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[New cover is up! Yes, I made it heh.. didn't draw it like it said.. but hey! & 500 reads?!? Wow! So much support!This chapter is a bit l8, sorry :(

"oh shut up Reya! you always say that when you're only going to update late again!"

ok ok whatever, just read it]

He sat at the armrest of his brother's hostipal cot, his palm resting a few centimeters beside Adrien's. His eyes were glassy, one could assume he was on the verge of crying, but it wasn't because he was scared. No, now he was relived, relieved that his brother was going to be alright, that everything was finally going his way for once.

And he just stared at his twin, not a word leaving his mouth. There was nothing really to be said, after all. He glanced first at his messy blonde locks- then made his way down to his troubled expression.

Yeah. His expression. Twisted into a sour frown, one you'd only have during a bad dream, maybe even a terrifying feeling of regret, guilt. And Adrien was asleep, probably exhausted from his unconscious coma-like state, and Felix couldn't blame him in the slightest. He shared similar bags under his eyes to his brother's.

There had to be four or five others in the room with him, Marinette was there too, but it was almost like the world was sucked away, leaving only the two brothers. But only one could see the other, the opposite twin wasn't even aware of his presence, it was an odd one. He hovered over him without a word, only staring blankly at him, silently contemplating his brother's condition.

Even Felix wasn't sure what exactly he was doing, or what he planned on doing next. All he knew was that his brother was okay, and that was all that mattered to him. And, at this point Felix didn't care if he poured his heart out. He wouldn't be able to move on without Adrien.

"If you die, I'll never forgive you." He whispered so silently while closing his eyes, that even if someone had been standing right beside him they wouldn't have heard a thing. Then his eyes began to tear up again, his hand clenching into a fist in frustration.

It wasn't a useless conversation between the two. The doctors said it was possible he was conscious, but unable to see or comprehend what was going on around him. So they could talk to him, maybe play his favorite music, etcetera.

Furthermore, it must have been a fifteen minute staring contest -that Felix had won at the first moment- before he finally averted his gaze.

He pulled his hand away from his bedside, squeezed his eyes shut and made his way over to the others without a word. No doubt they had been watching him, and.. he didn't want to look weak or vulnerable. So, he decided against saying anything.

Then as they one by one began to visit him Felix sat in the corner of the room, facing away from his brother and every once in a while glancing at him. He didn't want to do this to his brother- he knew it wasn't his fault, but for some reason he took the blame upon himself.

Then it was time for Marinette to visit him, and by then the room was empty, leaving only the two twins and the bluenette. She approached his cot with the uttermost caution and bit her lip. She wasn't sure why, but this seemed all too familiar. That look of fear, but also the same time determination plastered on his face.. like Adrien didn't regret a thing that had happened to him. Then Marinette realized, much like Felix, that Adrien had done absolutely nothing to deserve this, she was sure of it.

And then the tears came.

It was like a blue ocean wave at the beach that could knock you over, it made her head throb, her heart melt, the saltwater stinging mercilessly at her eyes. And she couldn't seem to find out why, why she was crying, Adrien was.. going to be alright. But something gave her this feeling in her stomach.. like she had still lost him somehow, no matter the circumstance.

And she buried her head into Adrien's chest while she sobbed, only whispering things like, "you b-better be okay y-you jerk," or, "you can't l-leave me l-like this," between cries. It continued like this for a few minutes until Felix, who was still on the other side of the room, cleared his throat loud enough for Marinette to hear.

Her blue orbs were red and puffy as she slowly lifted away from the blonde. She didn't want to leave him here, it seemed so dark and secluded and without emotion, wouldn't he be lonely?

"I- um, I'm sorry, we're just leaving is all," Felix apologized for interrupting her after realizing how upset she looked, pointing behind him and gesturing toward the door. Marinette took once last glance at Adrien before nodding and sighing, and both exited in a sideways line and made their way over to the others.

Although, it wasn't like Marinette was the only one torn up, it seemed every one of his visitors had mascara trailing down their faces or eyelids swollen over. Even.. Nathalie seemed pretty upset, she kept fixing her glasses and fidgeting nervously, her eyes glimmering with worry.

