And where is here?

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Tony groaned as his eyes fluttered open. Whatever had just happened, his body was still numb from it and once again, his brain was clouded. His left hand laid sprawled out in front of him. After forcing himself to take several deep breaths, he slowly pried his head off the cold floor to have a look around. The movement had some sort of vertigo effect on him, buy after a moment, he was able to make where he was...sort of.

It was some sort of underground, stone cell, with a single lightbulb and pullstring for his vision to work on. A cold draft blew down from a tiny vent in the ceiling, next to the light. The others all laid similarly sprawled out on the cold storm floor. Tony's heart leaped when he saw them, but then rejected his fear. They were all just still out. Whatever it was that gassed them in the van, it had to be some sort of vaporized chloroform...or something.

"Guys," the single word was forced, causing his head to go wild and spin out of control. He took a few calculated breaths before trying again. "Guys, guys get up."

"Mrrrrrrr," came a deep throated moan to his left.

Tony closed his eyes momentarily and dropped his head gently back to the floor. Now just wasn't the time for a zombie apocalypse. If the guy had locked them down, wherever here was, with a newly infected, trial run zombie that he was going to use to take over the world, then the five of them were as good as screwed.

"Ugh, God, what happened?"

Oh. Not a zombie, just Michael.

Tony took that moment to try and sit up, but any sudden movement made his stomach lurch and his head spin faster than -- something that spins really fast.

"You okay?" Tony croaked, forcing himself to sit, despite the nausea.

Michael, who had been laying sprawled with his dark haired head turned away, moved slowly, almost sluggishly at the sound of his voice. "Ah cwan't veel mah face."

Whatever the had been used to knock them out, it had a major numbing agent in it. Tony said so, "it should go away in a few minutes."

Michael nodded back slowly, exaggerating each move like he wasn't sure his head was responding.

Tony as he looked around. The numb of the vapor was finally wearing off, leaving his body open to respond to all the scrapes and bruises dotting his body. The ones he noticed first were the two long gashes down the bottoms of both of his fore arms from when he slid down against the sidewalk. The six in wounds were covered in fragile scabs of blackened blood that looked like they could rupture at the slightest pressure. His face throbbed with a similar scab on his right cheek bone. He couldn't see it, but he knew he must have looked like someone had forced his face into an aggressive make out session with a wall.

After managing a steady breath, he finally gathered up the gumption to look down at his leg. All it took was one sight of gushing blood and blackened mishappened tissue sticking to leg of his jeans, to make him force his eyes away. The bile rose in his throat and his eyes brimmed. That couldn't be his leg...

A muted shuffling caused Tony to look up. Mike had finally collected his head enough to get up and kneel by Abbie's side, just as Lisha was starting to stir. Ian was nowhere to be seen.

"I-Is she?" Tony stammered as Lisha sat up and Mike put his ear near Abbie's mouth to listen for breathing.

"She's breathing,"  he sighed in relief.

Lisha seemed to snap out of the chloroform daze faster than the rest of them, because she was quickly on her feet and unzipping her jacket. "We need to get out of here," the copper haired girl noted as she appeared to catch sight of the wound.

"Guys, where's Ian?" Tony asked as Lisha did her best at faking doctor.

The three of them paused and looked around for his signature shock of blond hair, but he was no where to be seen. "Great," Lisha sighed and went back to applying pressure to Abbie's wound.

"LET US OUT OF HERE!" Tony yelled at the top of his lungs, but the only answer was his own voice screaming back at him. There was a small door at the complete other end of their stone prison. It was tiny for a door, so short that it would have only come up to his chest if he were standing.

Lisha seemed to notice his forlorn stare and looked up at the door. With a few whispered words to Mike, she slowly got up and stumbled her way to the door. Maybe it vain hope that Tony had, but it was still hope all the same. And it didn't hurt any less when the door wouldn't open.

"DAMMIT!" Lisha screamed and pounded her arm against the door. "LET US OUT OF HERE YOU RAT BASTARD! WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU!" The room seemed to grow even dimmer as she proceeded to scream and bang at the door. She looked like she would have kicked it too, out of frustration if nothing else, but, her shoes were gone, they were all barefoot.

Finally, against the eyes of everyone in the room, she just slid to her knees and rested forehead against the door as her shoulders shuddered in silent sobs.

Suddenly a loud muted beat, like someone was tapping on a microphone for testing. A moment later, the same gargled voice from the night before, spoke through hidden speakers.

Hello, Lisha, Michael, To--

"LET US OUT OF HERE!" Mike's scream of desperation drowned out the rest of the names.

I'm afraid I can't do that, the voice replied with a steely calmness that had Tony ready to throw his head into a blender. Not until I get what I want.

"WE'LL GIVE IT TO YOU!" Lisha wailed between broken sobs. "Just let us out. PLEASE."

The voice promptly ignored her. You group seems a little empty doesn't it?

"What did you do with Ian, you sick freak!" Lisha lashed out and started pounding again.

Now now, Lisha, the voice chuckled. Name calling isn't very nice.

"Answer her!"

Oh, he's fine, I'll put him on.

There was a pause and some muted russelling, but then the voice on the speaker changed.

Guys, guys?

"Ian!?" Michael called up toward the ceiling. "Is that you? Are you alright?"

Yeah, it's me, I'm fine, I'm -- ARRRRRHHHHH!!!

Tony's blood chilled as Ian screams filled the entire room. Added to the chaos was Lisha as her whimpers of, "God, Oh God, no," haunted like a ghost.

You, see, this one has no manners, the monotonous voice returned as soon as the screaming stopped. One does not simply just leap from my van and tackle me, to the ground. He has to learn some etiquette, but fear not kids, I'll have him back to you soon.

"What do you want from us!?" Tony yelled, "We'll give it to you. Just leave him alone and let us go!"

I'll get what I want soon enough, the voice seemed almost amused at the their despair. And when I do, I'll let you go, I swear it.

"Wait, you will?" Tony asked skeptically.

But of course. I'm of my word.

"And what is it, you want?" Michael asked the question that everyone was clearly thinking.

Well, it's not so much, something I want, versus something that is needed. You see, there are five of you. Three of you will walk out of here. Two of you will die. I'll leave it amongst yourselves to decide who.

There was a faint crackle of static on the back of the line, then there was only silence.

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