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OCTAVIA HADN'T BEEN sober since Davina died. She had been drowning her sorrows in Tequila and dancing on top of bars. She hadn't been home or to the Mikaelson compound either. She didn't want to face them after everything that happened. The blonde witch swayed her hips while she danced on the bar, in one hand was a bottle of vodka and in the other was a microphone.

You go back to her
and I go back to

She sang at the top of her lungs. The people around her cheered for her drunken, and terrible singing. Octavia giggles and twirled on the bar. She twisted and fell over into a crowd of people but before she could hit the floor she was caught. She knew who it was the instant his arms wrapped around her. She was engulfed in his scent.

The blonde witch groaned and rolled out of his arms and onto the bar floor. He leaned down and picked her up from off the floor. Klaus sighed, she was drunk and not the kind of drunk where he could sober her up the old fashion way and blood wouldn't help either. She would need a full detox.

"Let's go, love." He picked her up bridal style and started to carry her from the bar. She hit his arm weakly and tried to get away.

"No!" She yelled. "I don't want to go. This is kidnapping." She told him and he sighed and continued to carry her. She started to hit his back and groaned when she felt woozy. "Why are you doing this?" She whined.

"I have a witch problem and I need you to fix it." He told her bluntly and she rolled her eyes. She didn't think that it was fair that whenever he had a problem that she was forced to fix it. She had a problem and he wasn't going out of his way to help her.

"I don't like you. Whenever you have a problem I always have to fix it. It's not fair, why can't you just let me drink myself into oblivion?" She rambled- her words slurred and not making much sense to Klaus, but he did get the general idea. "I just wanna be drunk and sing karaoke." She complained.

"You will after the witch problem is solved, I'll buy you a bloody bottle myself." Klaus reasoned with her, but he was lying. He let her have her space but she needed to stop pouting, there was work to be done he didn't want her out on her own. He wanted to protect her from the problems he had caused her.

"Okay, you have to let me down now." Octavia agreed and the let out a hiccup. Everything was beginning to become very dizzy very fast and she felt like she was going to throw up all over him. He didn't listen to her and that would be his mistake. "Why is the room dizzy?" She asked before she threw up all over his backside. Only then did he set her down and she finished throwing up.

When she finished she looked over at his angry face and giggled. "Let's go." He grabbed her arm and started to drag her away.

She pulled away from him. "Hmm... no." Octavia smiled and walked away from him before she was picked up again and he sped her over to the compound. She groaned when he set her down. She wasn't nearly drunk enough to numb the pain of Davina being gone. "Boooo!" She yelled at him and sprawled herself on the couch.

"You need to sober up. I can't have you drunk when you need to do a spell." Klaus told her and she rolled her eyes in return. She was sick and tired of him, everything was his fault.

"I don't want to do a spell." She told him and rolled off the couch. "I am done with magic." The blonde witch walked herself over to the drinks on the table and picked up the bottle and drank from it. "For good."

Klaus shook his head at her and took the bottle from her grasp. "Stop. You're done drinking, and you are doing magic."

She pouted, "You can't make me." She said in a singsong voice. She then reached for the bottle again but allays pulled it away. "You're being mean." She whined and then started to cry. Klaus rolled his eyes but took her small frame into his arms and let her cry into him. "I'm sorry."

Octavia took her head off his chest and Klaus gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Now, none of that."

"I'm so tired." She whispered to him and he nodded. Klaus knew that she need to rest but he also needed the spell to be done. He couldn't sit around and do nothing, but when he saw the look on her face he couldn't say no. He let her fall asleep on his chest and then laid her on the couch, just in case when she woke up, she couldn't leave.

Klaus would do what he could in the time being, but he couldn't wait for her to wake up. His older brother than waltzed into the room to see the blonde witch on the couch. "I see you've found her." Elijah noticed the terrible state she was in and wondered what she had been going through since Davina, not that he hadn't been wondering. "What's the retched smell?"

"That would be our lovely little witch, drunk out of her mind." Klaus said, pouring himself a drink. Elijah felt incredibly guilty for her current state, she shouldn't have to feel the way she did and he should have done something more to try and prevent it. He blamed himself for the way she was currently, deep down he knew it really wasn't his fault it didn't mean he didn't feel terrible about it. "When she wakes up she'll do the spell." He explained.

"She agreed to it?" Elijah questioned, the last time he saw her she was very upset and didn't want anything to do with him or his family. Klaus shrugged his shoulders.

