{Inscure pinky}

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Whole party went in bad mood. She tried to contact him , but his phone is coming switched off.  Since he left ,he didn't come back. And now it's time for everything to get close. She run her eyes around tiredly and set on the bench rubbing her forehead in tension. She really don't understand ,why he didn't trust her on little thing. Till morning he was expressing his love for her .and was saying , he will always trust her ,no matter what. But in non second ,he changed his colour and distrusted her leaving her between loads of people like this. She felt humiliated the way he yelled.  She agreed ,she  mistakenly called rayaansh .but if she did it then he shouldn't have issue with it. She is his wife.  She is married to him. She really don't want anyone else in her life except him and he knows it as well. Still he   Shouted at her and left  like it's all her fault. 

Annie you alright ??? Ryaansh took seat near her keeping hand on her shoulder.  As anika felt his touch she flinch and stood up looking at him angrily.

What do you want rayaansh. Why are you doing all this shit.  Move on for god sake. I don't want you in my life. Don't force me to finish all the ties with you. You are just my good mate. Nothing more. Stop making things complicated between me and shivaay. Now  today because of you , we fought infront of people.    Anika says  gazing at him tiredly not able to understand,  why he is doing all this and what's he getting out of it.   Ryaansh rub his forehead and stood up looking straight on her face. 

Can't you see my love for you Annie.   I've been dreaming about us since I've realised, i love you. I agreed I have done many  mistakes in past.  They were so  wrong . I shouldn't had do it. And might my those  mistakes led  me to lose you. But I wanna correct my  mistakes. I want you back. Please Annie come back to me. That shivaay is not worth if you. Now look today only , how he distrusted you. That guy is not trust worthy Annie. Please come to me.  He raise his hands to touch her arms but before he do , anika  slap him looking at him with blood shot eyes.  

Don't  just don'ttttt you have not only lost your love but our friendship as well. After so much difficulties , I'd given you chance to thinking , might you have been changed. But no you haven't. You came back in my life to make it more miserable. For your mere little happiness , you are putting  fuel in my  life. If you would had  loved me truly , then you wouldn't  had been  behaved like this. But no you are trying to bring rift between us.  Look Ryaansh from now on. Don't even dare to contact me. My and your friendship has been finished. You are  no longer welcome in my life.   Did you understand. Saying this she glare him and left firm there wiping her stubborn tears whicn roll down seeing her life getting rift apart.  Whenever she gives chance to someone , same person ends up hurting her.  Whether if it's shivaay or this bloody rayaansh.

At  oberoi mansion

Shivaay comes  home in disheveled state and walking  towards his room , when his mother came infront  of him folding her arms.  

Mom he whispered feeling confused seeing her awake at this time.

Shivaay  are you alright. She goes toward him and cups his face looking  at him concernedly.  

Yes mom I'm fine. Just little bit tired. And I wanna sleep for that.  He smiles  removing her hand from his face

You don't need to hide it shivaay.  I can see that how much you are sad because of that girl.  I'd told you ,she is not good for you. She will end up hurting you. And see  ,it's already started.she knew that you don't like that Ryaansh. Still she called him in the party. It's showing that she doesn't value your wish.  I'd already told you. That girl  is not worth of you. But you didn't listen to me. Now look what happened. She is over powering you shivaay. She don't  care  about you. being mom of yours , I can see how much you  felt hurt when you saw her  with him.  I can totally get it. I ....

Mom it's  just a little thing. Why are you creating fuss in it without any reason.  Hearing her son she  baffled and stutter not able to understand him. Shivaay look at her face and then remove her hand from his shoulder stepping back. 

God mom , I never thought that you hate  my  wife this much. Yh I agreed I knew you don't like her. But the way you are talking. It's seems you don't only like her. Infect you hate her to the core. That's why as you got opportunity you started filling my ears against her. She is my wife for god sake. And I know her very well that she loves me only. She would never choose someone else at me. It's just,  I  got angry in heat of moment and left from there. But that's  Doesn't mean , I'll end everything with her without any reason.  That rayaansh is in love with her. And I know that. That's why don't want him to wonder around her.  as his attentions are not good.  But that's doesn't mean , I don't trust my wife. I do trust her the way she does.  So don't even think that I'll come in your  silly words and will leave her.   Look mom come into senses before I tell dad about your doings. You very well know that if I told dad what you up to then how he angry he  gonna be. And I don't think so you would want him to yell at you. Hmm. Anyways good night. Go and sleep.  Don't think evil things against my anika.  He look at her sternly and left from there leaving her statue on her place. Her own plan back fired her.  Instead filling hate against anika , she made him against her.  She groans and hit her foot on the floor feeling hell hate for  anika , who is causing all this. Her son never talked to her like that. It's first time he done it and that also because of that girl. She won't forgive her. She would never. 

