Chapter 7: "The Results"

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After the events of the Initiation, they meet up with Ozpin and Goodwitch at the cliff who lead, them all back to a Bullhead waiting for them. It flew them all the way back to Beacon, but along the way, everyone gave the brothers a mix of worried and sympathy looks, knowing that they didn't complete the exam.

Once they made it into the school, they were all brought into the auditorium for their ceremony. Inside the auditorium was a crowd of students watching the stage as the teams where being announced. Leo and Jack stood together in the crowd with sad looks.

Leo: "Looks like this is it."

Leo crosses his arms as Jack pats him on the back.

Jack: "We can always make a run for it."

Leo: "Can we, tho? We're standing in the middle of a huntsman academy, there's no way we're escaping this."

Jack: "Well... hopefully, they serve good food at prison."

Over to the stage, where Ozpin is standing in front of four students.

Ozpin: "Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester.
Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark."

The screen above the auditorium stage shows each of their profiles as the boys are lined up for the applauding audience to see as Ozpin continues.

Ozpin: "The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!"

The four of them, walk off the stage as the audience gives one more wave of ovation. A familiar group of students walk up to the stage to take their places in front of the headmaster as their faces fill the screen.

Ozpin: "Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR."

Cue the clapping, Nora laughs and gives Ren a hug.

Ozpin: "Led by... Jaune Arc!"

Jaune eyes go wide with shock.

Jaune: "Huh? L-Led by...?"

Ozpin: "Congratulations, young man."

A grinning Pyrrha offers a friendly shoulder bump to Jaune, but her "fine leader" is knocked over and falls to his butt in front of the laughing audience. The four of them step to the side as another familiar group make their way to the stage.

Ozpin: "Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long."

He motions over the four onto the stage as they stand in front of him.

Ozpin: "The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!"

Weiss looks to her right surprised, where Ruby is obviously in shock as Yang goes over to hug her sister.

Yang: "I'm so, proud of you!"

As Yang finished squeezing the life out of her sister. Ozpin motions them to the side of the stage with team JNPR, as he turns back to the crowd of students.

Ozpin: "And finally could Leo Church and Jack Church, please come on to the stage."

Both of them grow confused at this, but nevertheless do as Ozpin says. They walk onto the stage and stand in front of him.

Ozpin: "Now, it's true that these two gentlemen did not retrieve any relics, during the exam and therefore I would expel them-"

Ruby "You can't do that!"

Jack: "Huh?"

The brothers turn to see Ruby standing closer to Ozpin with her team and Jaunes team close behind her.

Leo: "Ruby?"

Ruby: "If it weren't for them, we wouldn't of been able to pass!"

Yang steps next to her sis.

Yang: "Yeah, they even knew they would fail. But, they still helped us out anyway."

Yang gives the brothers a thumbs up as Jaune steps forward.

Jaune: "If anyone deserves to be in this school it's them two."

Jack: "*Shocked* Guys..."

Blake and Ren step forward as well.

Blake: "I would also have to agree with them."

Ren: "As do I."

The crowd stays silent as everyone has their eyes set on Ozpin and team RWBY and JNPR. Leo and Jack are even more shocked, seeing their friends stand up against a headmaster just for them.

Ruby: "So, you see... You can't expel them!"

As Ruby and the others stand against Ozpin, all he does... is smile.

Ozpin: "I'm proud to see you stand up for these two Miss Rose but, I had no intention of expelling them."

Everyone: "Huh!?/What!?"

Everyone looks at Ozpin in confusion as he wears a mischievous smirk. He turns back towards the crowd as everyone watches him.

Ozpin: "As I was saying, while normally they would be expelled. These two have shown remarkable talents during the exam and helped there fellow students pass, even knowing they would fail. To simply kick them out of the school, would be a waste of potential."

The brothers eyes widen in shock, knowing what this means. As team RWBY and JNPR smile for them.

Ozpin: "That is why from now, on they will be Beacons first ever team consisting of only two members. They'll be known as Team JL and cooperatively work together... (Turns to them) congratulations you two."

The crowd claps for them as Jack smiles, realising they've pass, while Leo continues to stare in shock. But, he comes back to reality as he feels Ruby hugging him from the side.

Ruby: "I'm so, glad you guys get to stay!"

Leo: "We should be thanking you, Ruby for sticking up for us!"

He looks over to the others who stood up for him and Jack.

Leo: "And thank you guys."

Jaune: "*Smiles* That's what friends are for."

Jack watches his brother continue to get hugged by Ruby, while he try's to hide his obvious blush. He's proud to see that his brother has finally found someone he likes... he may deny it, but Jack can clearly see it. Yang comes walking up to Jack and slings an arm around his neck.

Yang: "Isn't this great, Jacky! Now, you get to stay with us for four years!"

Jack: "*Smirks* I guess, I can put up with you for that long."

Yang punches him lightly in the shoulder as the two share a laugh. As the crowd continued to clap for the newly formed teams, Ozpin watches them with a smile plastered on his face.

Ozpin: "It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year."


After the ceremony was over, everyone started to head to their new dorm rooms to retire for the night. The brothers made there way up to the third floor and to room sixty four.

Leo: "Well, here's are new home."

Jack: "I'll be happy as long as it's better then our old apartment."

Leo raises an eyebrow at this.

Leo: "What was wrong with our old apartment?"

Jack: "For one; Our next door neighbour, always had his music blasting out of his room."