"I'm staying here," The assistant announced and plopped back down into the waiting room chair, pulling out her clipboard and jotting some notes down. Nino glanced at Felix with a raised eyebrow, and the blonde boy only shrugged in response.

They all began to file out the door, leaving the assistant by herself. That's when she bit her lip, clenched her fists and fought back to the tears.

He better be okay, the poor kid's father isn't even here to check on him, Nathalie has always wanted what was best for the twins, for neither of them had ever had caring parents. She liked to consider herself as their guardian, she probably spent more time around them then anyone else did.

She had always kept a special eye out on Adrien, he always seemed like such a suspicious kid, I mean with such an awful lifestyle wouldn't he have a bad attitude like Felix? No, he was actually the complete opposite of selfish, ignorant or rude, Adrien was almost.. inhuman? She had absolutely no clue how Adrien could keep himself so sane with such a.. revolting past behind him.

He didn't deserve any of this. None of it. You could ask anyone and they'd say the same, Adrien was a kind and compassionate kid who deserved anything but this horrid accident. It seemed like such an inconvenience.

Especially since he was Chat Noir, and all.


For the first time ever, the Agreste household was silent.

Well, I guess one could say it always was- but this was different kind of quiet- because he knew for a fact he was alone.

Felix thought he would go insane while he sat in the armchair in the corner of the room, clenching his teeth. Usually at this time of day the two twins would fight. Right when Adrien got home, Felix would throw out a smart remark and they'd both end up yelling maybe, Nathalie being the only person who could calm them down. That was, if one of them hadn't already stormed the other direction.

But neither of them were even here, just him. And unfortunately, Felix was starting to hate himself by the minute. He was getting tired of having to live with himself like this, his stupid cold shoulder and pissy attitude, it was ruining everything. For him, for his brother.. for too many people that he cared deeply about. And he found himself constantly wanting to change, alter himself completely.

But he knew that was nowhere near possible.

So Felix took a walk. He found that recently he'd been doing that often, it would help him to think, even if sometimes he'd be caught off guard by a mob of squealing fan girls.

This time, however, he brought a hoodie and baggy sweats in hopes that he would remain unrecognizable, shoving his hands in his pockets and pulling the hood over his head in order to conceal his face.

It just happened to be raining. It actually had been doing that a lot lately, but Felix didn't really mind, in fact rain itself was an asset of
sentimental value to him. That was one of the good memories of his family, before it was broken and torn apart, sashayed and scattered across their mother's grave.

Adrien absolutely hated the rain, whenever a droplet happened to land on him and such, he'd screech or jump backward as reflex. It had gotten better over the years but that asset still always remained with his brother to this day.

"You don't happen to be a cat Adrien, do you?" His mother would often laugh and ruffle his hair, and in response he would pout and cross his arms.

"I am not a cat, Mom! I just don't like it!" He would grunt and shove Felix away, who would also join in on the joke and laugh at his expense. "I mean, how can you even know where it's coming from?! I don't trust it!"

They'd all share a good laugh at that. They always had good memories in the pouring rain. And Felix missed that.

And yes, in truth, Felix wouldn't do it anymore.. he could deny it to anyone asking, tell them to shut up, but from now on he decided he wasn't going to shun his mother, that would be the equivalent of ignoring his brother in the hospital.

And then his phone buzzed, interrupting his thoughts, and he took deep breaths and squeezed his eyes shut before glancing at it. It happened to be from Nathalie.

Nathalie: Just wanted to let you know that Adrien woke up ten minutes ago. He's doing alright, he can even walk, stand and speak even after such.. horrid injuries.

Unfortunately, Felix, Adrien seems to have lost his memory due to lack of blood flow toward the brain. The doctors are trying to desperately to reassure me that it is quite possibly only temporary, but I'm still not completely sure if there's any chances of recovery.

He doesn't remember you Felix.

I'm sorry.


Cliffhanger! :)))) Hope you guys enjoyed, stay tuned for the "resolution"

-insert evil laugh-

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