"She'll do it." He simply replied and Elijah knew that meant no. Just then Hayley entered the room and she looked straight to Elijah who refused to acknowledge her presence and then at Octavia who was on the couch.

She walked over and sat next to her friend and laid a hand on her forehead and wiped the sweat she had built up away. "I'm not too sure about that. She's very stubborn." Which was true, Octavia was extremely stubborn and now that Davina was gone she wasn't sure that Octavia was going to help them at all.

"She'll do it." Klaus hoped, and then sped away from them.

INSIDE OF OCTAVIA'S HEAD she had woken up in a field that she immediately recognized. The field that she had almost died in five years ago. The flowers surrounded her, the sunshine hit her face and she blinked hard. Something was wrong, she thought.

She was supposed to be in New Orleans, this wasn't right. The Dalton witch grabbed her head and groaned in pain. Did she hit her head? She slowly got up from the field and looked around, there was nothing for miles and miles. It was empty.

She wiped the dirt from her hands onto the white dress she had on. The seventeen year old girl walked slowly trying to figure out what was happening. "Hello!" She shouted but all she heard was her own voice echo back. "Hello!"

This time she head a different voice, a voice she didn't know. "Hello... Octavia." The voice whispered to her. It sounded close enough to be behind her and she jumped to look around. There was still nothing, then the field opened up and she fell through a black hole of space and time.

She landed in some sort of black pit, still her dirty white dress she saw a single light. "Is anyone there? Where the fuck am I?" She whispered the last part to herself.

"This is where you're going to end up." It sounded like the voice of a child, she turned to see the child version of herself. She looked so innocent, so sweet and nothing like the girl she would grow up to be. That little girl in front of her with red bows in her hair and the red dresses to match, the same little girl with missing teeth would grow up to be a murder. "When you die, this is where you'll be, all alone, like you deserve." Suddenly the happy face on the little girl turned sour. "You did this to us, your nothing but a killer."

The little girl screamed and Octavia was thrown back and ended up twenty feet away on the ground. "She's right you know, your the reason for all the bad things that happened in our life. You're a screw up and you've ruined everything." It was another version of Octavia, it was her now. Her reflection staring back at her, criticizing her for every little thing that she's done.

"It's not my fault, I-I tried, it's not my fault." The Dalton witch had tears in her eyes. It couldn't be her fault, she tried to be good but her mother. She blamed her mother for everything but was it really all her fault.

"No, stop! Stop blaming everyone else for what you've done! Did your mother murder all of those people? No, that was you! Your a monster and monsters end up all alone." Octavia let out a sob as her mirror imagine screamed at her.

"I'm sorry!" She cried and watched as her mirror image became covered in blood from head to toe. "What happened?"

"You happened, one day it's going to catch up and this is what's going to happen. You're a killer Octavia and you always have been. You're no better than the Mikaelson's or Marcel, you're worse than them." A sadistic smile appeared on her face and she raised her hand.

Octavia noticed and raised her hand at the same time, the battle in her mind felt like it was ripping her in two. Her magic was fighting the same magic. "Stop!" She screamed before she woke up.

Octavia woke with a gasp and looked around the room. Elijah and Hayley were discussing something as she woke. His arm was in front of her as the lights in the room shattered. "What's going on?" She asked them and rubbed her head, she had a massive hangover. The dream still in her brain, and Klaus bringing her there was vague.

"Are you okay?" Hayley rushed over to her friend and wiped the tears that Octavia didn't notice away from her face. "You were crying in your sleep."

She gently took Hayley's hand away from her face and held it in her hand. "I'm fine, what's happening? I think Klaus needed me to do something... I don't really remember." The witch said softly.

"It seems like Rebekah is missing." Elijah spike up for the first time. He just stared at her in wonder, she was so strong. He didn't want to bring up how when she was crying he tried to enter her head but couldn't get in to see what was wrong.

Octavia nodded and got up from the couch and walked towards the door. "Then let's go find her." She walked out the door and towards the courtyard, the original vampire and pregnant werewolf followed her. She pulled out her phone and tried calling Rebekah even though she was sure that they had already tried it. "Okay so, Rebekah is not answering her calls. That's fine."

Hayley sighed and turned towards Elijah, "You worried about whoever killed those daywalkers still being out there?" Killed daywalkers? Octavia felt so out of the loop.

"Frankly, I'm worried that she had something to do with this. She's very displeased with Niklaus, perhaps even conspiring with others." What had she missed in her few days of drinking? She didn't think it would be that much. Elijah noticed Thierry drinking alone at a table and joined him. The girls behind him had to walk like normal people over to him. "Thierry, is it?"

