Chapter 4

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The sounds of a fight filled the air, Ollie hiding behind Oz alarmed as Aura, Grim, Ace and Deuce fought with the Dwarf Mine monster. A bone chilling roar filled the air, running feet coming from behind them, Oz whirling around. A figure wearing strange clothes with an ogre like mask on leaped over them, their claws forward. The figure landed on the monster, ripping into it without mercy. "Woah, they're fierce!"Ace yells terrified. The figure swiped their claws twice and slammed the monster head first into the ground below, rendering it unconscious. "Leave before it wakes up"The figure commands looking sharply at them. Their tail flicked back and forth behind them, tattoo's littered across their arms. The beast started to get up, the figure looking at them before summoning a mytserious looking Lithic. "Who are you?!"Grim demands. "Call me RUN!"The figure snapped.

Ollie turned, running away with the magestone, her hair flying behind her as the others followed without another word. She looked back, Ogre flying over the beast, black wings beating loudly and powerfully. The beast knocked the figures mask off, blue eyes coming into view before Ollue plunged into the undergrowth. They slowed to a stop, stunned looks on their faces. "Ogre...who in the hell nicknames themselves Ogre?!"Ace yells disbelieving of what just happened. "He seems like a cool person, came to rescue us before anything else happened"Deuce sighed. "I wanna know who's underneath the mask!"Ace retorts. Ollie looked down, Ogre's blue eyes flashing in her mind, a small smile appearing on her face. "They had pretty blue eyes...I saw them when the monster knocked their mask off"Ollie responds. "Blue eyes"Aura echoes surprised. "Should've been red"Oz snorted. "AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO FINDS THIS STRANGE?!!"Ace demanded.

Silver laid in bed, his eyes closed as he slept on. A knock came from his door, before it open, Livia looking at him, hugging Po to her chest, wearing her bat pajamas. "Nii-San..."Livia mutters walking over. His eyes opened half way, looking at her. "I had a nightmare...can I sleep in here?"Livia  says. He lifted his blanket up, letting her climb into his bed. She laid beside him, and yawned, before drifting off into a deep slumber. Kuro came in, folding his black wings as blue eyes landed on the two. "Hey! Me too!"Kuro gasped looking offended. Silver lifted his blanket again, Kuro quickly crawling underneath, smiling at him. Yawning came from the trio, silence following as they fell asleep. "Kuro, Livia?" Lilia walked past, then stopped and peeked into Silver's room. He cackled in amusement, smiling at the three of them, since Silver had always been closer to Kuro and Livia than the rest of his siblings. "Goodnight"Lilia smiled shutting the room door behind him.

Morning arrived, Ollie getting her clothes on until a knock came from the room window. She looked up, finding the figure with the ogre mask floating there, their black wings beating quietly, stunning her. She hurried over, opening the room window. "Ogre!"Ollie beamed the sound of chatter from Aura, Oz, Ace, Deuce and Grim coming from downstairs. "Hello"Ogre greets climbing in. "Thank you for rescuing us, I don't know if we would have defeated that monster without you..."Ollie thanks. Ogre held a flower out, staring down at her. "I love daisies"Ollie smiled taking the flower. "That's good"Ogre says sounding relieved. He turned to leave, but she grabbed his hand, starling the male. "You're a student here right? Who are you?"Ollie asks. Ogre looks at her silently. "You'll be scared"Ogre answers. "No, I won't"Ollie promised. He reached up, taking off his mask, staring down at her. "You're.."Ollie gasped stunned.

The sound of footsteps echoed, Livia looking around for Kuro. "Hey"Kuro greets landing beside her, fixing his sleeves, as he folded his wings. "Where'd you go?"Livia asks. "Where did YOU go? You left me behind, and left with Silver"Kuro retorts back. "You were sleeping so peacefully, I'd feel guilty waking you up"Livia responds fixing her hair. "LADY LIVIA!" She flinched, then sighed feeling guilty since she had also left Sebek behind even though she promised to wait for him. "Sebek, sorry for leaving you"Livia chucked rubbing the back of his head. "It's alright, I was worried about you though"Sebek sighed. He stopped, then grabbed her, checking her for any visible scratches or bruises before sighing in relief. "You're really alright"Sebek smiled. "I am, I have you and you're the best bodyguard ever!"Livia giggled beaming at him. "Livia"Epel waved walking over. She gave her new friend a high five, grinning at him. "Sebek, I'll see you in P.E!"Livia waved. "Of course!"Sebek nodded.

Livia chatted with Epel, talking about how sweet apples could be if they're grown right. "I love sweet apples, but I'll eat the sour ones every once in a while"Livia chuckled. "You're a fruit eater, I though jaguar beastmen were meat eaters?"Epel blinked surprised. "I eat meat from time to time if it's served to me but I eat fruit on a daily basis, my dad said it was easy to feed me as a kid because of that"Livia nodded. She entered the classroom, finding Jack already there. She waved to him, Jack perking up then looking away quickly. She blinked, wondering what she did wrong since Jack seemed to have gotten along with her. She sat beside Epel, getting help from her new friend to fix her ponytails. "There"Epel nodded lowering his hands. "Thanks, I owe you one"Livia grinned. "Quiet down"Trein orders walking into the room. Livia pulled out a notebook and her magic pen as class begun, smiling as she started writing.

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