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Adrien was still ignoring his brother, despite the fact Felix had specifically told him he had apologized to Marinette. Honestly, if anything, the real reason Adrien was upset was because he thought things were getting better with his brother. He seemed less of well, himself that first day of school, which of course was a good thing, but everything changed when he ended up amending back to his jerky attitude.

Especially toward Marinette in particular. Adrien couldn't describe at all how his anger bubbled up- how he wanted to walk out and punch his brother square in his adept face after he had shoved Marinette down. Twice. It seemed that, even though he claimed to have apologized outside of school to the young girl, it seemed his brother held no guilt or remorse for Marinette, and was only trying to protect his untarnished reputation. And he hated that.

It may have seemed like something small, useless to the point you shouldn't even get worked up over it. But Adrien knew that it didn't matter.

As for Felix, now that he knew the girl wasn't mad at him anymore- or so he thought- it seemed a huge, unbearable weight had been lifted off the boy's shoulders. For once in his life since he was a child, he had done something that had surprised even himself, he had apologized. More specifically to someone he didn't even know. Felix wasn't sure, but it definitely had something to do with the girl herself, according to his conscious at least.

No, that's ridiculous. I'm Felix Agreste, I don't do girls, he ridiculed himself constantly when the thought returned over and over. How had the girl had still been so forgiving despite such a cruel, jerky thing he had done with no good reasoning behind it? Well, as stated before there was reason, but I wouldn't call it good since, technically, she hadn't done anything at all. But one thing he couldn't deny was that, for some reason, the pure thought of her made a smile surface.

Things got worse. They really did. I guess most people wouldn't call the feeling bad, but to Felix, he knew something like this could easily sabotage what he had kept up for so many years. But, over the next few days he ended up talking to Marinette, and before he knew it, he was starting to sound like a normal guy.

And it scared him. Almost as much as Esther barreling toward him on that crisp Winter night, eight years ago. He wasn't sure why it did. Maybe because his stomach couldn't take it, it wanted to throw up the thoughts, and refuse intake of any more of similarity. This whole transformation thing made him feel nauseous to not only his core, but to his aching heart, even if many would even questioned its existence. (example, Adrien) But it was there and Felix knew it.

And so did Marinette. Unlike Felix, she wasn't going to deny she had a slight crush on the boy despite their previous encounters. She liked knowing that there was more to him then just that silly mask that he was constantly hiding behind, the one that provoked his foolish behavior on the first day of school. And she was falling for how charming he seemed to be when she got a chance to talk to him, how she treated her differently, more earnestly than he did others.

He hadn't fully ditched his fake overcoat of bitterness, sometimes he would avert his gaze from the girl, tell himself he was still Felix Agreste and nothing more. But he couldn't help it. He knew something had changed about himself and it always made him uncomfortable because he didn't want to accept it.

In fact, sometimes he even found himself making friends. For example, he had met Nino, who had also previously made friends with Adrien, who referred to him as "pretty cool," and "dude."

So, Felix wasn't even sure what to think when he was invited to a damn Christmas party. That must have meant that people accepted him, felt that they were comfortable around him, that he had changed. And it had only been four weeks into school. Adrien was invited, too, who even after all this time still held a small grudge against Felix. They still exchanged conversation, but most of the time he still avoided him.

The thought often crossed his mind that maybe Felix should apologize to his brother. But, when he really thought about it, he hadn't done anything wrong. So he never really considered it.

It was the night of the Christmas party that they were both getting ready, that Felix finally confronted his twin.

Both wore sweaters of similar color scheme, but of entirely different taste. Adrien was more of a casual while Felix was always formal, wearing some type of charming vest and such to any event to basically anything including school itself.

Felix had just been pulling on his black slacks when his Adrien came into his room without warning, borrowing a few things such as Felix's expensive hair gel, as he had just ran out. Adrien averted his gaze and paid no attention to his older brother while he fixed his hair.

"God, Adrien," for the first time in a long while, Felix actually referred to him by his name instead of little brother, "would you lighten up and freaking talk to me for once?"

Adrien bade no answer, but Felix could faintly see the blonde's bitter expression from the corner of the mirror, one that twisted up into a scowl. It annoyed Felix, really, seeing his brother suddenly act like this.

"It's pretty annoying, right?" Adrien hissed after a few minutes of silence, nearly reading his brother's thought process. "You know, this whole attitude thing I'm keeping up with? I'm really trying to continue it, to give you the cold shoulder, but you make it look so much easier than it really is, Felix. Especially since you've kept it up for as long as I can remember- whereas I'm finding it an extremely difficult task to fulfill for a mere two weeks."

The older blonde's heart sank.

He knew Adrien was completely right. And he wouldn't personally admit that ever; but it was unbearably and entirely true. Here he was, annoyed at his brother for doing this for two weeks while he had been doing the same for half his life. And Adrien didn't know- he didn't know why Felix had done it, treated him and everyone else so unfairly, but in that moment the blonde knew what he had done was entirely his own fault, even despite the true cause.

All was silent, the only sound that could absorbed by the ears was the slow ticking of the bronze clock hanging above them, and the longer it progressed the later they were to the party.

Finally, Felix burst into anger.

"I'm trying my best, Adrien! Can't you see I'm trying to change?" Felix suddenly blurted, his hands gripping both sides of his dresser, eyes squeezing together profusely in an attempt to prevent anger and tears from surfacing. Much like his father, his temper was very short-handed and unpredictable. Adrien heavily exhaled air he didn't even realize he was holding upon hearing his brother. Even Felix himself was surprised at his sudden outburst, but yes, he knew after all of this time the truth was he really wanted things to change. Even if he hadn't fully realized that up until now.

