Chapter 2

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Livia opened her eyes, finding herself in bed, at least five blankets covering her. She sat up and yawned. "You're awake!" Kuro hugged her, Livia patting his back. "You had us all scared, we forgot your body get weaker when it's cold"Kuro sighed. Livia got out of bed and let out a wider yawn, her tongue sticking out before going back in, her hand rubbing her eyes. "Get dressed, school starts in half an hour"Kuro says. She nodded, then perked up, finding a book on her bed with a note from Lilia. She picked it up, smiling at the note. He was giving her his old magic book, hoping she'd be able to use it. She opened it, looking curious. "Bring me to my soulmate?"Livia blinked. "What's a soulmate"Livia frowned. "H-HEY?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" She turned, grabbing the book tight, finding a wolf beastman male glaring at her. "Sorry, I was reading this, it's supposed to bring me to my soulmate"Livia says. He stared at her alarmed, then held his hand out.

"My name is Jack brought yourself to Savannaclaw"The male greets. "I'm Livia! I came from Diasomnia!"Libia beamed. "Can I see the book?"Jack asks. She passed it to him, Jack flipping through the pages before stopping. "This will return you to where you were before"Jack says passing it to her. "Returno.."Livia blinked. She looked around, finding herself back into her room. "LIV! ARE YOU STILL NOT DRESSED!"Kuro demanded making her jump. She quickly grabbed her clothes, quickly putting them on and rushed out. "Sorry! I'm here!"Livia calls. "Your hair is a mess"Silver scolds. He grabbed a brush, carefully taking her hair and brushing it, Livia standing still. "Oh, they're such great siblings"Lilia chuckled. "HEY! SHE'S MY TWIN! I BRUSH HER HAIR!!"Kuro protests Silver looking at him amused. Livia giggled, Silver putting her hair into two low pigtails. "OH THAT'S A LOOK I HAVEN'T SEEN ON HER SINCE SHE WAS 3!"Lilia beamed finding the look adorable.

"Come on!"Livia smiled hurrying past them, grabbing Sebek's hand and pulling the blushing male after her. She hurried down the path to the mirror, vanishing through it. "Wait up!"Kuro calls hurrying after them. "My Lady, you'll get hurt!"Sebek yells. She tripped, Sebek and Kuro yelling in alarm. A hand grabbed her arm, pulling her up, Jack staring down at her. "Clumsy"Jack says simply. "Show her ladyship more respect"Sebek gasped pulling her away. "You're gonna hurt her"Jack says pulling her back towards him. "HANDS OFF MA SIS!"Kuro cried hugging Livia. "C-can we get to class"Livia giggled. "Yes"Sebek nodded. She walked away in the lead, Sebek and Kuro trailing behind her with Jack at the rear. "Why are you following us?"Kuro frowned. "We're all going the same way"Jack retorts. "My lady which class are you in?"Sebek asks. "Class B"Livia answers. "I'm in Class D"Kuro says. "Class B"Jack says Sebek looking alarmed. "Sebek?"Livia blinked. "I-I'm in Class D.."Sebek sighed.

She placed her hand on his cheek, smiling at him. "We'll see each other again in the halls and at lunch"Livia smiled Sebek's eyes widening. "Alright"Sebek smiled nodding. She lowered her hand and waved to them, going a different way with Jack. "I like your pigtails"Jack comments. "Thanks"Livia says looking around. She stopped, her eyes sparkling at how cool everything in the school looked. "Everything is amazing"Livia beamed. She hurried away, Jack walking after her watching as she ran around like a little kid, poking and prodding at things, even peeking into some of the classrooms. "This place is amazing!"Livia cheered running away. She crashed into someone, lavender hair filling her vision as the two tumbled to the ground. She floated up, landing on her feet. "Sorry about that"Livia mutters helping him up. "Don't worry about it"The male says. "Your hair is so cool, never seen anyone with hair like that"Livia breathed amazed. "Do I look cute to you?"the male frowned. "No..why?"Livia blinked.

"If anything I'm the cute one out of the two of us! Papa always says so!"Livia giggled The male squinting feeling as if he was being blinded by a ball of pure innocent sunshine. "Epel, right? We're in the same class"Jack interrupts clearing his throat. "THEN WE GO!!"Livia laughed grabbing Epel's hand and snatching him after her. "IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS!!!" She stopped and turned, Jack and Epel flinching from how brighter her sunny aura got. "KALIM!!" "LIVIA!!" The two hugged the other, falling to the ground laughing. "I missed you, Bestie!"Kalim smiled. "I missed you too!"Livia laughed. "Where's Zuzu?"Livia asks. She stopped, their sunny dispositions suddenly getting gloomy remembering the incident that happened with Azul when they were kids. "Has he not contacted you?"Livia asks. ""Kalim mutters. "No...I guess he's really no longer out childhood best friend and pen pal..."Livia mutters.

The gong went off, startling them. "WE'RE LATE!!!!" The two took off together, leaving their three companions in the dust. "Is the girl yours?"Kalim's companions asks. "Yep..we're guessing the boy is yours"Epel sighed shaking his head. Epel stared after Livia, then smiled as he walked away. "Why're you smiling?"Jack asks. "She's the first student to not call me cute"Epel chuckled. "COME ON YOU TWO!!"Livia calls from ahead of them. "JAMIL! YOU TOO!"Kalim calls waving. "Cya"Jamil huffed walking after Kalim as Jack and Epel entered the classroom after Livia. Livia smiled, Epel laughing nervously hoping he wouldn't regret the decision he was about to make. "Hey"Epel sats sitting next to her. "Yes"Livia beamed blinding Epel again with her sunny disposition. "Wanna be friends?"Epel asks. She stared at him, making him feel nervous. Her expression softened, a relieved smile on her face. "Yes"Livia smiled. He smiled back, Jack glancing at the two.

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