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OCTAVIA WOKE UP IN HER bed at the plantation house. One minute the house was a swamp and next it was Antarctica, she couldn't win. The blonde seventeen year old slowly got out of the bed, her unicorn socks reached the floor. Her feet got cold even though she had socks on, her blonde hair was frizzy and she pouted.

Octavia wrapped her blanket around her shoulders and started to walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. She assumed Hayley was still asleep as she didn't spot the pregnant werewolf on her way downstairs or in the kitchen.

The young girl stepped into the kitchen and took out a spoon. Elijah leaned in the doorway and smiled at her. "Good morning." He greeted her and she smiled back. Octavia always liked seeing him, something about him made her happy.

"Hey." Rebekah entered through the back door, dragging a trashcan behind her. The blonde witch opened the refrigerator and frowned when she didn't spot any milk. "Listen, I know Hayley and I are only ones in this house that actually drink milk, but would it kill any of you to make sure it's on the grocery list?" She slammed the fridge door closed and opened he freezer taking out ice cream.

"Speaking of, add bleach." Rebekah replied and She stomped through the kitchen and into the living room to clean up the mess the boys left. Elijah dug around in a cupboard.

"You know, I do hope my siblings were hospitable to you in my absence." Elijah said to her and she rolled her eyes opening the ice cream tub.

"In your absence, as you like to call it-- which is a way-too-polite way of saying that your psychotic brother put a dagger in your heart-" She looked up to see Elijah bringing a bowl, a spoon, and a bag of cereal to the counter. "Hayley and I have been attacked by French Quarter vampires, we've had to live in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins, and Hayley was nearly murdered by witches who are convinced her baby is Lucifer, and therefore I almost died since our lives are linked, which isn't the most comforting feeling." Elijah smiled sympathetically as he pulled orange juice and milk out of the fridge, poured the young witch a bowl of cereal, and then filled it with milk. When she realized that they had milk all along, she looked slightly guilty and embarrassed. "Oh... milk. They've been fine. Your siblings are weirdly protective, I know I have you to thank for that." Octavia said and started to eat the cereal. She remembered when Klaus and Rebekah has saved her. 

"I'm just happy to see that you and Hayley are in one piece." He smiled at her. "So, back to the murderous witches. I have some concerns." The blonde rolled her eyes, she had enough of evil witches and crazy vampires.

"They're evil. And, Hayley and I's lives is still magically linked to Sophie Deveraux, and as I stated before it is not a comforting feeling." She ate another spoonful of cereal.

"Yes, I think it's time we took care of that little problem."Rebekah suddenly re-entered the kitchen, dragging the corpse of the girl Klaus killed across the floor behind her.

"I am all for it. As soon as they're unlinked, we get to leave this crap town. Who do we have to kill?" She asked her brother, Octavia was soon realizing that the originals solution to every problem was killing.

He considered this for a moment, "Probably no one." Octavia gave Elijah a significant look of disbelief. Elijah rolled his eyes and sighed. "Alright, potentially everyone." He turned to leave.

Just as he left Hayley walked down stairs and into the kitchen. She grabbed a spoon and started to eat some of the cereal in Octavia's bowl. She looked at the smile on the young witch's face and who she was just speaking to. "So, are you and Elijah a thing now?" Hayley questioned with a innocent smile.

The young witch scoffed and rolled her eyes a little. Elijah and her? That was not a thing, it would never be. Sure, Octavia liked his personality, he was a vampire but he wasn't like Klaus or even Rebekah. Elijah was different and she liked that, but she didn't like him, did she? "Elijah and I... we are not a thing." She paused and looked at Hayley who gave her a look that said she didn't believe a word coming out of her mouth. "Hayley seriously, we are just friends. Barley that."

It hurt to say but is was the truth. Hayley still didn't look convinced, she could spot two lovebirds from miles away. The werewolf are another spoonful of cereal. "Ok, whatever you say." She then walked off into the living room, Octavia ate her cereal thinking. Was it possible that she had feelings for Elijah? Even small ones? What about Marcel?

Octavia went to leave the kitchen when she over head Rebekah talking about their mothers spell book. "What are you doing with Mother's spellbook?" The blonde original sister asked one of her brothers. The witch had imagined it was Elijah.

"Well, in exchange for my freedom, I promised the witch Davina that I would share a few pages from Mother's grimoire to help her learn to control her magic. I thought we'd begin with a little un-linking spell." Elijah answered and the young blonde smiled, she was happy that he was helping Davina and helping herself and Hayley. Octavia's ear pressed against the kitchen door.

Rebekah sounded stunned from what the young witch could hear. "Wait, you want to use her to un-link Octavia and Hayley from Sophie Deveraux?"

