Arch Two: Lies And Blood Secrets

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9. Arch Two: Lies And Bloody Secrets


Kyo blinked and paused slightly as he looked at Akira in shock, his hands faultered as he washed the plates as Akira sighed out and pushed him aside so that they could finish this already, afterall it had to be done right? Kyo on the other hand was frozen slightly from the shock of what he just learned... Wait what?

The brown haired teen paused and bit his lip before looking at Akira and swallowing slightly,

" What do you mean by the way?" he blinked, " By you know... Getting the dragon mark by mating?" he arched his brow leaving Akira to arch his brow and look at him wealy and blankly.

" Why do you want to know ?" he muttered darkly while Kyo blinked and then swallowed a bit.

" I just wanted to know what you were saying.." he muttered, "I mean, In my family the mark we get in sakura blossoms." he smiled weakly, " While our ancestory mark is the butterfly which is on the back of our necks." he nodded and looked at Akira. The redhead just sighed out and shook his head slightly,

" Theres three types of dragon marks kay? Theres the one from birth, The one from mating.. and then theres one thats black, and it basically a curse mark." he nodded slightly, " It could appear by a wrong in the family, again, it could be because of mating.' he nodded slightly and sighed out," Although we don't talk about that one..." he nodded while Kyo paled slightly... he had to freeze up and gulp mentally..



Hiru had the dragon mate mark.. and it was black. Did that mean he? Did he.... No...Way... There was no way! He didn't mess up with Sakura right? That wasn't possible right? They seemed to be fine and nothing seemed wrong between them.... Did it? he didn't understand but now he coudln't hold anything at all in his grasp.

How could he? Why would he? It made his stomach turn at the thought.. and it made him pale. His family was always raised in the right of things and to always do nothing wrong. Hiru was born out of marrie due to his parents young mistakes, and because of that they didn't know who their grandfather was- He wondered if he ever would...

Kyo sighed out and bit his lip, now unable to think or even clench his hands ashe thought.... his world seemed to zone in on him and his stomach turned, what was his brother hiding from him? And why?

He didn't know...

And It was scaring him at the moment.....

It was scaring the crap out of him.......


Hiru laid in the atttic and sighed out a bit as he sat up, his hair messed up as he looked out the window and tried to think... Why washe up here again?

Oh yeah.... he didn't want to go to the family gathering...

The teen sighed out a bit and swallowed, his head now hurting from the hard floor and from crying once again. His head started to hurt as he tried to think, maybe it was because deep down in his heart he didn't feel well.'... Not at all.

He hadn't for a long time. Hiru sighed out and tried to swallow the bile in his throat before looking out the window and noticing the rain once again... huh. he wasn't expecting to see that once again..

He tugged at a strand of his white hair and looked up at the ceiling before sighing out and standing up on his wobbily feet, he only his hair was like his fathers... a beautiful white, his eyes were like his mothers at the moment... but when he got mad, scared or hurt... his eyes shifted red.

And his family didn't know how much of a mess he really was.. Not at all.

Hiru sighed out a bit and rubbed his sore eyes before looking around the attic and then at the fireplace before grabbing a blanket and laying down slightly, He snuggled the soft faric and stared at the flames, flicking in his eye sight...

" Why..." he whispered as the flames grew bigger as if telling him to shut up. Hiru clamped his mouth shut once again, knowing if he angered the one perosn he was pleading with he'd only suffer more.

He graoned weakly and looked at the fire deadly before sighing out a bit..... What was his life anymore? He didn't know really....

Hiru sighd out and looked at the ceiling once again, his heart heavy before he heard the downstairs door rattle with keys and someone walking in.. he sighed out weakly and counted down in his head before he heard his mother,

" HIRU! We're home sweetie!!!" She called out, " AND WE BROUGHT FOOD!" She called making Hiru groan out weakly..She never did listen to him at all when it came to food manners.

Thsi only made him sit up and stretch slightly, he knw one thing and that was he had to go down there or she would not leave him alone... which only mad him twitch but he was the good son and wasn't known to snap out.. So he just got up and did what he was told.

Hiru pulled on his shoes and sighed out as he walked downstairs and swallowed a bit, he needed to calm himself down as he walked down the stairs from the attic. When he got down stairs he went to the kitchen where his brother was..

He was silent, given he didn't want to talk at all before, he just went to the plate and unwrapped it, Although Kyo looked at him slightly and paused.... he looked at him slightly and hit his shoulder and jumped slightly.'

Hiru then looked at him confused,

"What are you doing?" he muttered as Kyo looked at him and paused, he swallowed and then looked at the counter slightly..

" I talked to Akira today...." he muttered as Hiru nodded and tasted some of the sauce on the plate.

" Yeah?" He muttered slightly as Kyo gulped and paused.. He then looked at him with serious eyes which surprised Hiru.'

" Your dragon mark....." he paused, " Its not a tattoo.... Is it?" he muttered balnkyl but that was when Hiru dropped his late...

And the glass shattered everywhere...'


Sorry this took so long and sorry its so short!!! T-T I kind of went through an emotional time when I tried to write this so It was cut short, I am sorry guys...

Please tell me what you think okay? :)

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