Chapter 3

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Cassandra knew, the moment Rapunzel suggested the idea to visit the hospital, she had to leave. Leaning her back against the wall of the cafe she just came out of, she exhaled heavily. She, as much brave as she was, or tried to be, knew that she wouldn't be able to help herself from breaking down as she walked down the corridors of the hospital.

She had to visit that place, albeit unwillingly, as it was that fateful day. Both her mind and body were tired, and all she wanted was to disappear.

It was, therefore, an unpleasant surprise when she heard a distinctly familiar voice a few steps away from her, as she entered the garden of the hospital through the back gate.

It called out her name.

Frowning, she turned her head towards the sound, knowing very well who it belonged to.


They were standing in front of the hospital, it was an hour ride from the Snuggly Duckling.

Rapunzel smiled as she took Eugene by her hand and gestured to Varian to follow her inside.

"You know, everyone here is so nice, that it feels like home already!" She chirped as she went forward with Eugene while Varian stayed behind, running his eyes over the hospital's dismal white walls.

"I am not sure, this place looks depressing to me," Varian commented.

"Like CassANdra." Eugene laughed as he winked at Varian.

"Rapunzel!" A light, cheerful voice beamed in the hallway, as Varian saw a girl with light brown hair running towards Rapunzel.

"Faith, Hi!" Rapunzel smiled as she ran towards Faith, hugging her tightly.
"How have you been?" Rapunzel asked her, as they broke away from each other's embrace.

"I've been great. Just got off work." Faith smiled as she nodded at Eugene in greeting.

"Hi Faith, hope the patients aren't slapping you anymore," Eugene smirked.

Letting out a small chuckle, Faith looked at him, "Well, some of them still do, we can't help it."

"At least they don't choke you." With a grim voice, Eugene muttered.

An awkward silence settled in, as Faith looked seemingly uncomfortable. Rapunzel, sensing the distress, chirped up, "Oh, and I almost forgot!"

Pulling Varian by his arm, she pulled him by her side. "This is Varian, Eugene's cousin. And Varian, this is Faith. She is one of the nurses in this hospital."

Varian smiled as he put his hand out for greeting, "Pleased to meet you."

Faith took his hand as she smiled, "The pleasure's all mine."

"Hey, why don't you two go out and explore the hospital for a bit? Faith will give you a better tour than I will!"

"Oh, why not! Would you like that?" Faith asked as she turned towards Varian.

"Uhh… sure!" Varian smiled.

"Well, then. We will start in the garden. It's really beautiful, with magnolias, roses and so many more varieties!" Faith spoke as she took Varian by his hand, turning and walking towards the gate.

Eugene smiled, "Playing a matchmaker already, Rapunzel?"

With a guilty smile, she turned to him, "But look at them! They look so cute together, don't they!?"

"Of course they do." Snaking his arm around her waist, he continued, "And now that we have the opportunity to be alone, we shouldn't miss it, right?" As he led her towards one of the corridors of the hospital.

"Of course." Smiling, she gave him a peck on his cheek.


Varian hadn't been regretting his decision, Faith had been giving him a really good tour.

"Here, we come to the end of our garden tour! Would you have a look in the wards too?"

"I don't think so, I want to stay here for a while. This place is refreshing."

"I know, right? This place is my personal favourite. Whenever I feel low or frustrated, I always come here, especially when the patients are inside. It helps me to clear my mind and escape myself for a while."

"Well, you seem to know Rapunzel and Eugene for quite some time." Varian tried to change the topic.

"Oh, not much, but for a couple of years now."

"You know, Eugene has changed a lot since I last met him. Since he met Rapunzel."

"Love changes people, it's a known fact." Faith smiled in his direction.

"Yeah… love." He smiled awkwardly, as he rubbed his hand over his neck.

"Have you… ever been in love?" Faith asked as she looked at him, smiling still.

"Me? Love?" He looked at her, somewhat shocked.

8-year-old Varian was too absorbed in his crying to notice when the taunting around him stopped. He didn't look up, he was still staring down, trying to hold back his sobs, when a new tone hit his ears.

"What were all of you up to?"

