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[shit, excuse my language but I'm getting reads fast Jesus Christ thank you thank you, because of this I'll update quicker I promise]

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!!!!!Warning: this chapter contains some tough concepts such as suicidal thoughts!!!!!


Real sly, Felix.

"Felix Damion-Lucille Jacqueline Agreste!"

And then the two fell backward like a tree that had just been forested, landing atop one another and once again blushing like crazy. Felix resembling the shade of a tomato most of course; I mean, it was his father's assistant intruding on their little- moment. And Nathalie stood above them, looking not entirely mad, but instead frightened of what Felix's father would do to him about this.. if he found out.

"Shit," Felix muttered, glancing first at Nathalie then Mari while fidgeting nervously with his hands and groaning, "Marinette; I'm sorry, please go home and let me deal with this myself." It's not like Marinette was mad at him, or unsatisfied in any way, and she could care less honestly if she got in trouble. She was a teenager and that was that, not to mention the fact that her parents were extremely forgiving, in fact if even if she had murdered someone they'd simply help her hide the body then go on forgetting all about it. Pretty accurate I suppose.

But she still stood there without moving, she couldn't let Felix get in trouble for something she also took part in, and more or less started. I mean, he wouldn't stop rambling so what better way to silence him and calm his nerves?

"If I could speak on my part, please-" Marinette tried to defend Felix, but was quickly interrupted by Nathalie once again. She was a bit annoyed by this, but knew the assistant was only attempting to discipline the young boy.

"What would your father think of this?!?" Nathalie scolded, referring to the fact both of the teens had been in Felix's bedroom alone, with absolutely no permission. "I wasn't informed the two of you were dating and I can already guess nobody else was in that matter, either!" Nathalie had her suspicions that the two had liked each other, but never would she think that they had already been sharing such an intimate relationship. Felix was only making complications at the moment grow tenfold, especially since he still had the role of Chat Noir to currently take over. "I just- I can't believe this! I'm disappointed in you, I would never expect such a thing."

And then Felix's temper suddenly bursted in the middle of the assistant's lecture.

His ears turned an alarming shade of red and he squeezed his eyes shut. His head was buzzing and throbbing, hoping to remove the bad memories that were trying their best to overcome him.


"Come on, Felix!"

Felix was curled up into a ball, hiding in the closet below the staircase. He had barricaded himself behind a stack of boxes, hyperventilating. He had tried to calm his breathing because it could risk his position being revealed, but to no avail.

"You know I love a good game of hide and seek, son!"

Son. The word made him writhe. What was a son, really? A punching bag, a worthless piece of shit? Something to take out your anger upon? Beat ruthlessly, day after day, night after night? Maybe it was.

Little Felix's eyes we're swimming with tears. He choked back a sob upon hearing the closet door upon, and a man step inside. His heart was beating wildly, uncontrollably. This was it. He was going to be discovered. And since he had tried to avoid it, it would be ten times worse.

"Come on, Damion." The voice cooed, causing Felix to freeze with shock. That was not his name, but to the man in the room, it was. That name brought back.. haunted memories. That why he had changed it as soon as he had gotten the chance.

And then, the man that kicked the boxes away and dragged Felix out of the closet, lashing at him ruthlessly and eternally with a silver-ended belt was Felix's father. And their relationship would never be the same, nor would Felix himself.


Felix's eyes swam with tears again. He wanted to scream. He wanted to tell the world the truth about his father. But who was to believe him? A worthless image of his father's glory?

Instead, he exploded in anger.

"Shut up! I'm sick of this! You're not my mother so stop fucking acting like you are!! You never will be!" His fists then began to swell up with how hard he seemed to be squeezing them in anger, his temper had already been proved short-handed so many times previously but this seemed as if it was just utter chaos unfolding, and of course ensuing. "I'm tired of people acting like they're my family, that they care about me, all I am is a stupid model that only gets a second glance because they're all over the front of a fucking magazine, not because of anything I've actually done! I'm through with it! Anything good that happens to me just ends up getting dissed out in one way or another, and I hate it more then anything! Just get the fuck away from me, and out of my life!"

And once again he stormed off, his head buried in his hands, suddenly nearing his countertop where his anti-depression pills and Advil were, and without warning he unscrewed both lids and poured as much as he possibly could into his hands. He knew it meant certain death- but in honesty at this point he could care less, it would be better then his shitty life and these psychologically unbearable problems he was constantly running into. He was sick of the memory of Esther, tired of his brother, weary of his problems, done with his father and through with his very own life. At that point it was decided.

Felix Agreste had finally snapped.

Before he could even think about ingesting the medicine, it was all slapped out of his hands, and he was slammed into the wall of the bathroom, his hands being pulled by back as if being arrested with sudden strength.

"Felix, what the hell is wrong with you?!? Calm the fuck down!" It was odd seeing Marinette curse, or even better being stronger then he was even with al the muscle he had gained over the years. The tears that poured down her cheeks and made her mascara trail downward, how she screamed at him, as if she truly cared for him, worried about his well-being. But it was hard to hear these things all the while his vision blurred and suddenly everything was discolored, and it was nearly impossible to see with the tears that blocked the light from entering his eyes.

And then, he realized how selfish he was being for what seemed like the thousandth time, while Marinette held him down and Nathalie disposed of the pills, both still stringing out nasty language at what he had just suggested and physically attempted to do. Marinette, the innocent girl who'd never gossip or say any word in vain, Nathalie who was one of the most sophisticated and serious people Felix had ever met, both cussing like sailors.