On the other side

Shivaay comes in his room and found his wife is sleeping in same clothes which she was wearing. The way her face is thrusted into the pillow  , seems like she is in deep sleep.   He sighs and throw his coat on the sofa  marching towards her.  He slowly  slid  besides her and took her in back hug wrapping his Arm around her waist. He kept his face between her neck and shoulder and place feathery kisses on her skin making her gasp with sudden contact of  someone and set up breathing heavily. Seeing her state shivaay  set up and immediately take her face between his palm looking at her concernedly.

Hey you alright ,? What happened. Seeing him talking softly she  remove his grip from her face and get up.

Where are you going. Hey  stay with me. He catch her wrist to keep her with him but she removed it and step back.

I need to change my clothes and then have to sleep. I've early morning  meeting. Seeing her behaving so coldly , he sighs and stood up infront of her looking straight into her eyes.

I'm Sorry.I shouldn't had  react like that. It's my mistake. I should had listened  to you.  I shouldn't had behaved like a baby.  I'm sorry. He raise his hand to cup her face , but she didn't let him and jerk it away.

You knew that , I didn't do deliberately. still you chose to shout at me. You didn't even give me chance to explain to you.  and you yelled infront of many people.  Do you know , how sad I was seeing you distrusting me. I didn't belief that you would  behave so silly like this on a little matter.  Whole time i was cursing myself for doing  such thing. I was blaming myself for you being hurt.  But why do you care , you just chose yourself on everything. That's why 'you left from there yelling me like , I'm having an affair with him and called him there to  make you feel down.  You disappointed  me shivaay you really did. In non seconds you made our relationship so weak that now I'm afraid how it gonna carry on on future.

Don't say that. Nothing gonna happen like that. We will stay together forever. He immediately spoke holding her arms in his hold.

Oh really then why did you do all that in party. Till morning,  you were  promising me that nothing sort of thing like this ,you would do in our relationship. You will always trust me. But In span  of few hours,  you broke all your promises in blink. How can you do this. How could youu. You know what it's my mistake. I shouldn't come in your words.  Might i won't had faced all this. Tears fell from her eyes after saying last sentence and she walked off from there before he stops her and detain for his mistake. 

Shivaay hit his head and set on the bed cursing himself for behaving so silly.  In possessioness he got so blind that  he didn't realised , how big damage he is doing between them. He groan and hit his  hand  on the mattress  in fury.

After some minutes

Anika comes out and directly went towards the bed without sparing glance at him shivaay  who was waiting for her to come out. As he saw her he went behind her and held her arm stopping her to set on the bed.

I'm sorry Annie please talk to me. I know 'I behaved so silly. But forgive for last time. I promise I won't do it. he pleads having puppy eyes trying his best to convince her. Anika exhale the breath and look at him sternly.

It's not about sorry shivaay. It's about your trust over me. If tomorrow someone will come and will say you that he likes your wife. then you will behave same exact like this without trying to search about actual matter and afterwards you gonna blame me. Which i don't want at all. For a strong relationship , we have to have trust on each other. If we won't have it then it will collapse next second leaving us heart broken.

I'm sorry I promise I will never do that again. Please forgive me. Seeing his sad face shape shakes her head and hugged him keeping her head on his chest.

Today I'm forgiving you. But next time don't do it. I won't able to forgive you.

I would never I promise. I will never repeat the mistake which I've done this time. I'll make sure that I will talk to you first before jumping in conclusions. He says kissing her head softly.

Good now let's sleep. I'm feeling really sleepy. Because of you I've got headache. And I guess it will go after sleeping only.

