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"jungkook! don't!" jimin knew the truck was not going to stop by any means, so he had to do something.

he ran.

he dashed across to jungkook's side and pushed him away.

it happened so fast, jungkook couldn't even comprehend what happened because one second he was picking up the toy and the next he was being pushed to the side.

but he heard a soft thud followed by a groan.

he grunted softly, getting up.

his body froze as his blood ran cold.

"h-hyung. . ."

jimin was flung across the other side of the road as a pool of blood surrounded him. people started to crowd around the red haired, some were gasping and there was someone who called the ambulance.

jungkook rushed to his lover's side as he pushed everyone.

"hyung! fuck hyung why did you have to do that?" the latter cried as he brought jimin's head up to his chest. "hyung, wake up. fuck please, oh my god jimin! help me please!"

the younger's body was trembling as he held his boyfriend in his arms. tears were flowing down, not stopping anytime soon as his lips quivered.

the ambulance came after awhile, paramedics immediately attending to jimin and putting him up in a stretcher before making their way to the hospital with jungkook.

jungkook held jimin's hand as he cried, fear overtaking his whole body.

jimin was losing so much blood.

"jimin i'm so sorry, god i'm so sorry hyung"

the sound of glass shattering made taehyung jumped from his seat. he turned around from his study table and saw pieces of broken glass on the ground.

"what the fuck" he groaned before making his way to the side of his bed and picking up the-

"why do i suddenly have a bad feeling?" the brown haired held his hand up to his heart as it started racing.

he shook his head before continuing to pick up the broken pieces when he realised it was the photoframe that consisted a picture of jimin and him.

"how can this suddenly fall?"

something was just not right.

taehyung threw the pieces of glass before taking his phone and dialed in jimin's number. after the third ring, he answered.

"jimin are you-"

"h- hello?"

that wasn't jimin's voice.

taehyung pulled his phone away from his ear to check whether he dialed the correct number before putting it back on his ear.

"hello, who is this? where is jimin?"

"i- it's jungkook"

why is this boy's voice so shaky and soft?

"oh jungkook. where's jimin?"

the was a long silence before taehyung heard soft sobs emitting from the other line.

"jungkook are you crying?"

"jimin- jimin got into an accident. he's at-"

taehyung's phone slipped from his grip as his mind went blank.

he bit his lips as he felt his eyes water.

the boy let out a deep breath before shakily picking his phone back up, seeing jungkook still on the line.

"j- jimin. . .where is he hospitalised in?"

"seoul national hospital. you shou-"

"i'm making my way there"

taehyung took his stuffs before dashing out his room and grabbing a cab to the hospital.

"fuck jimin what happened to you?" he silently cried as he felt himself shaking.

he will be okay.

he will.

"which room is the patient name park jimin in?" taehyung asked the nurse at the counter as he panted slightly from running earlier on.

"he's in room 15, third level but please do not enter the room, park jimin is in a very critical condition sir" the boy nodded and made his way to the said room, seeing a devastated jungkook leaning against the wall as tears dripped down his face.

"jungkook" he called out as the older went nearer, his own eyes stinging. his eyes shot open and he straightened up.

"what happened jungkook?"

"i. . i- jimin. . he- it should be me! it should be me in there, it should be me who got hit, it should be me! taehyung it should be me! why did he do that?" taehyung held his shoulder as he look at him, letting out a shaky breath.

"jungkook, calm down. don't blame yourself and tell me what happened"

"a- a kid's toy dropped and it rolled across the street. of course out of instinct, i wanted to pick it up and return it to the boy. b- but i've forgotten that the light was still red. and i also didn't realise there was a truck speeding towards me so jimin, j- jimin pushed me away and. . ." he started sobbing again, the same thing that's happening to the older right now.

"fuck" taehyung gripped his hair as he leaned against the wall.

"i should be the one who is in there right now" taehyung heard him mumble and he shook his head, a faint chuckle escaping his lips.

"you know jimin, he's an angel. he has suffered so much from his own pain yet he still cares for others. of course he wouldn't just let you get hit by the truck in front of his own eyes, i mean you're his boyfriend for god's sake. and he loves you"

"i'm scared hyung. he's in a critical condition and-"

"he's strong enough to fight against it, don't worry"

taehyung took out my phone and told the others, all of them immediately making their way there.

they were at a loss for words, hoseok bawling his eyes out as the others had tears just waiting to burst out but they held it in.

the emergency room door suddenly opened and junior appeared, face full of concern, making them have a bad feeling.

jungkook was the first to rush to him, immediately asking about jimin's condition.

junior sighed, looking at all of them before saying out something that made all of them got their breath stuck in out throat, another round of tears escpaing everyone's eyes,

"the impact of the hit mostly occured on his head, where his tumor is in. he is in a very critical condition at the moment and has lost a lot of blood. he has to take the operation now, if not he will not be able to make. he will only be left with a few more hours in this world"

brb kms.

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