🤍 Who Did This? 🦁💎

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_3rd Person_

Dia wasn't one to start anything. Correction, Dia wasn't one to start anything without being prompted to. She tried to always have a good reason, if she decided to fight someone. A reason her father, the headmaster, wouldn't actually be mad about. Today, she felt as if she did. After all no one got to disrespect her friends, especially her hyena one. They don't know what he's been through, so they don't get to act like he is bad for how he gets food sometimes nor the outfits he dresses in.

She was out getting lunch from the shop. It was a Saturday, it was a day of hopeful peace between houses. She was passing a small group of Pomefiore sophomores, when she over heard one of them mention the Hyena and his 'poor' looking outfit. Along with his 'poor' like thieving antics. She wasn't really thinking straight after that, she yelled at them, they yelled back. Then she was pretty sure she broke their nose. Her lip got busted and she earned a small cut on her cheek from one of their rings, but nothing that she would actually have to worry about.

She stormed off, wiping at her lip which was now bleeding. Sometimes she despised the underclassmen of other houses. She shook her head though knowing she shouldn't, couldn't, think like that. She had subconsciously made her way to the botanical gardens. She liked enjoying the peacefulness of it, so did another student though.

The slumbering lion's ears perked up almost instantly when footsteps entered his napping room. He growled softly opening one eye, trying to decipher who'd he have to scare off if they decided to try and bother him. After all Ruggie sure was a fan of ruining his napping days and trying to make them study days. His ears perked up more when the steps become softer, the man trying to sense where the individual had gone. He sniffed softly trying to get their scent when a low growl erupted catching the whiff of Iron mixed with the only identifiable scent of Dia.

He opened both eyes, huffing softly to himself. He finally spotted her, walking between trees to him. She probably was arriving there more subconsciously seeing as her eyes were closed and she was just letting herself enjoy nature in the garden. His eyes narrowed spotting a cut along her right cheek, along with the busted lip that had started to swell. He could also see a few bruises starting to form, and he got up. "Dia," He said, his voice a little stern. Her eyes shot open, and then she quickly tilted her head, as if she was trying to hide her injuries for him. Her arms started to cross, and he noticed her hand landed perfectly on a bruise she could cover.

"Dia," he repeated again, now standing in front of her and she laughed a little nervously. He also caught a slight difficulty in her breathing, although he couldn't decide whether it was from her nerves or her injuries.

"Yes Leona?" she was still avoiding looking at him.

"Look at me."

"No thank you, besides let's go nap!" The white haired girl, just trying to bribe him into letting her be injured without punishment for the person who did it. In his mind anyway.

Leona growled softly before tilting her chin up, making her face him. Her eyes widened before they closed, he could notice her ears going slightly red. Which he didn't necessarily know why. He examined everything up close now, wiping blood away from her lip. She was definitely in a fight, and seeing as magic fighting was not allowed on campus, it had to have been a fist fight. Her eyes opened  nervously, as he continued to examine the evidence that coated the bottom half of her face. "Who did this to you?" his anger was being held by threads, as his voice sounded tense when he finally spoke after the silence during his examination.

Dia inhaled softly, and she eyed the angry lion. "i-its fine Leona, they're in worse shape." she whispers. honestly not knowing if that was true.

"Oh they will be," he growls and lets go of her chin. "No one touches you, and gets away with it." He growls and starts to storm out. Dia's heart skips a beat, as she inhaled softly. Before she was quickly rushing after him, grabbing his hand. Then against his wishes she was dragging him back to his napping spot.

"Fine, it was Hansel from Pomefiore," Dia says, making sure Leona sat down before she told him. When he started to get up, she fell into his lap and cuddled close.

"You little," Leona huffs, as he wraps his arms around her anyway, knowing exactly what she was doing.  "Who is that?" he finally grits out.

Dia laughs softly and rests into him. She knew he wouldn't have recognized the name nor the person. She sighs softly as she became even more comfortable in his arms, having just wanted to be there the entire day. "I think he goes by Hans sometimes. He has red hair. He was making fun of someone, so I put him back where he belonged. Everything is fine, please can we just lay here?"

After a few moments of deciding Leona sighs and moves to get both of them fully laid down. Dia tucked close. "For now." Dia nodded happily that he would listen to her for a bit. She closed her eyes resting against him, as she started to fall asleep, tired from her eventful day. Her breathing evening out once she did.

Once Leona was beyond sure his girlfriend was sleeping he pressed his lips to her forehead, before wrapping his tail around her as another measure to protect her. "I'm gonna kill that snobby boy. No one touches you." he mumbles being able to release some of his anger out, now that she was asleep and couldn't try to talk him out of his plot.

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