"Sophie brought us here under false pretenses!" He exclaimed to his sister. "She doesn't just want us to take down Marcel and his minions, she wants to take Davina back. So, she yolked her own cause to ours with magic threats and half-truths! Well, no more. As of now, our deal with Sophie Deveraux is null and void." Octavia let her mind wander to Klaus for a brief moment, was he in the room too. She quickly shook her head, she didn't care if Klaus had his head attached to his body. "Niklaus, I need you to come with me. I need five minutes alone with Davina. You need to make certain that I am not interrupted." Elijah said to his brother, so he was in the room. "You stay here and watch Hayley and Octavia." She assumed that he was talking to Rebekah.

Rebekah sounded really annoyed, "How did I get elected super-nanny?"

"More importantly, who put him in charge?" Klaus replied to his sister, Octavia ran out I the front door to block anyone from leaving. The hybrid gave her a look of annoyance. "What is it?"

The blonde witch gave him a tight smile, silently wishing for Elijah to come back. "I'm coming with you to the Church." Klaus rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"No you're not, you are going to stay here with Hayley and Rebekah." The hybrid responded and this time Octavia rolled her eyes, she was going whether he wanted her to or not. She had to meet Cami there, Cami had texted her earlier to meet at the Church. She didn't know why, but the blonde was her friend and she had to be there for her no matter how strange the request.

A small laugh escaped the young witches lips, "That was funny. You thought I cared about what you just said. Im going. I just told you so that way you can wait here for me while I get dressed." Klaus didn't look amused in the slightest.

"Do not test my paticence little witch, I told you no. Now if you want to be stubborn I can make you compilable." Octavia was tired of his compulsion threats, she wasn't that afraid of him even though she knew he could tear her to shreads in .2 seconds.

"Enough with your stupid compulsion threats, Klaus. I want to go, so I'm going." She ran upstairs before he could argue anymore and then looked out the window. When she did a smile appeared on her face. He was still in the house.

OCTAVIA MADE HER WAY INTO the Church. Elijah walked in first, then Klaus and then the young witch. Why the blonde bartender wanted to meet in the Church her brother died in was beyond her comprehension. So she just sat down in one of the pews, she didn't know, nor care to know where Klaus had gone to.

Blood still painted the floor and parts of the walls, the windows were new. Octavia folded her hands, she wasn't religious by any means, how could she be, not after what she had done. There was no redemption for her and when she died she was going to hell. So maybe she believed that there was a higher power, that heaven and hell were real. But there was no salvation for her, no promise land, when she died she was going to hell and there wasn't anything she could do to protect herself from her fate.

The blonde was snapped out of her thoughts by Cami who was waving a hand n front of her face. "Are you ready to go?" The bartender questioned with her eyebrows raised the young girl seemed to be in deep thought. Octavia nodded and they walked out of the Church, the Dalton witch noticed Cami wasn't acting like herself.

"Are you okay?" The two stopped on the side walk of the French Quarter. Tears gathered in the older blondes eyes. "What's wrong?" Octavia asked again this time in a more serious voice. Cami shook her head and sobbed, the witch hugged her and let her cry into her shoulder.

"I don't know, but there is something wrong with me. Remember when we lived together and I couldn't sleep, be-because of the nightmares. I sleep like a baby every night now, and-and Sean, I don't feel that sadness anymore. That pain I've had for months, ever since he-he did what he did." The two stood on the sidewalk hugging and Octavia realized she had been compelled, Klaus compelled her again.

"It's okay, everything is going to be okay." She whispered to Cami trying to soothe her, she needed to breathe. Octavia knew there was a way to break the compulsion, but she didn't know if it was the best idea. Cami would know everything and there was no way back from there. From knowing. Suddenly there was a sharp pain in her neck and she yelped. She pressed her hand on the side of her neck, she took it off to inspect it. There was a tiny bit of blood on her hand. Cami looked confused, she wiped her eyes. Octavia sighed, she hated to leave Cami alone after what happened, but she had to make sure Hayley was okay. "Cami, do you think you're going to be okay?" The blonde bartender nodded. "I'm sorry, I really have to go."

Octavia took off without a second thought and started running towards the compound. Something wasn't sitting right with her about the neck incident. Why did Sophie or Hayley get a needle stuck in their neck?

AFTER ARRIVING AT THE plantation Octavia was covered in sweat and didn't feel too good. It was most likely because she was out of shape, but she could feel inside of her that it was something more. She pushed the front door open and ran upstairs to see Rebekah helping Hayley into the bed.

"What's wrong?" Octavia questioned and the blonde original laid Hayley down before standing up and walking to the witch. She placed her hand on the Dalton girls head. She was burning up, so was Hayley.

"You and Hayley, your both burning up." Octavia knew it must have been Sophie that had gotten sick or something. She just hoped that was it. Rebekah grabbed the blonde witch and guided her to the bed beside Hayley.

