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jimin was discharged after a week but rested at home for a few days before going to school. and of course, jungkook will visit him everyday after school.

you could say that jungkook is being more protective of his boyfriend now. he really doesn't want to lose him.

but everyone has their own secrets right?

"hey hyung!" jungkook chimed once he entered jimin's bedroom, seeing jimin's head snap up at him, a smile on his face.

"hey kookie" the elder stopped playing his phone and shifted, making space for jungkook as usual. jungkook giggled before settling his bag down and joining his boyfriend on the bed.

"how was school?" jimin asked casually as he stroked the younger's hair, looking down at his boyfriend.

jungkook is quite well build, he could see his muscles through the younger's school shirt and jimin just felt really heaty all of a sudden as he admired his boyfriend's figure.

"hyung!" jungkook hitted his chest playfully, eyes big and round as he pouted at jimin. "were you even listening?" the younger whined, looking up.

jimin gulped. just how the hell could someone have a cute face but a sexy body? it's not like he's any different than jungkook but fuck- jimin's getting sexually frustrated.

"park jimin! oh god, i'm going out" the purple haired got out from his grasp and placed his feet on the ground, only to be pulled back by the other strongly as he was turned around and being caught up in a heated kiss.

the latter moaned as jimin bit his bottom lip, pulling on it roughly, arms wrapping around the shorter's neck as he straddled jimin. their tongues met, playing around each other as they started getting blood pumping through their whole body.

"you know, your cute face doesn't really suit your body" jimin ghosted over the younger's lips, nibbling on his bottom one.

"hyung. . ." his voice came out a little lower, making jimin attach their lips back together while lifting jungkook up by his hips and placing him gently on the bed, arms placed beside the younger's head, caging him as they kissed fiercely, a mixture of tongue battling and lip biting as jungkook pulled jimin closer to him while he tilted his head, making jimin deepened the kiss even more.

once they lacked oxygen, jimin pulled away, fluttering his eyes open to see lust blown eyes staring back at him.

"hyung, i love you" jungkook said shyly, lifting up his head to peck the elder's lips. "and i want you. i want you so badly" jungkook whispered, tone a little whiny and seductive, making jimin lose his resistence as he growled lowly.

he pecked jungkook's lips once more, trailing down his cheek, jawline and neck as he played with the other's shirt. jimin started unbuttoning the younger's shirt, tossing it on the floor as jungkook did the same to his.

the older kissed his neck, before biting and sucking at a spot on jungkook's neck, receiving a shaking and soft whimper from the other. jimin pulled away, looking at the darkening bruise.

"mine" jimin whispered, kissing the hickey to soften the pain. he started trailing down kisses lower, biting a little here and there before taking in one of jungkook's buds.

"jimin. . ." jungkook fisted his hands as he bit his lips, seeing jimin sucking one of his nipple and playing with the other has already had him in bliss.

after sucking on one, jimin continued on the other before moving downwards, making the boy below him more nervous.

the red haired started kissing jungkook's clothed bulge, seeing the wet spots forming as he received small pants from the other, making him smirk.

he slowly pops open the button of the younger's pants before pulling down the zipper painfully slow, making the younger whine a little. he took off the boy's pants and briefs in one swift motion, admiring every inch of jungkook.

jungkook flushed, face red as he looked at jimin eyeing him. the younger whined and jimin chuckle before undressing himself. jimin is really a greek god. jungkook licked his lips, mouth going dry at the sight infront of him.

jimin went down, knees on the floor as he wrapped his cold fingers on jungkook's cock, making the other hiss from the cold contact. he started pumping the younger slowly, biting and sucking his thighs and hipbone, seeing faint red marks forming. jungkook bit his lips, hard, trying to stop the moans from falling out from his mouth but to no use once jimin sucked the head of jungkook's cock into his mouth.

"oh fuck!" jungkook threw his head back as he gripped on the bedsheets. jimin circled his tongue around the head, digging into the slit slightly, tasting the pre cum that has build up. he engulfed in more of jungkook, the said boy releasing foul words and long strings of moans continuously.

after a few more bobs, jungkook lost it. he came without warning, cum shooting to the back of jimin's throat.

"s-sorry i. . ." jungkook gulped when he saw jimin swallowing all of it, licking his lips as he smirked. he crawled back up, hovering above the younger.

"don't be sorry, you taste good" jimin whispered huskily, biting on the younger's earlobe as jungkook whimpered. their lips met again as jimin's hand wandered to the bedside table, opening the drawing to take out a small bottle of lube.

jungkook broke the kiss as he turned his head, seeing jimin bringing the lube closer to them. he peered at the other questioningly, making jimin grin.

"i'm not that innocent, baby" jungkook blushed at the pet name but took the bottle away from jimin's grasp.

