{She fell down}

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In morning

Shivaay open his eyes having a lazy smile. He stretches his body while yawning and then run his hand on another side of the bed. But finding it empty he got panic and started looking around for his wife. He thought might, she would be asleep beside him. But she is no where to be seen.

Annie ... Annie where are you ??? He calls her getting   down from the bed.   He run hand on his face and about to head out calling her name, when he heard puking  sound from the washroom. Worry lines increased on his forehead and he ran towards the washroom chanting his wife's name. 

Seeing her leaning on the sink throwing up manically made his heart restless.  Panic set in his mind making him baffled. 

Annie are you alright ??? He immediately run towards her and kept hand on her head ,while resting another on her   Shoulder.

Anika finishing puking  snd kept her head on her husbands chest ""who immediately engulfed her in his arms wrapping  his wings around her.

Hey , you are scaring me baby. What's wrong.  What happened to you all of sudden. You were fine till last night. 

I was sleeping and suddenly I felt uneasy ,which broke my sleep and next thing I know I was puking  in the sink.   Hearing her , he  immediately carry her In His arms and brought her towards the bed. He kept her over there and then took her palm in his hand caressing it. Seeing her pale face, making him more panic. She never been like this. It's first time" he is seeing her like that. And it's scaring shit out of him. Hit tigress is not that  weak 'that fell  pale like this.  It never happens. But today seeing her like that making him panic.

I think you are not well.  We should go to the doctor. He suggested touching her forehead to see the temperature.

I'm fine shivaay.  I don't have fever at all. Might i'd consumed something unusual  last night. That's why I'm feeling like this in easily morning .

But it never happened like this with you ever . It's first time 'I'm seeing you that weak and it's really concerning.  I think we should go to the doctor. 

Shivaay calm down relax. I'm human being. And these things are normal to happen. Stop panicking. However If I felt more sick "then surely I'll itself ask you to take me to the doctor. Hmm. She smiles slightly despite having throbbing  pain in her head.  She really don't wanna worry her  husband.so she is pretending to be ok.

Ok that's fine. But today you are not  going anywhere. You are staying at home whole day and take rest. Did you understand. He says helping her to get in the blanket.

An. But shivaay I .....

Sh. I'm not listening anything. Just  lay down and take rest.  I'm gonna grab breakfast for you in the room only. Don't need to go anywhere.   Anika exhale the long breath and lay down on the bed listening her husband like a obliged child. As she knows "he won't listen to her. So better she do what he is saying.  Seeing her resting  shivaay lean  and peck her forehead.  

I'll be back in minute. Just  relax.  He run his thumb on her cheek and then left from there  leaving his wife in her room

On dining   table

All are doing breakfast when shivaay comes there and directly  ordered  maid to arrange healthy food for his wife. as she is not feeling well.  Maid nods and left from  there.

Shivaay , what happened ??? Is anika fine. Seeing his mother showing concern to his wife surprised him. Till yesterday," same woman was insulting his wife infront of her friends and today she is saying if she is fine or not. 

Mom you  don't need to do this. I know you don't like my wife.  So better if you keep your fakeness with you. Seeing her son being rude with her ' pinky felt hurt and open her mouth to say something'  but in between her husband interrupted making her sigh in defeated.

Shivaay what's wrong  ?? why are you talking to your mum like this.  Shakti says looking at him curiously.

Sh. Why don't you ask your sweet wife.  I guess she has perfect answer for your question. Anyways you guys enjoy I need to go to anika.  Saying this he grabbed tray from the maid's hand and left from there not before glaring his mother.  

In room

Baby get up.  Look I've got you breakfast. Anika who was leaning on the bed eyes closed' she open them slowly and look at him tiredly.

Here , have it. I hope it makes you fine. He says  scooting closer to her holding the tray. Anika  look at the tray and take the fresh fruit bawl and started eating it slowly turning her face away. Seeing her not looking at eggs and  coffee made him perplexed. That girl 'who loves to have black coffee. What happened to her today that she preferred fruit over coffee. 

