she could know about it, I wanna keep it as a surprise for mom, I'm sure she'll like y/n.. I mean, she already does right? She just doesn't know it's y/n I love yet.

"Do you want me to help you with anything mom?" I asked. She turns over to me, quickly smiling and saying, "oh no! thank you izuku, I'm almost done!" 

I nod, returning back to my thoughts, I suddenly remembered about a incident with y/n, and I nearly laugh out loud. God.. she's just too perfect for me. 

I pray that we both end up together.. even if it's impossible.

"Hey mom..?" I speak up before I even command my mouth to open, letting my unfiltered thoughts gush out. 

"Can I invite someone for dinner tomorrow, they're just some friends of mine." I said.

"Oh.. of course honey!! I'll have prepared something special! 


I stand in-front of her house, thinking of how to redeem myself, and erase the slightest bit of suspicion she has of me, instead, she should be aware of that.. fiancé of hers, not for long though, I will claim back my place, because it is rightfully mine, how did this even happen, I was always watching over her, how did that jerk enter her life without me even knowing it? I should have been extra careful, I should have done better, I will now, without a doubt, I'm not letting that man take her away from me.

Whilst glaring at the house, I take a step forward before turning my gaze to the entrance, I hope she's home. I know she doesn't go anywhere today, I bet she's busy having a shower or doing something productive, maybe she's having fun.. I cease before the door, clenching my fist as my hand neared to knock on the door. 

Loudly tapping three times, I halt, waiting to hear some sort of noises, but I heard none. 
Bewildered, I move my glance towards the window, inching closer I peek in, observing the insides. Is she still asleep? 

She didn't part her curtains, did she? Is she okay? I hope she's not doing anything.. naughty, without me. Should I try once more? Figuring I should try, I go back to the spot and held up my hand to knock, but the unexpected happened, and I couldn't help but clench my fish harder. 

It was him.. he lives with her? Who does he think he is! Does he not having any decency? 

"Oh hello." I spoke, staring into his eyes.

"Hey, what is it that you want?" He asked, with a bored expression on his face, I bet he's raging inside, he sure is straightforward.

"I want to talk with y/n." I answered without any hesitation.

"Why?" He immediately said. 

"Because I need to talk with her." I replied.

This guy isn't planning to keep her away from me, is he? With not a name title of being her 'husband' he sure is controlling, and I'm not letting anyone control my y/n.

"Well.. too bad, she's not awake right now."

"Really?" I added.

"Yeah, really." He replied, glaring deep into my eyes, "may I check then?" 

"And why would I let you do that?" 

"Because we both are best friends, even more than just friends." 

"Uh-huh, is that right? Last time I checked I was her soon to be husband." 

I furrowed my eyebrows, taking in a deep breath, controlling my urge to straggle him. 

"Yeah? Well too bad you're not verified yet, you are still quite unofficial." I retorted, I'm not letting this guy get on my nerves. This guy is certainly not the type for y/n, he's controlling and possessive, I can just tell by looking into his eyes.

She won't be happy with this jerk.

She'll only be happy with me. Only me.

"Better than being unnoticed." He replied with a smirk, he knows that I have feelings for her, far stronger than his, and still he is being so inconsiderable. 

"She should be awake by all the ruckus you're causing. May I come inside." 
"Why would I let you-" 

"That's not a request, it's a necessity. You're not going to keep a guest outside are you? How rude." I said. "I bet she's not going to be happy with your behavior. Oh dear." I added.

I saw him clench his fist, and I couldn't help but smirk at his disturbing face.

"Oh. That may be right, but you are no guest, you're a stalker, a intruder." 

"Same to you. Controlling freak." 

"What did you just say--" 

"Umm.. shouto, who's at the door?" I heard her soft, sweet voice speak from behind him, my heart skipped a beat, she's here.

"Hey y/n! It's me, izuku!" I cheerily replied.

"Oh.. izuku?" I hear her say, she's so cute when she is confused. 


