Date night

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No one's POV:
Kate didn't think finding love was possible after Jeb, but that was before she met Tyler Owens. He made every part of her happy. He made her feel like she was the most special girl in the world. So when he finally asked her out on a non chasing tornadoes date, she obviously said yes. So, here she was, putting on lip gloss in the bathroom at her mom's house, where she was living for the time being. She felt so weird wearing heels and a dress, instead of her usual jeans and oversized t shirts. She looks at her hair one more time in the mirror, smiles at herself, and heads downstairs, where Tyler is waiting.

Downstairs, all of the wranglers were eating dinner while watching tv, or in Tyler's case, sitting in a chair waiting for Kate. After the tornado in El Reno, all of the wranglers were invited to stay with Kate's mom as long as they wanted, including Tyler. So, here they were, almost 2 weeks later, all living together like a family.

Tyler felt his leg shaking up and down, and he tried to stop it, but found his efforts in vain. Suddenly, he hears the clacking of heels on the stairs, and his heart immediately stops. There, standing at the top of the stairs, was Kate. She was wearing a knee length maroon colored dress with matching heels. Her hair was curled, and Tyler could tell she was wearing makeup, not a norm for her. He stood up, smiling. All of the other wranglers look over at her, in shock of how different she looks.

Kate makes her way down the stairs, careful not to trip in her shoes. She looks up and sees Tyler at the bottom of the stairs, smiling at her.

Once she finally gets down the stairs, she looks at Tyler in the eyes for the first time that night. Tyler looks at her, speechless.

"You look...incredible, Sapulpua." He says, a gleam in his eyes.

"Thanks, cowboy. You clean up pretty nice yourself."

Tyler holds out his hand, and Kate accepts it.

They say goodbye to everyone, and walk over to Tyler's truck.

Once they reach the end of the driveway where Tyler's truck is, he extends his hand to the door, opening it for Kate. She smiles at him, accepting the gesture.

"Thank you, cowboy."

"Of course, Sapulpua."

They drive to the restaurant they chose in silence, Tyler's hand resting on Kate's thigh the whole way.

Once they make it, Tyler runs around to Kate's side to open the door again, earning a confused look from Kate. Then, when they get to the door of the diner, he opens the door for her again. Kate starts to get really confused, as Tyler opening doors is not like him. He seems so, stressed.

They pick a booth right in the corner, sitting across from each other. They order their food, and after the server leaves, Kate's happy look turns to a concerned one. Tyler notices this and immediately gets worried.

"What's wrong, Katie?" Tyler asks.

"Oh, nothing, I'm fine." Kate replies.

"Come on, I know you. Tell me what's on your mind."

Kate sighs before speaking.

"I'm just worried about you. You've been opening doors for me all night, you aren't speaking NEARLY as much as you usually do, and you didn't even order a beer like you normally would." Kate gestures to his Coke.

Tyler looks at her, a somber look on his face. He takes her hands in his.

"Okay, you're right. I've just never been on a lot of dates with someone I actually wanna be with before, and, I'm a little nervous." Tyler admits, scratching his hand on his neck.

"The Tyler Owens is nervous about going on a date? I never thought I would live to see the day that happens!" Kate says, giggling.

"Ha ha, very funny. I get it, it's weird. But, it's just because I REALLY like you Kate, and I don't wanna mess it up."

Kate smiles at him.

"Ty, you don't have to be nervous. I like you because you're funny, really caring, kind, not to mention incredibly handsome. I don't want you to feel pressured to change just because you think I want you to change, because I don't." Kate says, her face reddening.

"Thanks, Katie. That makes me feel a lot better."


They just smile at each other for a moment. Suddenly, they both feel their phones buzz. A notification pops up on their screen saying that a tornado is near the area. They give each other a knowing look, and they sprint out of the restaurant to Tyler's truck.

They speed through the countryside, looking for where the tornado touched down. Kate suddenly notices it.

"Ty, I see it!! Stop the truck!"

Tyler slams on the breaks, leaving the truck as they get out. They stare at the tornado for a moment, in complete awe of how beautiful it looks.

"That's totally an EF2!" Kate exclaims, smiling while taking photos with her camera.

"I've never seen a tornado at night before!" Tyler replies.

"Me either, cowboy. Me either." Kate says, setting her camera down and just admiring the tornado in front of her.

They continue to look at it until it disperses, leaving just them and the clear night sky. They turn to each other, in shock of what they just saw.

"That was incredible!" Kate says, a giant smile on her face.

"Wait til the team sees this, they're gonna be so jealous!" Tyler replies.

"Man I love chasing tornadoes." Kate says, her heart still pounding from the adrenaline.

Tyler moves closer to her before smiling.

"And I love you, Kate Carter."

Kate stands in shock, her heart beating fast again.

"I-I love you too, Tyler."

Tyler cups Kate's face in his hand, and he kisses her. Kate puts her hand on his cheek, her face burning.

Once they pull apart, they smile at each other.

"You ready to get back home?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah, but you might have to carry me. I think I twisted my ankle when I ran out of the restaurant because of my heels." Kate sighs as she looks down at her feet.

"I can do that."

Tyler then grabs Kate by her legs and starts walking.

"Thanks, Tyler." Kate says, her heart finally calming down.

"Anytime, Sapulpua." Tyler replies.

Suddenly, Tyler stops walking. He looks down at Kate's lips before kissing her again.

Kate smiles through the kiss, her head happy and her heart full.

Here it is!! My first twisters oneshot!! I LOVE this movie, and I was SO mad that they didn't kiss (Stephen Speilberg is the reason why) so I decide to write some oneshots about them!! I hope yall liked it!!

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