{Ragini is pregnant}

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God it's so cold. She shivers walking towards her room rubbing her arm. Shivaay smiles and pulled her closer making her wrap her arms around his waist.

Sh. I can make you warm. If you want. He wink yanking her more  closer looking straight into her eyes.

An. Shut up ok. Already since 4 hours you are doing same stuff.  As you got chance you started fuckin me. Now I'm tired. And really don't have capacity to bear your torture. 

Sh. Oh really. But as per as I remember ,Madam was moaning my name when I was pounding inside her. Aaaa shivaay faster. Aaaa Harder. He mimic earning smack on his chest from her.

An. Shut up ok don't embarrass me. and let's go room. I really wanna sleep.

Sh. Fine. But I'm not done yet yh. He says walking towards  upstairs holding her in side hug

An. Yh yh I know let's go. Saying this they both went in side without knowing someone was watching them from behind fuming in anger seeing their closeness. He groan and shut the door feeling hell pissed seeing her with that looser shivaay

In room

After freshening up  Anika comes on the bed and jump besides him snuggling on his chest.  Shivaay squeezed her in his hold and peck her head tightly. 

An. Wase  you proven me wrong. She grin resting her chin on his chest. 

Sh. What  do you mean?? . 

An.  Till now I was thinking you are gay.  But you proven me totally wrong.  She giggle.

Sh. Aha you still need proof that I'm gay or not ha added our long section ha. He says caressing her hair  softly.

An. No still I mean you was a shy man that's why I said it. She pout.

Sh. I wasn't gay ok.  It's just I don't  get intimate with everyone.  And it's about connection as well. Which I didn't feel with anyone , that's why I was like this. But with you , he hover her and kiss her lips looking straight in her eyes

Sh. You are special and I'm glad you are the one whom I chosen. Anika  caresses his  beard and  peck his nose. 

Sh. God girl you will be death of me.  I just wanna make love to you again and again and again. He mumbles nuzzling into her cheek making her close her eyes... 

An. Who stopped you then she says breathing heavily  gazing at him softly.

Sh. Are you sure. He got excited like a child  hovering her properly.

An. Yes  he  grin happily and in no time   He claimed his lips with her making her moan in his mouth. And soon they again remove their clothes and got busy in their chores

In morning

Seeing them lost into each other rayaansh grit his teeth and squeeze the spoon in is hand.  First of all they woke up late. And now since they have came here. They are just busy into each other without paying single attention to anyone esle. It's feels like ,no one exist  in their lives except them. But he can't let anika to be like this. She can't ignore him and give priority to this looser shivaay. So better if he interrupt between them and break their stupid eye lock ,before it gets so late.

Errr anika I needed to talk to you remember.  He nudge her bringing her back to earth.

Oh yh I totally forgot about it.  Tell me what you wanted to take about. Shivaay rolls his eyes and pushed food in his mouth looking away

R. mom and dad had called me yesterday and.

An. And she Farrow her brows looking at him

R. They were saying ,when are we planning to get marry.  As these words slipped out of his mouth shivaay dropped the spoon and look at him shockingly.

An. Whattttt ??? What are you saying ???

R. Which you heard anika.  I know I did biggest mistake of my life in past. and I still repent for that. But give me a chance and marry me. I promise I
Will keep you happy always and won't let you be sad. I'll be a really good husband for you. I promise.  Anika got speechless and look at shivaay who is ready to bounce at him , but anika held his hand under the table and squeezed it assuring him through her eyes

An. You remember that I'm already married right. I can't just marry you like that.  Sue says Trying her best to be calm. 

R.  I know but it's baseless, I mean you both don't want each other.  And proof is shivaay has already moved on. He has girlfriend.  So what's the need to hanging in a nameless relation like this. It's better if you move on and get marry with me. I promise,  I'll keep you  happy and won't let you feel  sad ever. That's it , it was Shivaay's limit to control his anger and he just bounced at him making anika shriek.