For a moment, there was silence. "Uh.. ah what's the matter? Is there something you need?" She asked, so politely. I can feel my heart beat fast. 

"I just came here to invite the both of you to dinner, tomorrow whenever you're free." 

"Dinner? Oh! It's been so long since I've tasted miss inko's cooking!! We'll certainly come!" She replied, very excited. 

"But honey- I'm not free-" 

"Sheesh now! I know you are, please make some time for me sweetie!" She said, with a pout. They're making me jealous.. how dare this guy call my y/n honey? Only I'm supposed to call her that! 

He sighs, not saying anything else. 

"We will surely come! Is that all?" 

"Yeah. Bye then." I said, turning around to leave, I need to prepare everything. I'm not letting this chance go to waste. 

After entering back inside, I noticed my mom standing at the refrigerator, looking worried. "What's wrong mom?" 

"Oh izuku sweetie, we're running low on food right now, could you go get some groceries for me honey.?" 

"Yeah sure." 

A few minutes later_ 

Picking out a bottle of juice, I put it into my cart, looking around to see what else I had to buy. Is there no poisonous stuff here? Of course not, I have to buy something that is legal, hmm.. what can I do to rid of him? Hmm.. I search the market, thinking hard to remember anything crucial.


This should work. 

"Welcome!! Come in!" 

I heard my mom exclaim, is it y/n?? I feel my heart start to pound, I'm not yet ready!! Oh my god oh my god, relax izuku you shouldn't get too excited, you need to focus, do it right! Calm down calm down.. I gotta do it for her. You can't afford to make any mistakes, it should all be perfect, absolutely perfect.

Walking downstairs to meet y/n and an not so welcomed guest, I take a deep breath before entering their point of view. Instantly I could see that jerks face turn stoic, he's come prepared it seems, gotta act clever. 

"Hello! It's so nice to see you! I'm really glad you came! Izuku doesn't bring anyone over and this is such a rare occasion!" Inko spoke. Grinning wide in joy.

I force a smile towards todoroki, and he returned back the same. 

"Come on! Let's have dinner before it gets cold!" Mom said, gesturing y/n and todoroki to follow. 

Settling down, me opposite to this jerk and y/n next to him, why couldn't she sit next to me though. Is she still upset about that? Is that why she's been trying to avoid eye contact. God.. I can't..

"Have some more rice! I've made especially for you two!" Mom said. 

Mom likes y/n, doesn't she? I mean who wouldn't, she's nice, she's kind and she's so adorable, not even I can resist her. I really hope our toes would touch one another, that would be so.. delightful. I force in a breath, pursuing a smile, just her being here makes me so nervous, so anxious I wanna just stop breathing, and keep staring, just drinking in those beautiful details, I gulp, I shouldn't get too excited, calm down calm down..  my heart won't stop beating I bet she could hear it, I'm nervous, I can't breathe.

"Izuku sweetie, why aren't you eating anything?" Mom suddenly asked, snapping me out of my daydream, flashing her a smile and a slight shake of my head. I dig into my meal. Of course, momentarily looking over to y/n. Watching her eat..

"It's really good miss midoriya!" Y/n said. 

That's gonna be your name too someday.. and that's going to be soon.

"Oh I'm flattered! Thank you!" 

"So, todoroki how do you like the food?" I asked, staring at him intensely. "It's good. Something must have been mixed to make this so good! I like it." He replied, does he know that I.. 

"Oh! You two are so humble!" Mom said. 
Ignoring what mom said, I looked over to todoroki's plate, not a lot has been consumed, is he..

"Honey, open your mouth! Let me feed you once." 

Y/n blushed, hesitantly moving her face towards todoroki, no.. he's going to- "no! Stop-" Before I could think, those words are already out of my mouth, no what have I done? Stupid stupid stupid stupid-

"Is-is something the matter izuku?" Mom called out. 