The terrible silence once again grew between them, Felix breathing heavily, waiting for Adrien's response while the sink still ran.

His brother turned the sink off, exiting the room, but not before he narrowed his eyes at his twin, "Don't think I haven't seen the way you look at her, Felix." And in an instant, he was gone, leaving the older twin alone to cope with his thoughts.


Meanwhile, at the Christmas party hosted by Alya Cesaire, Marinette sighed dreamily toward the window, waiting for Felix to arrive. It was true that she had been anticipating his arrival. Of course he was going to be late, I mean, that was more or less Felix's style. But still she stood patiently there, hoping he'd get there soon.

"Waiting for your prince, Mari?" Alya asked with a chuckle, while she washed some dishes with an old rag, peeking over at her friend from the corner of her eye. Alya had never entirely trusted Felix after their first encounter or much less spoken to him, but Marinette insisted she invite him. He seemed to make the bluenette utterly joyous and happy, and Alya could at least give him that. But if he so much as laid a finger on her best friend, the blogger was ready to lunge at him and tear limb from limb without a trifle of mercy.

"Pfft, be quiet Alya," Marinette rolled her eyes and faced away from the window, directing her attention toward her friend. "how about you and Nino?" She teased as some sort of payback, wiggling her eyebrows.

Alya blushed a little bit, though Marinette could not see this as she had averted her gaze.

"But, I do have to admit, Felix is pretty hot," Alya changed the subject quickly, now joining Marinette by the window.

In response, Marinette sighed dreamily. "Of course he is, he's a model Alya," Because of this, Marinette often thought it was utterly impossible to have any sort of chance with him. But hey, a girl could dream, couldn't she? Even if they both became exclusively friends, she could at least live with that.

"What about Adrien?" Alya suddenly asked, even to her own surprise. Marinette looked at her for a second, raising an eyebrow before crossing her arms and looking out the window again.

"Yeah, sure he's not bad, but let's be reasonable here," she smiled again at the thought of Felix, internally remembering how idiotic it seemed that she used to hate him. Well.. really, she guessed  it was for good reason, I mean, he did kind of do something a little iniquitous. But.. Marinette knew when a person was sincerely and truly sorry, and it was easier to tell with Felix than most would think. Normally she didn't actually really despise anyone, it was practically in her nature to be kind to everything and everyone. One of the many traits both Felix and Adrien admired about her.

"Knowing you, Marinette, you'll set up a mistletoe at the door and meet him there once he arrives," Alya laughed hysterically, slowly joined by Marinette who was wiping tears away from all their clammer and conversation.

"That's a good idea, Alya, maybe I'll try that   sometime," Marinette rolled her eyes sarcastically, which quickly widened at the sound of the doorbell, making her scramble to the door before someone else could answer it.

She took deep breaths, regaining her posture and dusting herself off while Alya watched from a distance, offering her two thumbs up. She hesitantly reached for the doorknob, her hand lingering for a split second before she yanked it open expeditiously.

She had expected Felix, but instead it was actually his twin brother Adrien, which surprised her. She and Adrien had become good friends over the past few weeks, so that was completely fine with her. He was just as good-looking his brother, still a model, but she didn't see Adrien in that same light she saw Felix. (Sadly.)

She had apologized to him a day after Felix had expressed his sorrows to her. She had shot him down when he was trying to comfort her, and she felt awful about it. And just because he was related to Felix. It sounded stupid now that she really pointed it out, which it was.

"Hey!" She smiled and she and Adrien shared a brisk hug, which caused the blonde boy to blush a bit at her warmth. "Come in, come in, hey, where's your brother?" She asked curiously, and Adrien simply shrugged in response.

"We got into a small fight, so he might be a little late." He sighed quietly afterward, slightly regretting him not being here with him. In truth, he wasn't even sure if he'd show up.

"Oh, that's okay, come in-" When Marinette had reached out to guide Adrien inside, unfortunately for her, there was a chunk of ice right under when she had placed her foot, and down she went. To make things ten times worse, she had grabbed Adrien by the shirt to regain her balance which did not work out in her favor. So both of them slipped, with her falling on top of Adrien in a very suggestive position. Both teens were blushing like crazy, Marinette having both her hands on Adrien's chest who was beneath her, and their legs entangled. Their lips were only a few inches away from one another, and they could practically feel each other's breath tingling their eyelashes.

Both were frozen for a split second in time, staring into each other's eyes, before Marinette propped herself up quickly, her eyes bulging at the sight of their their current inappropriate position. 

"O-oh my gosh! I'm s-so sorry Adrien! God, I-I am so clumsy," she sprang up and away from Adrien, half freaking out and half offering to help him up. Her blush grew tenfold after realizing how calm Adrien seemed to have been during their, 'situation.'

"No, it's fine really," Adrien spoke smoothly despite his embarrassment and took her invitation to help himself up, dusting the snow off of his jacket and shoving his hands into his pockets as if nothing had happened. "Are you alright?" He asked, looking Marinette up and down while raising an eyebrow.

"Y-yes! We should probably g-get inside," she offered, practically dragging him inside to avoid the awkward situation. As soon as she looked away from him he finally allowed a blush to overtake his face, visibly embarrassed.

Oh my god, oh my god Marinette kept saying in head. On the bright side, at least nobody had witnessed it.. well, except for Alya.

"Timberrrr!" Alya snickered to Marinette as she passed by, making her blush again.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, Felix also witnessed their little scene back at the door when the limo was pulling in. Let's just say he was a little angry.

[welp it's super spaced and I can't fix that, so yep.. oh! and thanks for nearly 100 reads, it may seem like a small number, but I just barely posted up this story last night, so thank you thank you and I hope you're enjoying it so far]


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