Chapter 5: Just Give Me A Reason

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"What the fuck am I doing?" He blinked a few times "what the fuck are you doing?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"What am I talking about? I'm talking about you getting all cozy with my teammates who-"

"Vince, stop-" I cut him off before he stopped me.

"I saw it Y/N, I had to sit there and watch it all happen and pretend like it didn't phase me at all" his voice got lower as he kept talking.

"Well you didn't do a very good job of it" I tried to joke.

"Just go home, Y/N" he said softly, not looking at me.

"Wait what? No!" I crossed my arms. "This is a work event, if you want to sit out here and pout about whatever you think may have happened than suit yourself, but I promised I wouldn't let you ruin anything about this event and I'm sticking by that"

I turned to walk back into the event as he tried to say something but I was already uninterested.

"Can I just get a whiskey please?" I asked the bartender as soon as I walked up to the bar, not even noticing Morgan was at the bar as well.

"Whoa, whiskey? Talk didn't go well?" Morgan asked jokingly.

"Your friend is a jerk" I huff.

"What happened?" Morgan's demeanor turned serious.

"He accused me of cozying up to his teammates and then told me to go home" I grabbed the drink from the bartender.

"Are you serious?" Morgan asked after I nodded a thank you to the bartender.

"I didn't even get to talk to him, it's like he was a brick wall" I sighed.

"Well, Amy was looking for you. She's at Gourde's table"

"Thanks" I offered a smile and started my journey to Amy.

"There she is!" Amy said happily as I approached the table. "I've been looking for you, we want to hang out with you!"

"Sorry babes, I was just...putting out some fires" I laughed.

"Enough said, sit down sit down" she smiled motioning to an empty spot.

I got comfortable at the table and set my drink down.

"Whiskey? Didn't see that coming" Andre rose an eyebrow.

"It's been a long night" I giggled "nice to finally actually get to meet you though" I held out a hand.

"Same, I've heard nothing but good things" he shook my hand.

"Should we get a round for the table?" Yanni asked as he flagged down a waitress.

"Oh, no, I'm fi-" I started before Amy spoke over me.

"Yes! She definitely needs one" she smiled at me as I rolled my eyes.

The whole table looked at me almost as if they were pouting.

"Fine, one" I said laughing and holding up a finger.

"What kind?" Yanni asked pointing at me.

"Oh I don't know, I don't really do shots..." I answered quietly.

"She'll like anything" Amy reassured with a little laugh.

Yanni said something to the waitress who nodded and walked away. We talked until the waitress came back with a tray full of our shots.

After they were handed out, Jamie gave us a countdown and we all downed our shots.

"Well?" Amy looked at me expectantly.

"That was pretty good" I looked into my empty glass before turning to the waitress. "What are the ones called you light on fire?"

"No, no" Andre said quickly to the waitress "she's good" he shook his head and motioned to the waitress to not.

"What?" I looked at Andre unbelieving.

"I'm not going to be part of the responsible party that gets one of the star event planners severely scorched" Andre chuckled.

"He's got a point" Jamie pointed. "Please don't drink anything on fire"

"Buzzkills" Amy joked, shaking her head.

As we all laughed, I saw Morgan walk back into the event with Vince right by his side. His eyes immediately fell on our table.

I looked away quickly, trying not to make it obvious.

"You good?" Yanni watched me curiously.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I pause. "Another round?"

"Are you going to try and light them on fire?" Andre joked.

"Don't tempt her" Amy laughed as she pulled me away from the table by my elbow.

"What's going on?" I asked Amy as she pulled me away from the table.

"What happened?' she asked, crossing her arms.

"What do you mean?" I tried to play it off. 

"Something had to have happened, you're wanting shots, wanting to light things on fire and your posture changed the second Vince walked into the room. What happened?" She pushed.

"Look, I tried to talk it out and it didn't go the best. He basically told me to leave and accused me of 'cozying up' with his teammates so I would rather just...not think about it right now, okay?" I kept my voice low.

"He what?" Amy raised her voice.

I motioned to her to keep it down and nodded my head.

"To be honest I really don't even feel like being here anymore"

"Then we can leave" Amy shrugged, turning to move away.

"We can't" I took a deep breath. "He'll think I left because of him"

"Well yeah, he made things super uncomfortable" she gave me a 'duh' look. "plus, I'm not feeling that well anyways...I should have eaten before we came"

"I just-" I started before I was cut off.

"You girls alright?" Jamie asked, approaching us with shots.

"She wants to leave already" I answered quickly.

"Really?" Jamie looked at us shocked "it's still early"

"I'm just not feeling the best" Amy said cautiously.

"You're not leaving are you?" Max asked worried as he approached us.

"She's not feeling well" I answered quickly.

"Oh no, you should definitely take care of yourself then" Max said sympathetically.

"He's right, we need you on your A game" I said softly, secretly hoping that I had found my excuse to leave. "Let's get our coats"

"Well, wait" Max stopped us. "You don't both have to leave right? I was kind of hoping at least one of you would stay for most of this"

I looked between Amy and Max. Max looked so terrified, I felt bad. But, I could also tell that Amy wasn't lying about starting to not feel well.
"She's my ride" I said to Max.

"Yeah, if I leave her here how will she get home?" Amy tried to help my cause.

"I can take her home" Jamie said to Max.

"Y/N?" Max looked at me hopefully.

Well, this took a turn.

A/N: Sorry it took...well literally forever 😅 but we're back babes! 🥰

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