"Um no.. I uh, I just remembered something." Sheepishly I rubbed the back of my neck, smiling awkwardly. I can't let him give his share to y/n. I gotta do something- quickly sitting down, I stared down at my meal. I have to do something-

"Ah! would you both like something to drink?" I suddenly asked. Stunning everyone in the room.

"But they haven't-" 

"I'll get us some drink!" I said, quickly getting up and running off to the kitchen, I can't let my plan go to waste, I should do something! Anything!! 

"Tsk that damn jerk!" I whispered to myself.
Bringing back the glasses filled with juice, I gestured everyone to take a sip, which of course, one of them, remained suspicious. 

"I brought this special drink a while back, stored it up for a special occasion! Would you like it!" I smiled, taking back my seat, I slowly begin to eat. 

I'm waiting for it to take effect but.. 
Suddenly, y/n starts coughing, no I didn't miss arrange the cups, I'm certain I didn't-! She violently begins coughing, concerning both me and todoroki and mom. "Y/n-" the moment i call out her name, she falls out of her chair, her coughs carrying on. 

"What's happening-!?" 

"Call the ambulance!! Now!" No no no no I couldn't have done this! How could I have done a mistake!

I can't let her die.

No.. there's no way I can let her die.

The last thing I saw was todoroki's glare, directed towards me.

"You little son of a-!!" I felt a punch land on my face, staggering back before falling down on the ground.

"If it weren't for you! You would have been died by now and y/n would not have to suffer!" I yelled. Glaring back at the angered male.

"This is all your fault you brat! Don't you dare put this on me!" 

"Well you are not any less innocent!" I shouted. 

Losing his last strain of patience, he bolts towards me, hastily I stand up, dodging his punch. Kicking his legs, i see him fall face down on the concrete floor. Gritting his teeth, he darts his gaze back to me. Within a blink of an eye, he's back on his feet, running straight at me.

I try and move out of the way, but I'm pushed back, hitting my head on the ground as we both wrestle one another. 

He lands a hard punch on my face, as a result my vision blurred from the terrible pain, I groan, hitting him with my elbow, and head butting him. He drops back in pain, seeming way more enraged. 

Blood tickles down his forehead, feeling the wet sensation, he puts up his hand to touch it, seeing the blood, he grits his teeth harder, dashing towards me again. 

However, before I could react, a layer of ice covers my entire body, freezing me in place. Todoroki smirks. 

"Didn't see that coming?" He comes closer, giving me a devilish smile. " sleep tight!" 
My world suddenly becomes dark. 

Everything is blurry the moment I open my eyes, there's this pain at the back of me head, that's so irritating it bugs me so much, I can't hear anything, it's pitch black, where am I? Did I actually get knocked out by him?! That jerk-! I can barely see anything right now.

Blinking a couple of times, my eyesight adjusts to the darkness, now able to witness the dark skies, and hear the soft breeze blow by. 

Where am I..? 

I try to rise up, but then I realize I'm tied down, no.. I feel something cold on my ankle, oh my God.. don't tell me. 

He froze my feet to the ground?! That- 
A loud piercing noise enters my ear, it sounded like.. a train.?

Did he tie me down on the tracks!?

I panicked, I can't die here! I haven't even told y/n about my feelings! I struggle, moving back and forth, but to no avail, how can I break free out of this ice!? I'm dead! I failed! 

No! How could I fail!? Please- come on!
The sound grows nearer and nearer at a rapid pace, at this point I don't think I'm gonna survive!

"Hey, is that ice on the tracks..?" I heard someone speak.

"Yeah it is, but what is it doing there?" 

"Let's check it out!" 

"What no are you crazy!" 
Thinking this is my chance, I start shouting on the top of my lungs!

"Help! Please help me!" 

"Oh my god, there's a person in that ice we gotta save him!" 

"How are we going to break this ice genius!"

"With the stones I'm sure we can!" 

"Please! Hurry!" I shouted.

"I can't die here!!" 

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