"What are you doing? I'm fine." The seventeen year old girl argued against her and tried to stand up. The original shook her head and pushed her down lightly. The girls looked pale and feverish, there were dark circles under Octavia's eyes as if she hadn't slept in days.

"Would you relax? You can't exert yourself, if you do it could take energy away from Hayley and the baby." Rebekah said and Octavia nodded, it made sense, sort of. She vamp-sped downstairs and then returned with a bowl of water and two wash cloths.

Hayley sat up and removed her jacket, then motioned for Octavia to do the same. It felt like they were in the middle of the desert. Rebekah soaked the rags and placed them on the girls foreheads. "Oh, my god. I feel like I'm being fried." Hayley complained.

"Stop fussing, will you? Elijah will be here any minute." The original said to her, and Octavia groaned. She took off her shoes and socks.

"She can't, it feels like we've been microwaved." The young witch replied and grabbed he rags placing it around her neck. The fever wasn't letting up and sooner or later she wasn't going to be in control of her magic anymore.

"Hey! Just because Hayley is carrying a baby doesn't mean you both get to act like ones! I'm sure my little niece is healing you both up as we speak." Elijah ran in with Sophie. Rebekah stood to greet them, but was appalled when she saw who Elijah has brought with him. Octavia looked up to see Sophie and groaned. "What the hell is she doing here?"

Sophie sighed, "I'm trying to help." She wasn't helping, they were probably in that mess because of her. She looked perfectly fine while the other two girls were in pain in the bed.

"Help? You're the reason we're in this bloody mess! Why aren't we unlinked with this witch already, Elijah?" Rebekah exclaimed and then looked at her older brother. Elijah glanced at the blonde witch who was struggling to remove the blankets from the bed entirely. Her forehead covered in sweat.

"Rebekah, let her do what she can." Elijah answered cautiously, his eyes drawn away from the young girl.

"I may know a way to slow the fever down. But, I'm gonna need some special herbs." Sophie turned to look at the blonde original. "I'll text you a list."

Elijah nodded at her in encouragement, and though Rebekah did not look pleased, at all, to be being ordered around again, she eventually relented and smiled at them patronizingly. Octavia glanced at Hayley who seemed to be in worse shape than her, the witch placed her two fingers against Hayley's temple. It was a transfer, she was taking some of the fever away from Hayley, and giving her whatever she had of coolness.

"Fine. Happy to play the fetch girl." Rebekah stomped out of the room, and shoved the washcloth she was using into Elijah's chest as she left.

A WHILE LATER, AND A lot of sweating, the group is out by the pool. Hayley and Octavia are wrapped in a towels, sitting outside beside the swimming pool. Rebekah stood behind them, checking their temperatures, while Elijah assisted Sophie in helping with the herbs. He shrugged off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

Octavia's magic was a little wonky, she hadn't done any major damage yet, so far she made the bowl of water fall over and then 'accidentally' threw a dish at Sophie's head. She felt Elijah place his cool hand against her forehead.

"They're burning up! We need to do this now." Elijah told Sophie who nodded, Octavia felt her nose start running. She wiped it to find blood on her hands. Either Elijah was too worried about something else or he didn't notice, but he didn't turn in her direction.

"Get them in the water!" Elijah jumped into the pool and helped Hayley in. Then reached his hand out for Octavia who stood up and shook her head. Sophie mixed herbs in a cup and followed them into the water as well. The blonde witch started to walk away.

Rebekah became frustrated, "I don't see how a midnight swim is supposed to help."

"Their temperature is sky-high. The water, with the help of the herbs, should cool us down. If Octavia would get in the water." The seventeen year old shook her head and walked farther away. Her body was fighting her, her mind was fighting her, she was loosing control. She couldn't be near Hayley when she did it. Sophie handed Hayley the herbal concoction. "Drink this!" She turned to Elijah, whose eyes were locked with Octavia's. "You're going to have to get her heart rate down."

Octavia's heart rate was through the roof, tears were gathered in her eyes and she couldn't hear anything. It always happened before it happened, she gulped and gasped. She felt like her throat was closing up. She turned around and started running as fast as she could into the woods. She bumped into trees and fell over sticks, but she didn't stop. Not until she was far away enough that she knew she couldn't hurt anymore.

Then she let go, her breath began to get heavy and she clenched her fists. The wind around her picked up, the leaves swarmed around her blocking her from seeing much. Her brain begun to hurt. She grabbed the sides of her head as the pain worsened. Then the thunder began, her nose began to bleed. Her brain felt as if it was on fire. After the thunder came the rain. Her tears mixed in with the rain that fell from the sky, the thunder and the wind made it impossible to hear anything.