I thought you will have coffee first. As it's your favourite drink. 

Can you please take it away. I'm really not feeling to drink it. It's making me feel uneasy. Hearing her he got more worried'  but he didn't show her and kept the tray aside leaving her with her  fruit" which she is having slowly.  Last night in the restaurant , she refused to eat steak and now she is feeling uneasy with coffee.  This is most strangest thing he ever seen in her.  Since they met , she always drink coffee. She says her  morning doesn't start unless she have black coffee . Then what's wrong today.  He rub his forehead and then ease his muscles deciding to consult with doctor.  There's seriously  something wrong  with his wife. And he really don't wanna neglect it.....

Shivaay you have meeting with ahuja's 10 am right. She  asks brings him out his thoughts.

Sh. Err yh I had. But I'm thinking to cancel it. I don't wanna leave you like this. You need me here. He smiles tucking her hair back.

An. Don't be ridiculous shivaay.  It's important meeting for you. I really don't want you to miss it because of my sickness.  I'll be fine in some hours. Trust me.  But you please go and attend the meeting. 

Sh. Anika nothing is important to me more than you.  I can get thousands of  deals  like this. It's not big deal. But right now me being with you is more important.

Shivaay I'm fine.   Trust me.  Don't worry.  Please don't  leave this deal. Just go and attend it. Moreover it's matter of few hours. And I don't think so till then ,I can't take care of myself. Please go and come back quickly.

Sh. But Annie I

An. Please shivaay.  You have just one hour. Go and get ready and leave.

Sh. Ok I'll go. But on one promise.  Anika  exhale the breath and shakes her head.

An. What is it ??

Sh. You will come with me to the doctor. I don't wanna neglect your illnesses. Better we check it upon.  

An. Ok fine. We will. 

Sh. That's my good girl.  He caresses her face and peck her lips.

Sh. I'm going to get ready.  He run thumb on her cheek and then went inside for dressing room to get ready. After few minutes he comes out and directly went towards his wife who is laying on the bed. 

I'll be back soon. No mischief ok. He  speaks   caressing her hair

An. Ok.   Shivaay smiles and give a soft suck on her lips.

Sh.  I love you.  He again peck her lips leaning on her.

An. I love you more. She share a little kiss with him and then ask him to go.

I'll be back soon. He  really didn't want  to leave his wife. But unwillingly he left thinking, she will pressurise him to go. So better he leaves instead argue about it staying  with her.

At after noon time

After having a 4  hours sleep anika set up   rubbing her eyes. She look at the time and found it's 1 pm of day.  She yawn and lean on the head board rubbing her forehead filling still pain in it.   She massage her temple little and then decided to get up and freshen up and then she will go for little walk in garden. As seems like  she needs fresh air to clear her head up. She got down from the bed with much difficulties and went into the  washroom. After  coming out from bathroom" she changes into fresh pairs of   Clothes   and went out grabbing her phone. She is going towards the stairs looking  around  having Shawl on her shoulders "when she stopped seeing pinky standing infront of her. Seeing hee she  try to ignore her but when she didn't move her place "she sighs and raise her eyebrows in question.

Errr you are fine right ??? Shivaay  was saying " you are not feeling ok. Seeing her showing concern to her made  her widen her eyes in shock. She can't  believe same woman  , who was insulting her infront of her friends till yesterday " she is being concerned to her. 

I'm  fine little bit. Just having headache and  not feeling to eat  something. Hearing her pinky look at her face  keenly and  assumed that thing which' she guess anika doesn't know as well ... a smile broke on her face making anika confused.  Here she  is telling her about her sickness and there" this woman is smiling ...  how strange. She rolls her eyes shaking her head and passed by her excusing herself. 

Anika listen I need to tell you something. She abruptly calls her making her stop in middle of the stairs. But maybe it was her wrong move. As anika turn to listen to her "' hee foot slipped and she straight  fell from the stairs making pinky gasp.