What ???? you have headache. Wait I'll get you something to eat. Might it help you. He try to go but she held his hand and stopped him

Don't worry. I'm having it because of lack of sleep. Now instead running around get in bed with me. Hm saying this she held his hand and lay down on the bed along with him.

In Morning

Anika is going out in hurry while talking with her secretary , when pinky came infront of her blocking her way. Seeing her serious face anika cut the call and smile trying to lighten their atmosphere.

An. Err do you need anything aunty.

Yes my son. Pinky says folding her arms infront of her making anika silent.

An. What are you saying aunty ??? What do you mean???.

P. Which you heard. I've enough seeing you taking my son away from me. Time to return him now . I can't let him to be with witch like you , who is trying to control him.

An. You are taking me wrong aunty. I never intended to control shivaay. He is your son only. And he loves you the way he used to do before.

No he don'ttttttt he don'tttt she screams making the family look at them who were doing breakfast in dining area.

What are you doing mom. Shivaay immediately March towards his wife and mum and stood infront of them looking at his mother with confusion seeing her yelling at his  wife like that.  

What I'm  doing. Whay this girl is doing with us. Since she has came into this house. our peace has been finished.   I don't think so even a day I spent being happy.   I never wanted her as my daughter in law. As I know she has habit to control things. And she gonna do to you as well. And it happened. She took all control over you and now snatched you from me.  Shivaay this girl is not worth  to be this house daughter in law.  I don't want her here. Better if you divorce her as soon as possible.  Hearing his mother,  he widen his eyes and look at his father and wife shockingly. 

What the hell are you blabbering pinky. Have you lost your mindddd. Shakti scream seeing her  speaking shit  in jealousy. 

Yes I've lost my mind since she had came In This house. I don't like her the way she is ruling on my  son.  I can't see him going away from me.  

Aunty I'm not doing this. I swear. You are taking  me wrong. Might sometime in heat of moment , you felt like this. But I swear , I have never even thought to take your son away from you.  The way he is my husband. He is your son as well.  And I guess , he loves both of us equally or you more than me.  It's been m 8 months,  we are married and right now only little things got sorted  out between us.  Maybe that's why he is spending time more than me. But that's doesn't mean he don't love you. He do love you aunty. And I can assure you that. 

You will assure me ha. Youu ..... who is soul reason of ittt ..... she screams holding her arm so tight digging her nails in her skin. 

Mom stop it.  Seeing his wife getting hurt , Shivaay immediately remove her grip from his wife and stood between them. 

Don't mom. Just don't... I'd thought that after yesterday night conversation you will get quite. But no I guess your anger have been reached on peak.   Last night I , thought might in anger you tried to fill my ears against my wife. And asked me to leave her. But I didn't think that it was hate for her.   Mom I love you. I really do.  My love for you can never be finish whether whoever comes in my life.  But anika is my wife as well. And if tried to spend more little time with her then I think it's shouldn't be big  deal. 

Yea shivaay is right.  You have to think wisely pinky. You are not  10 years old anymore. Who would  feel jealous seeing her  parents spending time with their another kid.  You have  grown up.  You have  three sons , who are having marriage age. Being  alder of this house';You should think about well being of this house.  And if your son is happy with his wife.. then you should be happy seeing it ,instead feeling insecure. Dont repeat the history again. I'vent forget that time , when you had created  same chaos when I was spending little time with my mother just because she was sick.   

P. But she is not right for my son and. ....

Sh. So you are trying  to say that ragini was best for me. Who  was here to finish all oberoi clan. 

P. No it's not that it's just.

Sha.  You can get any girl for your son. But she won't be better than anika. She knows how  to cope up with the situation . She is brave and good handler.  Unlike those girls , who would just stay at home to create rift between family.   Get your senses pinky before you lose everything.   If you would love Shivaay's wife then his respect for you will increase along with love.  Did you understand.    Pinky puffs her cheeks-and look at anika with hate who is already looking at her with teary eyes.  Pinky wipe her tears harshly and left from there still having hate for anika. 

Shivaay look at his wife and side  hugged her rubbing her arm.

She will be fine. He assures her giving her small smile which anika  reciprocated. but she knows pinky hate for her have been increased more than decreasing

Precap ........ pinky ask anika to cook food for her friends

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