{Ragini got exposed}

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Anika comes out from there bathroom and found her husband is sitting on the edge of bed looking at his face. Seeing his face , she understood ,  ragini must be messaging him. She slowly padded towards him and stood infront keeping hand on his head.

Hey you alright ??? Is everything fine . Shivaay softly pulled her towards him and made her set on his lap making her wrap her legs around his waist.

You are fine right. She mumbles running her fingers in his hair. Shivaay nods and kept his head on her bosoms showing her phone.

It's khana , he phoned me before few minutes and told me that why she is doing this?. And he sent the proofs as well. Saying this he pulled out his phone and showed pictures, where little ragini is standing with a Man, who seems to be her father age. But he is not her father at all . Those parents whom he has met , this guy doesn't seems one of them.

Who's he ?? Anika says strolling her fingers in his hair.

According to the khana ,he is her father and those people ,whom she was calling parents infront of us. Actually, they are some third class theatre actors and she brought them infront of us to pretend them as her parents. But in actual they are not. He says looking at his wife , who formed frown on her forehead looking at him.

But why she did it. ?? What's her plan behind it. ??? She farrow her brows.

Sh. Khana said this guy used to work in our factory. He was manager there. And according to ragini , he died because of my father. He saved my dad ,when once our factory had got caught fire . But during this he saved my father. but he died being stuck in there. And this girl is taking revenge on us for that , blaming we have done it. That's why she was trying to mould everyone in the family slowly slowly. And rudra is example of it. Anika exhale the long breath and look at her husband worriedly which didn't go unnoticed by him.

Hey what's wrong ?? why are you getting worried. Everything is going to be fine. I'll make sure that she gets out of our lives. Hmm he assures her taking her face in his palm.

An. Bht what about the baby. If it's not yours then whom it belongs.

Sh. She has a boyfriend named vikram , who is helping her in everything. and I'm sure, it belongs to him.

Anika look at him with moist eyes and hugged him tightly keeping her chin on his shoulder.

You take care of yourself. I don't want you to harm yourself during all this. Don't let them to hurt you. Just be safe. I can't afford to lose you. She mumbles kissing his neck tightening her grip around him.

I will don't worry. Nothing gonna happen to me . I will make sure that I keep myself safe. Anika nods and closed her eyes feeling solace In his arms.

After sometime

Bhabi are you coming with us. Rudra's eyes twinkle when he saw his bhabi coming down following with servant who is carrying her bag.

Obviously I'm coming back to my house. Can't stay in My baba's house that much right. She smiles standing besides shivaay intertwining his arms with him.

That's great. I'm so happy bhabi. He comes running towards her and take her in tight hug

Ok if you are done then shall we go. Shivaay says pulling his wife out of the hug.

Yh let's go. Rudra shake his head and started walking towards Exit along with his brother and bhabi.

In oberoi mansion

Seeing anika with his son a smile erupted on shakti's face. Finally his wish payed off and his son realised what's best for him and what's not. He always never like this girl ragini. She had some suspicious in her ,which didn't set properly in his heart. But he was keeping his feelings aside and didn't hurt his son mentioning about his feelings . But when first time , he had seen fierce anika. He had understood ,no one is best for his son than her. She only can make his good partner not any other lady. So without thinking ,he made them marry. But his son didn't realise and was still going behind this ragini. But by god grace ,he understood the value of her and now standing having happy smile on his face , which he always wanted to see.

Come let's go. He held his wife's palm and took her in making his mother angry. God she hates this girl. She had thought that atleast now , she will get rid of her. But seems like nothing sort of happened like that. Infect they got closer more than before. She grit her teeth and block her son way glaring anika.

Why she is with you. Why did you bring her here. When you supposed to be With ragini   who is currently carrying your child. Hearing his mother, he shakes his head in disbelief and move little closer to her looking at her sternly.

I can expect this behaviour for anyone but I didn't expect from you mother. I can't believe you trust that girl more than your own son. How can you be so low mother. How can you thought that your son would be so cheap ,who would make a girl pregnant out there ..when he already has a wife.get senses mother before it gets too late. That girl is here to ruin everyone of us. She is not well wisher of our family. She is here to revenge on us.

You think about me like this. Shivaay and whole family look up and found ragini is standing looking at him furiously. Seeing her there , he rolls his eyes and look away not feeling to give shit to her fake tears.

You think that I'm here to ruin your family and I'm faking this pregnancy she chocked moving closer to him but he prefer to step back instead standing closer to her.

I don't think that ragini. I know that you are here to ruin my family. And this child whom is growing inside you , it's not my mine but boyfriend of yours. Who's been helping you during all this fiasco. Hearing him she baffled and try to deny it. But his grip on her arm made her cry in pain

Don't even dare ragini. Don't even dare to smear one more lie on my face. I've got to know each and every truth of yours. And I'm not talking in air. I've bloody proof of it. Saying this he pulled out some pictures and throw on her face making her spell bound. She look at the pictures with moist eyes and and then gaze at him being scared. Pinky who was standing besides them she pick up the picture and got shocked seeing the same guy, who had saved her husband and had died during that incident.

Shakti ji look ;it's harsh picture. Remember our factory manager !who had saved you in the fire. She says showing picture to her husband, who got confused seeing it.

Yes it's same guy and he is father of this ragini ,who thinks that we took his life. And for that she is here to revenge on us. Isn't ragini . He sneers making her eyes red in anger and she screams pushing him away which made him stumble but anika held him on the time.

