Chapter 24 - Lynn

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"I imagine you have questions about my culture," Rocky said with a chuckle, "but the answers must wait until another day. Kitty feels it's imperative for you to understand why you need to raise Lynn. Let's sit down opposite of each other. Now take my hands and close your eyes. Relax to a meditative state."

Slowly my body and breathing relaxed. I let go of thoughts and emotions.

"Good, now touch my mind and join with me and I will show you memories of Lynn's people. No harm can come to you."

We stood at the entrance of a deep side cave. A ledge looked down on an odd forest of plants that glowed in dim light. A soft yellow glowing fungus covered the ceiling and upper walls of the cave. I could not see the far cave wall. I could hear a waterfall splash into a pool. Glowing eyes blinked as they moved through brush below.

"Lynn's people live in near darkness within this cave. This is one of the few balanced ecosystems within the cave system. They have no need to leave the cave to hunt or forage for food. All they need to survive can be found here." The memory faded and was replaced by a new one.

A group of people sat in a circle. In the center of the circle was a collection of glowing fungus that softly illuminated the group. I could barely make out the conversation.

"Myra, you should not have returned," said an elderly man.

"What choice did I have. Lynn's eyes glow. I could not live among average folk. I would have compromised our community. I had to return after my husband died."

"You put the community in great risk by leaving and trying to live on the outside. You mated outside the community. Then you bring a child back here who stands out with her auburn hair. She may have gifts that are not typical of our community. She could be viewed as tainting our bloodline. A source of potential chaos."

"You know my husband is dead. You know that I will not live much longer. I cannot believe no one in the community will agree to take Lynn into their family and raise her. I cannot believe our people would abandon her for my mistakes."

"I'm sorry Myra. You sealed your fate and Lynn's when you left the community. Lynn cannot stay here. It is too dangerous. She will not survive within the community without you. There is already talk of reviving the old sacrifice rituals. We cannot let that happen. You must take Lynn and try to live on the outside. It's the only chance Lynn has to survive."

The memory faded and Rocky broke our connection by releasing my hands.

"Myra left her community the next day, and came to me for help," Rocky said. "Myra showed me her memory, making it a part of my memories. She asked me to find a home for Lynn on the outside. I discussed the situation with Kitty and we came up with a plan. Myra and Lynn were living in a tent deep within the forest. When we knew Myra was near death, one of my family members took her and her belongings away and transferred Lynn as she slept to a small pup tent. I watched over Lynn throughout the night. When Lynn awoke, she dashed out into the forest looking for her mother and found Kitty instead."

"Wait. In my dreams, I saw Lynn when she awoke at the pup tent and went tearing through the forest. I saw her find Kitty. Lynn was calling out for her mother and her father. If she knew her father was dead, why would she call out to him?"

"I don't know Amber. Maybe in her terror she just called out to both parents. She's still very young and she may still be struggling with the permanent nature of death."

"So, Lynn finding Kitty was part of a plan?"

"Yes, Lynn could not live in my culture. She does not have hair and a body designed to live in cold climates. The plan was for Lynn to stay with Kitty until a home could be found. When Kitty sensed you in the cave, she knew you should be Lynn's parent. In a way you found Lynn, and we don't question such an occurrence. We respect and acknowledge it. You were meant to raise Lynn while living with your Aunt Rose. It's a very good solution."

"Why didn't Kitty tell me Lynn's story. She led me to believe Lynn was probably abandoned by her parents because she was different."

"Remember, the night you took Lynn home was the same night Kitty made her offer to train you as a protector and help you discover your gifts. She could not reveal that there was a community of people with glowing eyes. If you had declined, you would have never known about Lynn's community."

"How will the chain inquiry be addressed? Aunt Rose is determined to find Lynn's community. She believes that is what is best for Lynn and I agreed."

"Your aunt will receive a message stating that Lynn's people were found and because Lynn is different her life would be in jeopardy if someone took her in. I'm guessing your aunt will come to the conclusion that Lynn's glowing eyes were the issue. You cannot share what I have told you with your aunt."

"I assumed that was the case. It's hard keeping what I have learned from my aunt."

"Protecting the gifted community is a coordinated effort of many folks, gifted humans and animals. None of us are perfect. We each have our own foibles. Kitty and I feel you will be an asset to the protector community. You will have a lot of guidance and help."

"Thank you, I'll take all the help I can get. It's ironic that Lynn's community lives in a cave because they are different, but they cannot accept Lynn because she is different. I guess that underscores how we all have our prejudices despite the desire to be inclusive."

"And why it is so important to work and learn together, so we can learn to compensate for our less than perfect natures. Now there is one more thing I need to show you. Come with me." Rocky took my hand and led me from the cave. We walked down a pathway and entered a side cave where a small waterfall fell into a large pool. He walked me to edge of the pool and released my hand. "Amber, bend over and look at your reflection."

"My eyes are glowing!"

© Copyright 2019 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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