Author's of Note

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¡Hola mis amigos! ¿Qué estás? Soy muy bien porque yo hecho un libro tambien. Así....¿Comó haciste gustarlo? Es lo mucho divertido escribir. No pulseras a puedra de balas, pero es bien. Uy.....el español está dueliendo mi cabaza.

There I wrote a paragraph in Spanish. Be proud of me....gods, just reading it over is giving me a headache. It's too late to speaking in Spanish.

So this is my first finished original work that I published on Wattpad. Yay! Thank you so for reading. I am not a writer who is capable of working for myself. I need to have people reading my stuff or I eventually get bored of what I'm writing (mostly because I'll make a reference to the story and no one will get it). This story, was not only my first finished original work, but my only successful band story.

Trust me, I've tried to write many band stories. Much fail.


I cut some stuff out of the epilogue..... Anyways.

Time for the part we have all been waiting for, the ever popular Question and Answer Portion!!!!!!!!!!!
The part of the show where I ask you questions and you answer them to the best of your ability.

1.) π

2.) What did you think of the story?

3.) How accurate was your original prediction of the book's ending?

4.) Lisha's death though...

5.) Are you mad at Michael even though he was drugged?

6.) Can you tell that I wrote this entire story on a touchscreen device?

7.) Are you answering all the yes and no questions, but skipping the ones that all you to elaborate?

8.) Are my surveys annoying?

9.) In your opinion, is my writing style too.... Out of focus/random?

10.) Did anyone really care about the two that died or no?

11.) Should I be hiding under the shield of Athena right now?

12.) In your opinion is Perseus a hero, Greek or otherwise? (Not Jackson)

13.) Are you in anyway associated with band/guard? *waves*

14.) Would you recommend this story to people?

15.) Are you completely ignoring this survey because you're too lazy to comment stuff?

I would like to thank Rissa, Lilly, Tami, and Angelina for reading all the way through even after I disappeared for a couple months. I would send you all chocolate if I could.... Actually I could send chocolate to two of you..... Hmmmm forget I mentioned that then.

So one of the things I'm working on as a writer is making my books longer. My longest, probably most important work up to this point would actually have to be This Is War, which to date has been and probably still is my longest book. But in pages that doesn't really matter to me, what does is that once my book gets somewhere in the early to mid twenties in number of chapters, I always feel the need to end the book. This is War is 25 chapters, (not including authors notes and disclaimers) Battlefield is shorter, Like War had more chapters but they're really short.

This book has thirty chapters, not including epilogue, names, dedication, foreword, or copyright, so I'm slowly working up. Next book I wanna try for 40+ chapters.

So my next book is called Silent Symphony. It follows the journey of two kids and an elf as they learn the secrets of music on the brink of war.

Check it out it's on my profile right now.

Can't wait to see you there.

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