"That's right." He nodded and looked at the blonde with them. Rebekah has filled him in on everything including Octavia's betrayal. He wasn't sure how to feel about it and he was almost positive that Marcel hadn't forgave her entirely either.

"My sister is rather fond of you. Strange, she's not typically drawn to unremarkable men. Would you care to explain your sudden magnetism?" Elijah went on to say.

"I don't know what you're-" Elijah, clearly annoyed, cut him off and grabbed him by the throat and pushed him against the wall.

"You can either tell me what you know, or I can distribute tiny pieces of you throughout the Quarter."

"I wouldn't test him." Octavia spoke up and Thierry glances back over at her and she sighed. He looked different from the last time she saw him. More unkept, ragged, broken, not the same guy she knew months ago. 

"She asked me to keep an eye out on witch stuff. I found something, and when I showed her, we were jumped by some guy. He desiccated her with his touch." Octavia frowned at his words, she had never heard of that before but to be fair she hadn't heard of a lot of stuff before.

Elijah was very angry at his statement. "Like a coward, you left her." Elijah was eight in his anger, it was a dick move, Octavia had to agree.

"What was I supposed to do, fight some warlock that took out an Original?" He sputtered out.

"Where was this, exactly?" Elijah pushed him farther.

"The docks, warehouse 57. I was just doing what she asked. You cannot tell Klaus about this." Octavia scoffed and lifted her hand and snapped his neck with her magic. His body dropped to the floor and Elijah and Hayley stared at her.

"I shall take that into consideration." The original said.

"I'm coming with you." Octavia told him and she doubted that he would argue with her like Klaus would have. It seemed like that was the only thing he could do was argue with her.

"Me too." Hayley agreed.

Elijah shook his head, "No. Stay here, both of you The compound is safe." The blonde witch rolled her eyes, whether he wanted to admit it or not he needed her help.

"Rebekah is in trouble. I'm going." Octavia pressed, she was very angry about Davina and she always would be but that didn't mean she wanted Rebekah to be in the pain she was in. "Whatever you may think and no matter how angry I am, in the short time we've all spent together I've decided Rebekah isn't my least favorite Mikaelson. Besides you need me."

Elijah paused for a moment and sighed, she was right. She didn't look healthy or stable but if it was the work of a warlock than he would need a witch. "Do not leave my sight. Understand?" She nodded and grabbed Hayley's hand. "No, you need to stay here."

Hayley groaned as Elijah grabbed Octavia and sped off. "Asshole." 

OCTAVIA AND ELIJAH ARRIVED at the docks where Rebekah's body was left. They both immediately run towards her, there is a barrier made of salt. Elijah was also on the phone with Sophie. He went to kneel next to her, but can't cross the barrier made by the salt.

"Okay, that's weird. Boundary spell maybe?" Octavia tried and he listened to Sophie before answering the blonde witch.

"Some kind of boundary spell. Someone is channeling her. Typically, it's a lethal process, but because she's an Original, she can't die. Instead, she's an endless source of power." Octavia groaned and stared down at the salt barrier. There had to be a way to turn it off, and who the hell was channeling her. If only she could get to her.

"That's fucking perfect, what are we supposed to die now?" She muttered to herself but Elijah gave her a look, vamp hearing and all. Elijah was still on the phone with the witch bitch, who was then on speaker phone, trying to figure out how to rescue his sister.

"You're not listening. We cannot enter the circle. There's some kind of confinement spell... If I can't remove her, we can't break the link." He was aggravated and Sophie wasn't getting that. He couldn't break the link because he couldn't get to her.

"It's a convoluted spell. It's like a witch's recipe. You can spoil the balance by adding a more potent ingredient. A mystical binding agent. I don't know, volcanic ash, rock salt... anything up to and including eye of newt." Sophie went on.

"Where the hell are we supposed to find eye of newt?" Octavia questioned like it was the most serious thing she ever said in her life.

Elijah sighed. Octavia's attitude was worrisome and he didn't know if it was because of the nightmare that she had earlier or because of what transpired a few days ago. "What about the blood of a witch?" He asked Sophie instead.

"Do you have the blood of a witch? One who isn't a annoying blonde?" Sophie said with snark in her voice.

"Haha, very funny. Bitch." Octavia muttered under her breath as Elijah hung up the phone. "Okay, here we go." The blonde rolled up her sleeve and handed Elijah her wrist. He bit it softly, hard enough to draw blood. He held her wrist in his hand and gently brought it over he magic salt circle letting her blood drop on the boundary line. It started to fizzle and deteriorate. Octavia couldn't tear her eyes away from Elijah as his hand was wrapped around her wrist. Then he let go.

