Chapter 7 - Nice Kitty

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"Kitty is dangerous." Twitch followed me as I walked back to the fire on shaky legs and sank into a sitting position. Two swirls appeared bringing Aunt Rose, Smoke, Jake and Ash back to the cave.

"Ash and Smoke refused to transport us until Twitch told them it was safe to come back," Jake grouched. He ran his fingers through his hair setting it askew.

"I'm alright," I said before they could inundate me with their concerns. "Twitch, tell me something about Kitty I do not know," I said with a sigh, rubbing my face with frustration. "Oh, and please broadcast so I don't need to repeat everything to Jake and Aunt Rose."

"I can only tell you forest rumors about Kitty. I don't know if everything I'm about to tell you is true. She escaped long ago after her human companion died. She travels by night. Predators that enter her territory often disappear. She marks her territory, so forest folk know the boundaries. The rumors suggest Kitty lives in a series of cave systems on the far side of the forest. If you make an agreement with Kitty and don't keep it, you disappear."

"That's why she was looking for me," Brock grumbled. "I walked through her territory trying to get to you Amber. Why can't I move?"

"Dr. Woods, Jake, gave you medicine to sleep. He removed bullet fragments from your leg. He thinks your leg will heal with rest. When the medicine wears off, you will be able to move, but don't try to stand." Brock let out a huff. I stroked his head trying to calm him.

"Twitch is right. Kitty is dangerous." Brock rumbled. "But she is not all danger. I was released into her territory. When she found me trespassing, she listened to my story instead of attacking. She gave me part of her territory and helped me survive my first year in the forest. In exchange I agreed to honor her territory boundaries. We made a pact to send a message whenever hunters or trespassers were nearby."

"Brock, did you tell Kitty about me?" I asked.

"Yes, I did. You are an important part of my life story."

"When you recover, she wants you to bring me to her. Do you know why?"

"No, I don't. I need to sleep now."

"I need to get back. I have other patients who need me," Jake said. "I'll check on Brock tomorrow. Rose, thanks for the stew. Send a message if you need me. Amber, be careful." Jake gave me a long look as Ash leaped into his arms and they disappeared.

"Aunt Rose, did you know about Kitty?"

"No. Ash and Smoke let Jake and I see what was happening through their eyes. I'm guessing Kitty's a secret of the forest. From my experience, forest secrets can be very dangerous for humans to know."

© Copyright 2019 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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