He knew just then that by trying to ruin his own life, he was only messing up those around him. Including his brother's. He still took full responsibility for his accident- whatever it was, at least- Felix was always one to take the blame, think of himself a burden whenever it was needed least. There was a clash of both of their voices and Felix's sobbing after realizing what he had just nearly carried out upon himself, it was hard for any of them to even think in one way or another.

"That's it, I'm calling your father, things are getting out of control," Nathalie decided and pressed her lips into a fine line while unlocking her phone, completely unprepared for a pleading blonde boy's voice.

"Please," Felix was still sobbing almost hysterically, continuing to be held in place by Marinette in case he tried anything, his expression impossible to see through all the hair scattered across his face. "Please don't. He'll disown me. He'll disown me. He can't know about this...." But really what he meant, was he'd punish him. He wouldn't be able to take that.

He finally fell to his knees while he choked on his own words, and then the bluenette released him from her grip as he broke down on the tile floor of the bathroom, Nathalie lowering her phone and placing it back into pocket.


| One month later... |

The doctor angled the flashlight in Adrien's eyes, all apart of his daily checkup on his condition, and according to the physician it was greatly improving.

"It seems as though his memories are gradually returning, and the damaged tissue on the side of his brain is starting to heal," he wavered to the X-ray of Adrien's skull and it's contents, and it seems all of the attendants held a small smile on their faces at the great news.

"So, he'll be like, back to normal soon?" Nino asked with hopefulness lacing his voice. The doctor nodded, promising a full recovery for the boy.

"When?" Felix muttered so quietly to the point that the doctor made him repeat himself.

"I'm not entirely sure exactly when, all I know is that his brain tissue is now healthy enough to completely heal over."

It was true, Adrien was now regaining certain and some sentimental aspects of his memory, including his friends, family and moreover his modeling career. It relived Felix, no matter how long it took- Adrien would eventually be the fun, loving, and caring twin brother that often fought with him, and he desperately wanted him back.

Felix's condition had also gotten better. His thoughts about suicide and how much he hated his life were recently put aside, although his temper was still as unpredictable as ever, but he'd come to terms with Nathalie even after the fight between them two. He hadn't seen his father in weeks since he was staying over at Nathalie's beach house along with his brother for a while so he could escape from it all. This was definitely the only type of therapy Felix could ever want.

He was starting to see the assistant more like family recently, he began to realize that she truly did care about him even if he didn't want to admit it. He also saw Marinette quite often, but did Nathalie did keep a close eye on them when they met up however. It always kind of bothered him that Nathalie didn't trust either of them to not try anything, but then again he did kind of go against her word behind her back, so it would make sense anyways.

Nathalie knew for a fact that the young bluenette was almost like some kind of aesthetic for the boy, his medication, one of the only people would could calm him down, help him keep his temper. That had also improved greatly too, but to be fair recently he hadn't been around anything that would make him angry. In fact, the last time he had probably gotten upset was when Adrien taunted him when he had tripped during a competitive soccer game between the two, and even then it wasn't too bad. Felix had always been extremely competitive.

That only just meant things were now gradually returning back to normal.


It was Sunday, school was out which also released even more stress off of Felix as per usual, and he was out at the pool bonding with Adrien when Nathalie walked out and asked him to come inside.

"Felix, I need a word with you," Nathalie spoke sternly, seriously, so naturally the young boy didn't ask any questions as he exited to pool, wondering what he had done to get himself in trouble this time.

Really, Nathalie was only planning to introduce Felix to Plagg since Adrien still hasn't regained the memory of his superhero life and she didn't want to risk harming his recovery in any sense. Ladybug had taken care of the last akuma single-handedly, but Nathalie knew she was probably starting to get suspicious about Chat's disappearance, and didn't want the media following in close behind her.

When they made their way inside the beach house, Nathalie jerked him by the shirt into the kitchen. "I need you to speak quietly when I tell you this," Taling a deep breath, she yanked the kwami out of her back pocket, creating a very shocked Felix. "This is Plagg, he's a kwami." She said it blatantly, not giving the young boy any time whatsoever to process any of what he was seeing.

Felix jumped backward in fear, knocking into several pans on the countertop making them clatter loudly onto the floor. "What in the hell is that thing? A tiny black cat?!?"

Nathalie shushed him urgently.

"Precisely," Plagg huffed, rolling his eyes and crossing his tiny kwami arms in annoyance. He had never really been fond of Felix, he had always treated his holder so poorly and never had been a good brother towards him. "I'm only doing this for your brother, so don't get too attached." Typical sarcastic Plagg, it seemed even through all this madness and such his attitude hadn't changed much.

Felix's gaze shot up to Nathalie for answers, but unfortunately she had none to offer, all she was there to do was explain.

"In simpler words, it's Chat Noir's kwami, the one he uses to transform into his superhero form," Nathalie explained, and Felix gaped as if a little boy at a superhero comic-con convention meeting his idol. He would never admit it... but he was kind of a huge fan.

"How did you get yours hand on it?!? That's- exquisite!" He suddenly forgot how fearful he had just been a few moments ago, cupping the kwami in his hands in awe.

"Hey! Watch the hair," Plagg complained, reverting back to old, lazy, careless self.

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.. Felix. Your brother isn't quite- well, wasn't -everything he appears to be."

[I've found that I have been a bit too focused on Felix so let's give Adrien some spotlight, shall we? Also, I have two stories in the works that will posted up soon! One is an action-based Miraculous fanfic, the other is some MariChat! (: ]

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