He was able to get through the boundary, and he quickly picked up Rebekah and took her out of the circle. He reached for Octavia's hand, and then he vamp-sped out of there with Rebekah and Octavia in tow.

OCTAVIA HAD RETURNED WITH Elijah and Rebekah. She had taken a shower and spoken with Hayley and then decided to pour herself a drink. She really hated being sober, especially right then. When she didn't have anyone. She was next to Elijah, he didn't seem to want to leave her alone.

"Are you alright?" He asked her, and she nodded. Was she though? She didn't feel any different about what happened. She didn't feel happy or even angry, she was just empty. That nightmare had left her void of anger, because it was true.

"Of course I am, there's no need to worry about me. We need to worry about that evil witch that has somehow come back from the dead." Elijah hated that she was deflecting any sort of comfort that he was trying to give her. He didn't understand why she was trying to push him away. All he wanted was to help her.

When he didn't respond she walked out of the room and on the balcony. She watched from upstairs, Klaus gave a speech to the gaggle of vampires that Octavia used to call her friends and family.

"Not long ago, you all united against me. You failed. Since then, in my benevolence, I have wiped the slate clean. Yet, it seems clear you think that I am the one who needs to earn your respect, your loyalty. You're mistaken. It is you who must prove yourselves to me. Our community is under attack. I require soldiers. I need warriors, not cowards. Each of you has a decision to make. You either fight alongside me or you leave now." He knew how to give a speech, she could say that much for him. She wasn't sure who was going to follow him if anyone.

She wasn't sure if she could follow him, she wanted to be out so desperately. She wanted to hate him, hate all of them for what part they had in Davina's death, but she couldn't. She blamed herself most of all, and the nightmare didn't help. It just made her realize that she was right to blame herself, everything was her fault.

"We don't owe you anything. If staying in the Quarter means living under your rule, I'd just as soon get the hell out." Thierry spoke up first and then walked out. Octavia could see a handful of vampires follow him out of the compound. She downed her drink and walked into one of the studies where Sophie was.

It took all of her strength not to kill Sophie for what she had done. "Octavia."

"Shut up." The Dalton witch said and poured herself another drink. She was a seventeen year old alcoholic, her father would have been so disappointed. Her mother would have been okay with the fact that her only daughter was slowly killing herself.

Then they weren't alone, Marcel and Klaus entered the room. Octavia hadn't seen Klaus since he picked her up at the bar and even that was fuzzy. So, really the last time she saw him was when he tried to compel her. "I got to admit, I thought you'd lose a lot more guys than that." Marcel said.

"Well, good riddance to them, I say. We've no room for slackers or cowards in our kingdom." Klaus turned his head to see Octavia in the room with a glass in her hand. He let her have that one, but the next day he was making her have a full detox. "Now that you've regained your composure, let's move on to the next item of business, shall we, with a little help from our dear friend Sophie." He said that more towards Marcel.

Sophie cleared her throat and looked at the vampires and witch in the room. "I got no reason to help you, and I sure as hell don't have a reason to help him."

"Attitude for no reason." Octavia said and placed her glass on the table next to her.

"Now, now, don't be difficult, love. You'll only live as long as you're of use to me, and right now, your best use is to explain why a witch I killed has come back for revenge. Come on. Resurrected witches with vast power?" Octavia felt completely out of the loop, the only thing she had gotten from Elijah was that someone that Klaus killed came back from the dead and was channeling Rebekah.

"It's the Harvest." The seventeen year old rolled her eyes. Of course it was, it was always the fucking harvest. "To die and be reborn. I don't know how, but someone jacked that power, and they used it to bring back four witches... Just not the right ones."

Octavia perked up at that. "So there's still a chance? If we can get that power back, we can save Davina." If she had to she was going to kill all of the witches herself to bring back Davina. She would do anything.

"Let's concentrate on the immediate problem, shall we?" Like bringing four dead teenage girls wasn't an immediate problem. "Papa Tunde wants revenge. He'll continue to attack us, channeling power from the vampires he sacrifices. He kills, he grows more dangerous. So how do I end him? He needs sacrifices to gain power."

"Hmm. You keep him from killing any more nightwalkers, that's a start." Sophie responded.

A realization came over Klaus as he said his next words. "Unless he finds the one place with a load of vampires ready to be sacrificed." They all look at one another and realize, the garden. All those vampires just sitting ready and wait to be sacrificed.

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