Elijah stepped forward, Sophie and Rebekah were with Hayley while they waited for Davina to break the link. He couldn't let her walk away for whatever unknown reason. He followed her. Elijah knew that Octavia was a powerful witch, just like Davina, but he had no idea how much power she had. She was creating a storm right in front of his eyes. A lightning struck came and almost struck him. Octavia still covered her ears, her nose was bleeding and now she was screaming she was in so much pain and she couldn't stop, she couldn't get control.

Octavia could feel the link lift, but she couldn't get control. Her screams began to get louder and louder and she felt like she was going to die, lightning strike after lightning strike surrounded her, they eventually started to hit trees. The trees began to fall over and Elijah knew he had to stop her before she did something worse to hurt herself or someone else. The original vampire stepped forward and tried to get her attention.

"Octavia! Octavia! Look at me!" He yelled at her, but it had no affect. He had no idea how to help her. He was used to his brother and his sister, but they were vampires and she was a witch. The only contact he even had to real magic had been a thousand years ago. He stepped closer to her, careful not to be hit by a lightning strike or a fallen tree. His suit was soaked, but he stepped closer to her.

Elijah grabbed her and placed his hands on top of hers. Octavia could feel him, and she tried to break through the magic to look at him. When she did he smiled. Her nose was bleeding from both sides and blood dropped out of her ears and down her hands, but she still looked beautiful. He thought. "Elijah." She breathes out one single word before she dropped on the floor, all at once the rain, thunder, wind and lightning stopped.

OCTAVIA HADN'T WOKEN and Hayley was beginning to worry. Of course it had only been barley an hour since Elijah had returned with her unconscious. The werewolf grabbed a rag and water and went upstairs to check on her. Elijah had said she was 'unstable' but Hayley didn't care, her friend was sick and she was going to help.

The blonde witch laid on the bed, dried blood on her clothes and on her face. Her hair was messy and she was covered in dirt. She looked like a train had hit her. Hayley walked over and started to clean all the dried blood off her face and ears. Octavia let out a groan when the werewolf wiped the rag across her forehead.

She looked closer to see a cut going from the middle of her forehead to her right ear. Hayley wasn't a doctor and usually didn't have to deal with cuts due to her supernatural healing, but she new how to clean one. So the brunette ran down stairs and gathered some supplies and then ran back upstairs to see a very awake young witch.

"What happened?" She asked in a soft whisper, her voice horse from all the screaming she had done early. Hayley handed her a water bottle that Elijah left her. Octavia grabbed her head and winced in pain, the memories of what happened came back to her. Her magic had settled when she passed out, she could feel it. "Oh, god."

Hayley walked over and placed the peroxide down, she grabbed a cotton ball and poured some of the peroxide on it. Then she gently cleaned the cut on Octavia's head. "You look like you took a beating. I think my question should be, what happened?"

As Hayley cleaned her wound the Dalton witch begun to explain. "It was my magic. Sometimes I loose control of it and things happen..." She didn't want to tell her what exact things usually happen in that situation. "It used to happen a lot when I was younger, but I've learned to control. It's just tonight when we were all sick, I began to get hazy and I knew what would happen to I just took off, I didn't want to hurt you." The brunette nodded and placed a bandage on the cut.

"I get it, it's like on a full moon for werewolves." Octavia nodded, it was something like that. She took a sip of the water bottle.

"Who brought me here?" The blonde asked, she didn't remember what happened exactly. Sometimes the episodes were like that, she could remember somethings, but towards the end it got fuzzy. All she really remembered was the wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

"Elijah did." Hayley smiled, the werewolf was all for them. She saw how much they cared for one another and thought it was sweet. Octavia rolled her eyes, she didn't want to deal with Hayley gushing over Elijah and her. They weren't a thing.

The doorbell rang and the blonde sprung out of bed. "I'll get it." She ran down stairs and to the front door. She could hear Hayley running after her yelling at her to stop and get in bed. She opened the door to find Josh, Klaus's compelled minion.

"Where is he? I've been trying to find him all day. Marcel knows that Klaus lied to him about where he lives." Octavia licked her lips, it was only a matter of time before Marcel found out that Octavia had been working with the Mikealsons. She didn't want him to find out, he would hate her afterwords.

"I'm not his god-damn keeper, Josh." The blonde said angrily as the pregnant werewolf made her way downstairs and to the front door.

"Fine! Just... tell him to call me, please." Josh pleaded.

"Okay." The blonde shut the front door and looked at Hayley with a smile on her face. "I'm all better, quit worrying. It's not good for the baby." Hayley shook her head and grabbed her walking her farther into the house.

There was a knock on the door again. Octavia went to answer it but Hayley shook her head. The brunette walked to the door expecting it to be Josh, instead it was Marcel. "Ugh, what the hell, Josh?" She complained, when she saw Marcel she jumped back in surprise. Octavia could see him and no doubt he knew she was there.

"Hi there, I'm Marcel. I don't think we've met!" He smiled at her and Hayley looked at him scared and angry.

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