twenty one

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once he saw junior making his way out of the surgery room, jungkook got up from his seat and walked towards the elder, eyes full of concern and hope.

"how is he doctor?" junior smiled slightly before sighing a little, all attention on him.

"jimin made it" all of them heaved a sigh, a sense of relief washing over.

but junior wasn't finish.

"but, he's in coma at the moment"

jungkook's heart dropped as he heard what state the red haired male is in, a soft gasp leaving his lips.

"you can visit him, but only three person at a time please" junior said and the rest nodded. jungkook brought his gaze to the glass frame, seeing his lover.

tubes covering his body, needles poked into him as he wore the oxygen mask to help him breathe.

"how long. . ." the boy muttered, bringing everyone's attention to him. "how long what?" junior asked, eyes locked with the younger.

"how long will he be in that state? in coma. . ." the doctor shook his head, making an unreadable expression.

"we are not even sure, but judging from his condition, it can take up to long weeks or a few months. you have to put in mind that park jimin had suffered from stage four of glioblastomas. the chances for him to survive were little but he made it. furthermore, he was involved in an accident that mostly occured on his head area, which made a huge impact on his cancer. this is the least you have to expect"

jungkook's heart sank.

he was the one who made jimin get into the accident.

if he wasn't so oblivious, none of this would have happen.

and jimin wouldn't have been in the awful state he is in.

"if that is all, mr and mrs park, please follow me to my office, we have a few things to tell you about jimin's condition and give the papers for you to sign" junior gave a smile before making his way with jimin's parents, the others in a daze.

"who wants to visit him first?" namjoon spoke up, breaking the silent atmosphere.

namjoon, jin and taehyung went in first, the other three in the next.

a fresh round of tears dripped down taehyung's face as he went nearer to jimin.

he looks like he's fighting to live.

he took hold of his hand, gripping it tightly before letting his head fall to their intertwined hands as he choke on his sobs.

"you'll w- wake up r- right j- jiminie? i m- miss you. wake up, please?" taehyung felt a hand on his back and turned, seeing jin and namjoon giving him a pitiful look.

"he will wake up taehyung-ah. give him time" namjoon tried assuring him as he smiled a little.

they stayed im the room for awhile more, before deciding to leave. taehyung pecked jimin's forehead before smiling bitterly at him.

"wake up soon best friend"

"jungkook?" the said boy snapped his head up, seeing hoseok and yoongi about to go into jimin's room as jin, namjoon and taehyung seated down.

is he ready to see jimin in this state?

he shook his head, looking away as he bit the inside of his cheeks, "you guys go ahead first, i'll go in afterwards" he muttered a reply softly and they nodded before stepping in.

"are you sure you don't want to go home? we have school tomorrow jungkook-ah" jin tried convincing the purple haired boy, only receiving a shake of his head.

"i want to stay. i need to see jimin by my side right now" jungkook rubbed his arms as they stood outside jimin's room after yoongi and hoseok checked up on the sick boy.

"make sure you get some rest okay?" jin asked, concern laced in his voice. jungkook nodded, a small smile playing on his lips.

all of them started leaving, making their separate ways back home.

jungkook took a deep breath before pushing the handle to his boyfriend's room.

the younger's breath got caught in his throat once he entered, seeing jimin lifelessly laying on the hospital bed. he looks so vulnerable and fragile, jungkook's chest tighten.

he slowly made his way towards jimin as he sat down beside him, tears threatening to fall as he placed his hands on jimin's face, gently stroking his cheeks. "look at what i did to you hyung. i'm so sorry" the latter held back his sob as his hands went to lace with jimin's.

"but thank you hyung, thank you for surviving. thank you for still living, still breathing. honestly, i couldn't imagine what i would be like if you were gone. i have fallen in love with you way too much, i don't think i can ever lose you jimin hyung" jungkook started sobbing, wiping his tears once in a while.

"when are you gonna wake up hyung?" jungkook whispered brokenly as he lift his gaze to study jimin.

"i miss you jimin. i miss your smile that always make me flutter in the inside. i miss your hugs, it feels like home. i miss your kisses, making my heart accelerate that i feel it will shoot out. i miss the smiley, happy, cheerful jimin who never showed his weak side. eventhough you were suffering, you never showed it to any of us. i love you so, so much jimin" jungkook placed a kiss on jimin's hand before making his way up to his forehead and cheek, giving light pecks, hearing jimin's heart monitor beeping.

"please wake up soon baby" jungkook smiled with teary eyes, hands still clasped with jimin's.

a month passed and nothing changed.

jimin was still in coma.

jungkook never once leaved jimin's side unless he was forced too.

he would go home, take a shower, then go to school.

but at the end of the day, he would always be with jimin.

"hyung, it's been over a month. why aren't you waking up?" jungkook rubbed his thumb over jimin's cheekbone, gazing at his sleeping boyfriend.

"everyone is worried about you. all of them come here sometimes to check up on you, taehyung visiting you more often. hyung, i really miss you. really, really miss you" the younger placed a kiss on jimin's cheek before letting his head fall to jimin's arm, a sigh leaving his lips.

"will you stay by my side, will you promise me?"

"if i let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break. i'm scared, scared, scared of that"

"jungkookie, you should listen to this! i really love this song" jimin smiled cheekily before placing the right side of his earpiece to jungkook's ear, playing the music.

"it's beautiful, right?" jimin asked once the song ended, a contented sigh escaping his lips as he laid his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"will you stop time? if this moment passes, as though it hadn't happened. i'm scared, scared, scared i'll lose you"

"yeah, it's beautiful, like you" jimin giggled, hitting jungkook's arm softly.

"you're so cheesy jeon jungkook" he snuggled closer, making him straddling the younger in the end as he rested his head on jungkook's neck.

"butterfly, like a butterfly. just like a butterfly"

jungkook stopped singing, wiping his tears that fell out as he gaze up at jimin, making him gasp.

a tear fell from his eyes.

this story is ending soon as well.

this chapter makes me emo.

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