Tu shadi kara ga meri biwi sa tuuuu ha. How dare you to lay your eyes on my wife. I was observing you those days. But kept quite  thinking about anika and as consider you as her friend. But seems like you had another plans ha. How dare you ha. How can you  thought to marry my anika. She is my wife my anika my love of life. And if  you will try to even think to  marry her, then I  will take your ability  of thinking. Saying this he punched his face making anika gasp  cupping her face

Shivaay what you doing. Shivaay stop it. She try to pull him away but seems like demon has possessed him and he is beating  him up non stop.

Heyyyy stop ittttt Ryaansh scream and punch him as well  making him stumble back

Shivaayyy she shriek and held him  before he touch the floor.

Are you fine show me show me. She cups his face and started checking it caressing with her fingers. 

Sh.  I'm fine. But he won't be. He again try to hit Ryaansh , but anika came in between and pushed both of them away.

An. Stop both of you.  Why are you behaving like animals. Just stop it and don't fight.  Have you gone crazy.   Stop behaving like kids. I'm not toy , whom one person wanna have and another one as well. It's my life and it's my right to decide with whom I wanna be , and whom not. Did you understand. And rayaansh I think you should stop dreaming about me. I can't be with you. I'm already married. Me and shivaay both are happy with each other.  Hearing her he grit his teeth and hit the table making her flinch.

R. You are not happy anika. You are not. This guy is doing all this for certain time. He gonna be same again. Trust me.  Just don't go on his sweet words. He is not into you. Just come to me , I promise I'll keep you happy and won't let you be sad. I will give you all happiness of this world. Just give me a chance.

Shivaay try to hit him again but anika kept hand in between blocking him

Sn. I can understand rayaansh. But you also try to look through my point of view. I'm happy with shivaay. And we have planned to  give chance to this marriage.   I can't just divorce him and marry you. Moreover every marriage face ups and down... it's not new thing. But  it depend on couple , how they cope up with it. And we are doing... and I'm sure we gonna get good results out of it. 

R. You will regret anika. You will surely. This guy gonna break your heart. Trust me.  And then you will remember me and will come to me. But o promise you. I won't disappoint you. Still I'll take you under my wings and will protect you. Saying this he glare shivaay and stormed away from there  leaving shivaay fuming in anger. If anika won't had been between them then surely, he would had taken his life for being such an asshole for laying his eyes on his wife.

Anika sighs and nudge shivaay bringing him back on the earth.

Come here sit.  I'll tend you. She held his arm  and made him sit on the chair. 

Wait here. She immediately run towards kitchen
And got the aid box.

You shouldn't had stop me anika. I would had taken his life.  He shout making her shake her head in disbelief.

Shut up shivaay.  Don't be so hyper. There's nothing which pushed you to be so angry. She says tapping the cotton on his  cheek.  

Sh.  Its nothing to you anika.  But for me it's big thing . I can't afford to lose you. I can't see someone having eye on my  wife. You are mine. My wife. And I  won't bear someone try to snatch you from me.

Awww  you are  cute shivaay anika giggle ruffling his hair.

Sh. What awww. I'm serious anika.  Anika sighs and set on his lap kissing his cheek.

An. Yeh yn I know you are serious. She giggle and kiss his cheek again.   As he felt her soft kisses he melts  and smile at her pulling her closer. 

Sh. Stay with me always ... anika nods and hugged him  tightly resting her chin on his shoulder.  

An. By the way , Rudy was missing you so I was thinking why don't we go home.  

An. But I ...

Sh. Don't worry nothing gonna happen there. Just let's go with me.  

An. Fine. I'll come she smiles kissing his lips.

That's like my good girl. He mumbles near her lips and  latched her mouth in deep suck. 

After sometimes

How am I looking she stood infront of shivaay being ducked in a beautiful suit having minimum makeup and jewellery. 