"no. . ." he whispered, putting it back on the nightstand, making jimin's smile faltered a little but he understood if jungkook didn't wa-

"let me lube you instead" oh. jungkook flicked his eyes up to jimin's frozen ones, smiling shyly at the elder as he bit his lips. "please?. . ." the younger purred, hands going down to jimin's cock, hearing a shaky sigh in return.

"if you really wa-ah!" jimin yelped once he was flipped over, seeing jungkook grinning before lowering down himself to jimin's cock, blowing hot air on the tip.

"j- jungkook stop- fuck!" jungkook suddenly took jimin in whole, thanking himself for having no gag reflex as he heard the heavenly moans releasing from the elder's lips.

"f- fuck jungkook, where's your gag reflex. oh god" jimin groaned as he tugged on the purple locks harshly, receiving moans from the younger, the sounds sending vibrations to his cock.

"that's enough already" jimin growled, pulling the boy up and flipping them back as he lined himself up against the younger's hole.

he gazed up at jungkook, seeing him nodding in return before pecking his lips lightly. he slowly pushed past the pink ring of muscle, hearing jungkook wince lightly as his hands gripped jimin's back while the elder was penetrating him.

once jimin was fully him, he looked up, seeing jungkook bite his lips and having tears forming in the corner of his eyes. he moved up to kiss the tears away, rubbing jungkook's cheek.

"m-move hyung" jungkook opened his eyes, staring into jimin's uncertain ones. he pulled jimin down for a small kiss before smiling at jimin, giving him the approval to move. jimin smiled before pulling out a little, pushing back in,

"a- ah hyung. . ." jungkook couldn't keep his eyes open as jimin continued his pace, the pain slowly subsiding as he held jimin tighter.

"f- faster jimin. . ." he breathed, opening his eyes to see jimin shaking above him.

"you need to get use first" jungkook whimpered, moving his hips against jimin as he begged him to move faster, thrust in deeper into him but jimin just kept his pace.

"hyung please. . ." he was at the verge of crying, the pleasure was too much but he wanted more. "please what?" jimin swiped off the younger's sweaty bangs away from his forehead, seeing jungkook looking at him needily.

"god please jimin, just fuck me, fuck me hard please hyung" jungkook lifted his head up to mesh his lips against jimin, pulling him even closer.

"you asked for it" jimin pulled away fully, before slamming back in, making jungkook eyes popped open and he screamed once jimin angled himself against jungkook's prostate.

"jimin! fuck. . .a-ah hyung. . .oh my god!" he stretched his neck, tilting his head to the side to try quieten down a little but failed as jimin thrusted in harder, bringing the younger's leg up to hook around his waist.

"h-hyung. . .i'm going to-"

"me too baby" jimin went back down to the other's neck, forming another lovebite as he sucked harshly on the flesh when he flipped them over, him sitting on the bed as his back was against the headboard as jungkook straddled his waist.

jungkook wrapped his arms around jimin's neck, tipping his head back as he bounced harshly, mouth falling open in silent gasps, jimin's hands on his hips as he thrusts up, hitting jungkook's prostate again.

"does that feel good baby?"

"f- fuck jimin. it- it feels. . ah! ah! ah!" jungkook's head fell to jimin's shoulder once jimin thrusted harder, moans tumbling out from his mouth as he continued bouncing. jimin moves one of his hands from his hips to the other's asscheek, holding it while the other gripped his cock, pumping it to his thrust.

jungkook's moans got louder as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, feeling euphoria getting fuck into him.

one last pump and jungkook was gone, coming in long strings of cum against his stomach while jimin snapped his hips twice before releasing himself jungkook, the younger still riding him till he grabbed his hips to a full stop.

jimin slowly pulled out and layed beside the other, both panting and calming down from their high before jimin got up and went to the bathroom, returning with a washcloth and cleaning both of them up before settling back in bed, jungkook wrapping his arms and legs around him.

"i love you hyung" he smiled, tipping his head up to peck the other's lip sweet before snuggling into the elder's chest.

"i love you too" jimin smiled, feeling in full bliss.

"hey jungkook" he boy lifted his head up, seeing a smiling jimin.

"honestly, if it wasn't for twitter, we wouldn't end up here" the red haired laughed, making jungkook giggle.

"yeah, yeah we wouldn't if it wasn't for for twitter" he smiled, caressing his boyfriend's face.

hearing the sound of books dropping, both of them turn around and saw a frozen taehyung bringing his hands up to his face.

"oh my god, my innocent eyes! lock the fucking door next time! " taehyung screamed before slamming the door close, making both jimin and jungkook laugh before snuggling back together, ignoring the noises they were hearing downstairs.

"guess online friends came become lovers as well" jungkook said sleepily, pecking his boyfriend's cheek.

"yeah, yeah they can"


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