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"What did I do wrong?" A fifteen year old girl gripped the bars of her cells, trembling as her father stared down at her with a neutral expression. "I just wanted to be free, live like all the other kids and make new friends...I didn't do anything wrong"The girl mutters her ears flattened back. " should know I hid you away because of the blood that flows through your veins, nobody is gonna want a Fae Jaguar near them..."Her father retorts coldly. She looked up at him and reached out, shakily grabbing his hand. "You're not gonna say I'm know I'm innocent! I'm your daughter, I'm a Vanrouge!"The hybrid stared. He snatched his hand away, turning his back to her. "You're Lilia's Little Monster.."Her father says. She stared at him in shock, tears falling down her cheeks. "I'll do whatever you want!"The hybrid promised.

"I'll go back into hiding, I'll accepted the arranged marriage with Sebek!" Lilia looked down at her, showing no emotion. "Papa...please..I don't wanna die.."The hybrid pleaded. "The world is cruel..isn't it Livia?"Lilia says simply. She trembled, tears falling down her cheeks. He turned and walked away, ignoring her pleading cries for him to come back. Livia stared, then looked down. "LIV!" She looked up, silver hair filling her vision. "Silver.."Livia stared stunned. "I stole the key from the guard, I'll go get supplies and come back for you"Silver says grabbing her dirt covered hands. She stared at him stunned, Silver tightening his grip on her hands. Silver had always been the one ready to sacrifice anything to help her, as much as he loved their parents for raising him, he told her long ago that he loved and cherished her more than them. "You'll be wanted"Livia says. "Then so be it..."Silver says. She trembled, then took a deep breath in. "GUARDS!!!! SILVER STOLE THE CELL KEY!!!"

Silver flinched back in shock, two pairs of hands grabbing him. "Don't hurt him! I told him to steal the key but I got cold feet at the last second!"Livia cried. The guard hit the cell bars, glaring at her. "Little sneak." She looked away, Silver staring at her in disbelief being led away by the guards. She hugged her knees to her chest, burying her face into her arms. A blond haired ghostly figure appeared, golden eyes staring down at her silently. They turned and vanished into thin air, leaving her alone in the cell. "I should've listened to dad and stayed hidden away in the cottage"Livia mutters. "Hey." She looked behind her, finding Cynthia standing there. Cynthia laughed, smiling at her in amusement. "It was so easy!"Cynthia grinned kneeling down. "All I had to do was tell Malleus that I was afraid of you, and now EVERYONE hates you! Including your own father"Cynthia grinned. "Oh..wait...should I call him MY father now"Cynthia grinned Livia staring at her. "See you tomorrow"Cynthia giggled Livia looking down.

The sound of yelling filled the air, Livia standing on the platform her head bowed, Malleus glaring at her with Cynthia gripping his sleeve. "Any last words..."Malleus asks. She opened her mouth, but a louder commotion cut her off. "LIVIA!" She looked to her left, Sebek struggling to reach her, his eyes wide. "Sebek.."Livia mumbles stunned. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS! NOT TO HER!"Sebek yells. Cynthia looked at Sebek, her eyes wide. "Sebek..why.."Cynthia demands. "BECAUSE I LOVE HER! NOT YOU!"Sebek snapped Cynthia tightening her grip on Malleus' sleeve. She started to cry, Malleus looking down at her. "Mal Mal, Lilia's Monster ruins everything!"Cynthia cried Malleus glaring at Livia his eyes glowing. The platform dropped underneath her, Sebek letting out a scream of anger. Lilia's eyes glowed, lifting his hands towards the platform causing everything to freeze then rewind backwards. "I'll do things right this time"Lilia swore.

The sound of wailing filled his ears, a four week old Livia wailing as Kuro tried to roll over her. "Kuro!"Thea chuckled nudging her son gently off the wailing baby. Livia sniffled, Kuro falling asleep. "For twins they're completely different"Thea chuckled. He walked over, Thea flicking her tail as she looked at him. He picked Livia up, staring down at the child silently as tears fell down his cheeks. "She's adorable..."Lilia mutters quietly. "You said that before, when she was born"Thea smiled amused. "I know....I just don't know how anyone could hate her or want to bring her harm.."Lilia says feeling regret consume him. "Lilia, are you alright?"Thea asks. "Yeah, I'm fine"Lilia smiled. "SILVER!!!" A two year old Golden, chased after a one year old Silver, trying to get his wooden sword back. Lilia smiled, Livia touching his face. "I'm gonna do things right by you this time, the same mistakes won't be repeated twice"Lilia promised.

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