Chapter 18 - Invitation

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"Wake up, sleepy head." I awoke to Twitch gently patting my face with her paw. "Kitty contacted me. She won't be available until later this morning. She will let me know when she is ready. I've already contacted Brock and he is on his way to the cave."

"Ok," I said yawning. Despite my nighttime activities, I felt refreshed. I could hear the pit pat of little feet approaching.

"Amber! Aunt Rose and I are going to have a picnic breakfast. We are ready to go. Will you come with us?" Lynn was jiggling with excitement, her eyes wide open with hope.

"I would love to go," I replied pulling back the bedcovers. "I'll hurry and get dressed. Can you hand me my shoes?"

After breakfast, Aunt Rose and I watched as Lynn, Shock, Twitch and Smoke investigated communities of bugs in a nearby rotting log.

"Did you start the chain inquiry?"

"Yes," Aunt Rose said quietly.

"She is going to leave a hole in our lives if we find a family," I sighed.

"Well, let's see what happens. In the meantime, we can love her and help her to learn about herself. Later today, I will begin reading her some fairytales to see if they spark any knowledge she has of her gifts."

"Has she told you anything about her past?"

No, nothing, she changes the subject whenever I gently bring it up." Twitch suddenly left the group, and came running towards me.

"Kitty is ready for us to come to the caves."

"Lynn, I have to go to work now. May I have a hug before I go?" Lynn ran to me and threw her arms around my neck squeezing me tight.

"When will you be back?"

"I plan to be back by dinnertime."

"Okay." Lynn released by neck and ran back to Shock and Smoke.

"Aunt Rose, I'll try to be back in time to help you with dinner." I stood. Twitch jumped in my arms and we swirled away. Brock was already at the cave entrance when Twitch and I arrived.

"Amber, do not speak within the caves. Communicate with your mind," Twitch broadcast. "It will help keep you safe and you need to practice your broadcast control."

"I've missed you," I said to Brock hugging his neck.

"We talk every day," Brock broadcast. "Anyway, I'm consumed with eating. I have to fatten up before my winter hibernation."

"You will need another assistant who does not hibernate," Kitty broadcast as she walked from the depths of the cave. "Someone who is physically strong like Brock. Follow me, we have much to discuss." She led us to a small side cave. Once we were settled, Kitty asked, "Amber, tell me about your gifts; what you have experienced up to today."

"Obviously I can talk mentally, telepathically, with others who have the gift."

"Have you tried to talk telepathically with non-gifted folk?" Kitty asked.

"No, I have not."

"Go on."

"Well, I can transport my consciousness, astral body, when I dream."

"Astral projection," Kitty said. "Have you tried doing it when you meditate?"

"No. I was not sure I could perform astral projection until last night when I came to you."

"Go on."

"The night I saw Lynn in the forest, while I was asleep, I don't know if I was experiencing an empathic scenario or if Lynn was broadcasting her distress."

"I doubt it was the latter; has Lynn displayed any telepathic skills."


"You may have some empathic skills and an ability to see past events. We will need to sort that out. If you were a full empath, you would know that by now."

"Aunt Rose said my mother thought I could feel other's strong emotions."

"Can you?" Kitty asked. I paused, trying to remember past events.

"When someone walks into a room, I sometimes can feel their emotions before I even look at them. Oh! I felt Aunt Rose's shock the first time she saw Lynn's eyes glow."

"I would say you have empathic skills. Anything else?"


"I smell fish," Brock said rising to his feet. He began to sway back and forth sniffing the air.

"Brock, I know you need to eat frequently" Kitty broadcast. "I arranged a treat for you." A moment later three men came into the small cave carrying three platters of fish. The first man was walking on all fours with a platter balanced on his back. The second and third man were conjoined at the chest with each man carrying a platter. They set the platters down in front of Brock.

"Thank you," Brock broadcast as he snatched a fish from a platter and tore it apart. The men turned towards me.

"Hello, I'm Amber."

"I'm Dash," broadcast the man who walked on all fours. He tilted to one side and extended his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Red," broadcast the twin with red hair as he shook my hand.

"I'm Dusty," broadcast the brown-haired twin. There was an awkward moment while I realized I needed to extend my other hand. That's odd I thought as I shook his hand. I thought conjoined twins were identical.

"Amber we would like you and your friends to visit our village this afternoon. Will you come for lunch and an afternoon visit?" Dash asked. I looked at Kitty, who nodded in agreement. Twitch gave me a tail flick of agreement. Brock nodded his head up and down vigorously as he chewed.

"We would be honored," I broadcast. 

© Copyright 2019 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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