"N...nothing…" one of them said, shaking all over.

"Get lost before I lose my temper." She spat out, glaring at them angrily.

He could feel her turning towards him, as she spoke up, "Are you ok?"

"No…" eyes still on the ground, he broke into another sob. "They… they called her a co... coward…"


"My mother." He cried again, but this time, she bent down and patted on his head with her hand.

This made him look at her, and when he did, his breath caught his throat.

She looked much older than him. And she looked scary. But she was beautiful.

"Heh… no…" he said, awkwardly.

"Then it's time you learn to." Faith whispered as a light blush crept on her cheeks, although it was low enough for Varian not to hear.

Varian was about to ask her what she had said just now, but something prevented him from doing so. Behind Faith, he could see a glimpse of someone making their way from the back gate to an opening to a place he didn't know. Normally, he wouldn't have attached much importance to that person, until his eyes, and in a few more moments, his brain registered who that person was.

"Cassandra!" He hadn't meant to scream, heck, he didn't even know why he did, it just came out of his throat like an arrow released from the bow. And now, as he saw her turning towards him with a confused expression, and Faith turning her head to the direction his eyes were pointing, he knew that there were no take-backs.

Cassandra's gaze landed on Varian, but soon it travelled to Faith, and something in her gaze changed.

What's with that look? Varian wondered.

"Faith. Have you been well?" Cassandra smiled ever so slightly, and there was a tinge of shrewdness in her voice.

"Yes. And you?" Faith looked at her calmly, as she stepped a bit forward.

"I've been meaning to talk to you." She gestured with her head, slightly tilting it to the right side.

Faith's eyes widened, as she stared at her, but suddenly something clicked in her mind and she turned to Varian. "Varian, can you, please, uhh…" Her eyes darted nervously as Varian looked at her quizzically.

"Leave us alone," Cassandra spoke up.

"Uh… yeah that…" Faith smiled nervously.

Varian's inquisitive look turned into a glare as he looked at Cassandra, which she answered with one of her own. The tension which was building up between them was broken by Faith clearing her throat, as she tried again, "Varian, please excuse us."

Varian turned to leave, but not before giving Cassandra one last look, while she furrowed her brows in his direction, "Fool." She muttered.

"Or maybe he is brave enough to face you alone." Faith mumbled.

Cassandra turned her head towards her with the same sly smile she had given her before. "Don't you think it's too early to fall in love, Faith?"

Faith looked away, but the blush creeping up her cheeks did not go unnoticed.

"Stop it, Cass." She whispered as she turned away from her, going near a bunch of lilies, orchids and white roses, taking out her garden scissors and delicately cutting them one by one.

"You know," Cassandra spoke again as she strolled near Faith, "I like black roses. It's a shame that they are so rare, but that's what makes people value them more, right?"

"They grow in Switzerland." Faith muttered.

"Ah, how much I want to escape this place and settle there quietly, growing them."

"You don't know how to." Faith pointed out.

"I'll keep you with me then. You can do that work."

Faith stood up, holding a bunch of flowers in her hand as she looked at Cassandra, "I love flowers, not you."

Cassandra smiled as she took a step forward, towards Faith, "You are still scared of me, aren't you?"

Faith looked down, hearing the whispering voices around her. People were talking about her. Clutching a dirty, rough teddy to herself, she looked down. People always talked bad things about her. Her hold on the bear tightened, she was sure she would break any moment, but suddenly the whispering stopped.

A girl, much older than her, strolled into the room, casting a glance around the room. All the children in the stopped talking, and either began shuffling nervously or became dead quiet. Faith looked up at this new girl in admiration.

Faith's eyes widened as she looked at Cassandra. Biting her lip nervously, she pushed the flowers she'd been holding forward in Cassandra's hand. "Say my prayers for him." She mumbled.

Cassandra frowned, taking the flowers as she looked from them to Faith, "Do that yourself. You know that I don't pray." She pushed out through gritted teeth as she turned and walked away, in the direction she was going before.

Faith sighed sadly as she looked in Cassandra's direction, slowly turning away to get inside, wanting to catch up with Varian.

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