Yes he is my father. My baba , who died because of you oberoies. He bloody had given his life in that fire. Bht what he got nothing not even a little favour towards his family. He died in the fire. But with that his family's happiness died as well. We had literally came on the road because of you people. Several days we stayed hungry. We didn't even had penny to buy a bread . And because of it , my mother died as well. And I'd left alone in this cruel world. where I faced so many things , which you can't even imagine. And it's all happened because of your oberoi's. My baba done everything for you. But in return you , you didn't bother to look at his family and left us dying on the road. And you say why I'm revenging youuu ha. I will take revenge. I will take revenge on each and every person of the family of yours for being selfish animals, who didn't care to look at the person's family who chose to give his life for saving you. She screams letting her tears rolled down from her eyes not able to control her emotions.

But i had took all the responsibility. I used to send monthly money to your family infect still do . And it's not only that. With passing time, I'm increasing the amount as well seeing the things  getting expensive. Shakti says being confused with her statement.

No you didn't. Stop trying to justify yourself. We never got a single penny form your side. She screams again feeling hell hate for all these people

Yes we did. If you want I can show you the statement. He open his phone and showed the statement , which clearly showing every month five lacks are being depositing to sharma family.

It can't be true. We never got any money. It's all lies like you do all the time. She didn't trust on his single word and deny it while crying.

One second guys I think we are missing something. If she was not getting money. Then I think there's third person , who is taking advantage of it. Hearing anika Shakti's mind click and he took his manager's name.

It's gupta , who was doing all this. All snapped at him and raise their brows in confusion.

He was the one , who was processing this amount. So he should know that what's happening with that.  Let me call him.  Shakti immediately get his phone out and called his manager , who instantly picked up the call.   As Shakti heard his voice, he immediately asked the matter of  ragini's father and his family. He started stammering, which made them believe he is the only one who done all the  fiasco between it.

Don't stammer and tell me the damn truth. What you did to all the money which I've been  asking to give sharma family.

I'm sorry sir , I didn't want to do it. But greediness came into me and I took the money instead giving them. I'm sorry sir I'm so sorry.    Please forgive me.  And don't kick  me out from the job. But Shakti grit his teeth in anger and growl in loud voice.

I don't care  you are sorry or not. You have done the mistake. And I can never forgive you for that.  Because of you a family got ruined and came on the road.   You arw bloody fired. I don't want people like you in my company. Saying this he cut the call and look at ragini who is standing having tears in her eyes. Seeing her like that shivaay move closer to her and kept hand on her shoulder.

I know misconception happened between us.  Neither you had fault nor us.  But we can't correct it which already been done.  You and your family suffered a lot. And I  can't imagine whatever you face in your life. But still I would  say sorry  on behalf of my family and suggest you to move on instead hanging in the past. Hmm. He says softly  making her burst into tears.

R. Im sorry for everything. Whatever I done in my revenge mode, it was bad. But what to do. I was so blind in anger. Nothing came in my mind except doing it.

It's ok don't take tension and just take care of yourself and your child.    Vikram  keep her safe. And don't let her to be sad.  Vikram nods and take her in side hug. 

I'm sorry again she mumbles wiping her tears. Shivaay  nods his head in understanding and let her go.  

P. That's mean it wasn't your baby.I was calling someone else child as my grand son. Her  face fell Feeling so sad for not having grand child which she Was imagining. 

Mom it's ok. One day you will get  loads of grand children. Might it's not right time for it. Don't be sad.   Shivaay smiles caressing her face.  Pinky's eyes filled with tears and she hugged him

I'm sorry .. I should had trusted on you.   You kept telling me but instead listening to you. I gave importance to that lady instead you. I'm

Sh. It's ok mom don't cry. He assure her caressing her hair.

Ru. Bhai tomorrow I've birthday so what's the plan of it.  Rudra jump in between trying to lighten the mood of everyone. 

Sh. Nothing just gonna go for work and then will come back and will spend time with my wife. Shivaay tease  rudra pulling anika closer to him.

Ru. Bhai please. Don't joke around. And tell me what we gonna tomorrow.  He pout like a child.

Om. Straight away say that you want party instead trying to ask us about it dumbo.  Om giggle hitting his head. 

Tu. Fine I want party. A big fat party from you both.

An. Don't worry Rudy I'll arrange for you.  Leave these two boring people. Anika smiles pinching his cheek.

Sh. We are not bored mrs. We know how to party.  Shivaay says pulling her closer keeping hand on her hip. 

An. Fine then arrange everything tomorrow.  So that our rudy should remember this party for his whole life.  

Awww bhabi you are sweetest. He take her in hug and kiss her cheek , which didn't like by shivaay and he  shoved him away glaring him.

Don't kiss my wife. He glared him wiping her cheek. 

Om.  We can kiss our bhabi as well. What's your issue on that. Om says pulling anika towards him  raising his brows having grin.

Yh shivaay what's your problem. Anika came into omru team leaving Shivaay alone on his side.

This is not right ok. You guys can't team up like that with each other. She is my wife. And I've right to claim her as mine. You can't say me no for that. And you Annie. Come to me. Stop teaming up with these losers. Shivaay made angry face like a child making omru and anika Laugh making fun of him.

You guys are pathetic. I don't wanna talk to you at all. Seeing them making fun of him he stomp his foot on the floor and left firm there leaving his family laughing behind.

Sh. He is doing same like his childhood isn't pinky. Pinky giggle and nods her head seeing him walking exact same the way he used to do in his childhood when he used to get angry.

Don't worry uncle I'll tackle with him. He will be fine. And you both;Enough of Laughing. Don't make fun of my husband. She warn both of them with fake glare suppressing her Laugh and left from there deciding
to minify her baby.

Precap .. party and rayaansh comes there

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