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Josephine Harley Hook





Captain Hook


Julia Ratner

Josephine is ALWAYS wearing her pirate hat and she will stab anyone that bothers to even think about touching it. She cares more about her hat than her own life. She wears a long pirate coat and bright pink boots/shirt. She loves the color pink, despite people not taking her seriously. She carries a silver sword around (basically using it to threaten people who underestimate her) and has bags around her belts to stash 'borrowed' things. She's really short, standing only 5'3, making many underestimating her strength and age.
Josephine has an interesting styled hairdo. She keeps the top braided with shaved sides, every now and then she'll shave designs on the sides. She's also has pink tips in her hair.

Josephine is very dramatic. She tends to exaggerate things that are way out of portions to the point you know that she is dramatic. Josephine is a great storytelling, even if she is lying about how she fought a three headed dog, but you can't help being captive to the way she tells it. Josephine's creative in the way she's able to make up things up on the spot, add a charming smile to the story, and she's able to seal the deal.
Josephine likes to act first and think later. A few seconds could mean the difference between life and death, she'll just think while she's doing it (kill two fish with one sword... haha get it....). While she isn't the smartest kid on the block, she uses her bravery to make up for it.
Josephine wants to be in charge. She wants to be a leader, heck her father was a captain and people looked up to him. She knows she not smart enough or even responsible enough to lead a crew, but a girl can dream. While she may not be in charge, she doesn't let her ideas/opinions go unheard.
The color Pink, stars, sea, weapons, crackers, lollipops, cats, food

Rain, being underestimated, mood killers, bees, spicy food, birds

Sword-fighting, bravery

snakes (they don't have legs/arms!!), failing

How they feel about their parents-
Josephine has also wanted to impress her father, that was (still is) her biggest goal. Everything she does is for him to look at her as a villain, rather than some kid. It wasn't until she stole a page from Maleficent's spell book did he give her a pirate's hat. (That's why she doesn't want anyone to touch it).

How they feel about Kingdom of Auradon
Josephine is incredibly jealous. She's never gotten to see a rainbow or the stars, only clouds and rain clouds. The only thing that was remotely beautiful was the ocean, but even that looked nasty to swim in.

How they feel about the Isle of the Lost
Disgusting. Everything. She has already gotten food poisoning twice as she's surprise that the food hasn't killed her. Unless she can't die...

How they feel about Auradon Kids
"CAN YOU SEND ME SOME GOOD FOOD" While she doesn't want to be some prissy princess, sipping tea with a pinky raised, she wants to see their world.

How they feel about Lost Kids
Being the daughter of a somewhat famous villain, she has her friends and her enimies. At least with Lost kids they understand what she is going through.

How they feel about this 'Good and Evil School'
She is a little scared, not that she would admit it. Though she knows that she'd be able to leave the island and get some tasty food. (She really just wants the food y'all)

How they feel about the Grimm Brothers
Hates them. UNFAIR.

Fast Facts-
-She did have a 'pet' bird until it snatched her only cracker and flew off. Now she has trust issues.
-She likes the color pink because it's the only bright color that reminds her that there is still happiness in a dark place. (Though she'll still cut your throat)

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