Beautiful like always. But there's missing something. He says wrapping his arms around her waist

An. And what it is.   She smiles   Looking at him lovingly.

Wait. He slowly pulled out a box from his pocket and  made her wear a bracelet making her shock.

An. What's this. She stammers gazing at him

Sh. I couldn't give you anything since marriage. So I thought why not to get a nice bracelet for you. I know it's small but it's my Love for you. He says kissing her head.

An. Are you serious shivaay. It's so precious and pretty. She says touching the diamond on top  of it.  

Sh. I'm glad you liked it.  He held her knuckles and kiss it caressing her wrist. Anika blush and hugged him resting her head on his chest. He stroke her hair and place three four kisses on her hair lines. After couple of minutes both broke the hug and held each other hands

Chale. He says tightening his grip on her hand.

An. Yeh. She nods and both left from there

In oberoi mansion

Shivaay open the car door for her and held her hand to come out.

You alright he frowns seeing her looking pale.

An. Err yh I'm fine. She managed to smile rubbing her chest feeling uneasy ,but she hid it from him thinking he will get tensed seeing her like that.

Sh. Are you sure. He cups her face rubbing his thumb on her cheeks.

An. Yn I'm fine. Shall we go now.

Sh. You know na that I'm with you right ??? He says tucking her hair back. Anika nods and peck his lips softly.

An. Yes. She smiles

Sh. That's good. Now let's go inside. He gripped her hand and took her in cracking joke with her ,so that her mood get fine. But he didn't know that what's waiting for him inside. As they emerged in ,ragini come running towards him and hugged himt tightly bursting into tears

R. Where were you baby. Do you know how much I missed you. I kept calling you. But you didn't even pick up my calls.. where were you??. She sobs squeezing him in hug hopping ,he will reciprocate ,but he didn't bother to do it and infect his grip on anika's hand got more strong looking at her

What you doing ragini . Just leave me. He forcefully removed her from his body and made her step back.

Sh. I'm here. There's nothing to behave like that. He assures her Keeping band on her arm.

R. There's baby there's. I'm so tensed baby. When are we going to get marry???

Sh. Ragini what's Wrong with you. Why are you behaving like a child. Get into your senses.

R. I've lost my senses shivaya. I've lost it ,since I've got to know that I'm pregnant with your child. Me and you are going to be parents. As these words slipped out of her mouth anika widen her eyes and loosen her grip from his hand

What ,,???she murmur not able to believe on her words.

Sh. What the hell. He baffled

R. Yes baby, I'd went to the doctor and today only I've got good news that I'm pregnant ...and you are going to be dad. I wanted to tell you on the phone. But you were not picking up. But it's ok ,now you are here then we can discuss about it.

Sh. What shit you are blubbering about it ragini. It can't happened. He screams not able to believe what crap ,she is spilling out of her mouth.

R. What do you mean it can't happen. It can happen shivaay. I'm pregnant that also with your child. Now it will be better for us ,if we get married before it gets to late. I don't want to be called characterless because of it. Just do hurry up. Let's get marry in few days. I don't want a big marriage. Let's settle on small wedding and get together.

Shivaay first look at anika and then ragini not able to understand what's happening around him. He held his hair in his fist and held ragini's arms tightly.

Sh. It can't happen ragini. It must be some misunderstanding. You can't be pregnant. We both knows ,we never had any relation like this. I didn't even kiss you then how come you are pregnant.

So you are doubting on me. You are tying to say I'm lying. How can you shivaay how could you.

Sh. I didn't mean that but I ...

R. Ive understood shivay what are you trying to do. It's ok I get that. You got anika now ,then why would you care about me or our child. No worries I guess ,I don't have any other option left despite taking my life. Don't I??She look at him with blood shot eyes and run towards dining table ,where some knifes were there. Before anyone say anything ,she grabbed it and cut her wrist making everyone gasp

Sh. Raginiiiii ......

Pre.. shivaay try to tell everyone that it's not true but no one believes him

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