Anikaaaaa she try to catch her but because of distance  she couldn't she fell  from there. Shivaay who came back along with his father " seeing his wife laying on the floor having blood on her forehead made him statue.   But soon he came back on earth when he heard his mother cry. He look up and found his mother running down to the stairs towards his wife ' who laying is unconscious on the floor .  He move his eye balls in anticipation and run towards his wife in fast speed throwing whatever he had in his hand. 

Ann anika .... Baby baby get up.  No no no you can't this to me. Please open your eyes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm so sorry for leaving you like this. Baby please don't do this. Open your eyes.  Stop joking around. He shakes her trying to wake her up "but nothing is working. By now his whole family gathered there and they got shocked to seeing her like that.

We need to take her hospital shivaay . She doesn't seems fine. As he heard his father" he carry his wife snd run out following with his family along with pinky who is all shocked and traumatised with whatever happened before few minutes. She  didn't know that she  would fell  like this.  She agreed , she never liked her. But she never intended to harm her like this. It was all incident. She just  pray that she should be fine. Otherwise initially her son will start hating her to the core " which  she can't handle at all .  

In hospital

Shivaay wanted to hold his wife tight to his chest. He didn't want to leave her. But doctors forcefully  remove his grip from her hand and took  her in. As they  closed the door he set on the floor and let his tears fell free from his eyes. He can't afford to lose his anika. He loves her so much. He can't live without her for a minute. And  if something happen to her then surely he will die itself. 

Please god don't do anything to my wife. Please don't take her away from me. I beg you please. Seeing her son breaking down pinky about to  move towards him when doctor comes out making him flinch. He immediately got up and run towards  them with hope

Doctor my wife. He whispered looking at him longingly. 

Mr oberoi your wife is still unconscious. Can't say anything about her. You just pray for her well being.  If she will make up then baby will survive as well .

Baby ??? he whispered not able to understand from where this baby came. Here he is talking about his wife and  this doctor is telling him about a baby.  But suddenly his mind click and look at him with widen eyes.

Do. Yes baby. Your wife is 1 month pregnant.  Because of felling on the stomach , I guess she  might have miscarriage. There's high chances of  that. Hearing him  he stumble and about  to fell down ' but his brothers held him on meantime.  Doctor passed him sad smile and went inside back.

Shivaay pinky run towards him and try to hug him but he pushed her away making her stumble.

It's all happening because of youuuuu.  You wanted this right. You wanted to see me and my wife separate. Now look it's happening.   Because of you" my wife and child is in danger.  Doctor said it's so hard for him to save them. And it's all because of you. You are sole reason of this.  I thought it's your certain anger towards her.  But I didn't know that you will stoop so low that you will bent to take her life.  How could you mom. How can you push my wife like this from the stairs.  She bloody didn't even know that our child is growing inside her. Before  we get happy with this news '" you snatched our happiness. How can you do this Mom ... how could youuu ... he  screams on top voice hitting the wall so hard that his  knuckles got bruised.

No shivaay you are taking me wrong. I didn't push her. I swear.  I agreed I was standing there. But I didn't push her.  Please trust me. She try to touch him 'but he didn't let her and showed her way.

Stop lying mom. Just stop  freaking lying.   How can you mom. How can you do this. I can't believe you can hate someone this much that you would   Try take her life.

No shivaay no please listen to me. Please trust me. I didn't do it.  We were just having conversation and then she went towards stairs and slipped. I didn't push her. She pleads infront of him while sobbing. But nothing is going in his head making her helpless

I don't wanna hear your lame excuses mom. I don't wanna do it.  Just keep your lies with you. I'm done trusting on you.   Just remember one thing"  if something happen to my wife or child  then forget about me as well.  You will lose your son as well infront of your stubbornness.  Saying this he wipe his tears roughly and  stormed away from there

Precap .... Epilogue

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