Leo: "He did stop doing that... after, you uh had a 'chat' with him. But, that couldn't be the only reason the place was bad.

Jack just gives him a deadpan look.

Jack: "The building also had a rat infestation."

Leo sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.

Leo: "....Yeah, that's understandable."

Jack: "But, enough about that. Am ready to catch some Z's tonight."

Leo takes out his scroll and holds it near the door, with a beep emitting from it and the sound the door unlocking. Leo opens the door and turns on the light switch, revealing their new dorm room.

It consisted of two beds on either side of the room, a desk and chair beside the door and had a pile of boxes in the middle of the room. On the left side of them room was another door, which possibly leads into the bathroom for the room.

Leo: "Ok, now I agree. This is better then our old apartment."

Both of them start looking around the room, admiring it all. Jack lies down onto the left side of the rooms bed and sighs happily.

Jack: "I can definitely get used to this for the next four years!"

Leo: "*Laughs lightly* You said it."

While, Jack continued to lie down, Leo decided to sort through the boxes of what's his and Jack's.

Jack: "....Hey Leo."

Leo: "Yeah?"

Jack: "About what happened in the forest-"

Leo stops what he's doing as his eyes adopt a stern look in them.

Leo: "For the last, I'm fine. Nothing... happened, ok."

There's a moment of silence, except the sound of Leo going back to sorting the boxes as Jack breaks the silence.

Jack: "You promise?"

Leo pauses for a moment, thinking it over.

Leo: "I... promise."

Jack: "Alright, then that's all I want to know. You can leave those boxes alone, we can unpack them tomorrow."

Leo: "Sure. Hey... I'm just gonna go freshing up in the bathroom for bed."

Jack: "*Yawns* Ok, then. Don't take to long now, as much as I hate to say it we're going to have get up early for classes."

Leo: "I know, I know."

As Jack started to change into his sleepwear and prepare for bed. Leo headed towards the bathroom and went in, closing the door and locking it. As Jack finished changing, he lies on his bed with his hands behind his head.

Jack: "*Sighs* Maybe, he is telling the truth and it was actually just a bad dream. If it is serious, he'd tell me... hopefully."

Jack made his way under the cover of his bed, getting comfortable and heading off to sleep.


Soon after I locked the bathroom door, I let out a breath of air, I didn't realise I was holding in. I turn my back against the door and lean on it, while holding my hand against my head. Ever since that exam, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened, between me and that... thing.

Deep down I knew I wasn't fine and I hated lying to my brother about it. But, I don't want him to worry about this, not until I figure out what happened. Because I definitely know that it was NOT a dream.

I make my way over to the bathroom mirror, seeing myself in the reflection. I begin to unzip my hoodie and grab the bottom of my shirt. I hesitate for a moment, with my hands shaking with anticipation as I try to calm myself. Taking in slow deep breaths, I slowly start to lift my shirt revealing... nothing?

Leo: "*Shocked* W-What!?"

I looked down at my chest and back to the mirror, which shows no blood or any wounds on my chest. I let go of my shirt and jold my hand agaisnt my chest as I take in some shaky breaths.

Leo: "N-No, this can't be. I felt it go through me, I-I.. felt my self die!"

It couldn't of possible been a dream, right? Everything felt so real, the running, the fighting and... my death. I could literally feel my blood build up in my throat as I laid in a puddle of it. I shake my head of the thoughts and head over to the sink. I turn on the tap and start splashing some cold water on my face.

Leo: "Maybe, it was just a bad dream, probably because I didn't get enough sleep or something."

That was probably it, had to be. As I finished splashing the cold water onto my face, I turned off the tap and grabbed one of the towels in the cabinets below. I started to dry my face off and put down the towel. Once I did that, I looked back at the mirror and instead of my reflection... it was the Shadow person, staring right at me.

In an instant, I gasp in shock and tumble back against the shower screen. My head bumped against the glass, causing me to shut my eyes in pain and rub the sore spot, behind my head. But, once I re-opened my eyes and looked back into the mirror. It was only me again, leaning against the shower screen, panting in fright.

I trie my best to calm my breathing, but after what I just saw I don't think I'll be calming down anytime soon. I slowly start to slide down the shower screen. Until, I'm sitting on the tile floor, clutching my head in my hands with my legs up against my chest.

Leo: "W-Why, why is this happening to me?"

I just sat their for a few minutes, trying to make sense of what I saw. Maybe, I'm more messed up then I realise?

Leo: "I... should probably just try and sleep it off. Y-Yeah, that's it I just need some sleep."

As I shakily get back onto my feet, using the shower screen as support. I unlock the bathroom door and see that Jack is already sound asleep, snoring. I turn off the light and make my way to the other bed. On the way I take my hoodie and shoes off and dump them on the floor.

Once I reached the bed I lifted back the cover and lied down, tucking my self in. Of course I couldn't immediately, I tossed and turned trying to find a comfortable spot, until I slowly began to fall asleep.

But just as I began to finally fall asleep, images of me running through the forest entered my mind. Moments of me, hiding, fighting and finally dying as heard a deep voice as everyone faded away. I woke with a gasp and frantically look around, seeing that it's still midnight and Jacks still asleep.

Leo: "*Sighs* I'm not getting any sleep, I'm I? I.. know I'm criminal, but do I really deserve this punishment?"

I tried to a few more attempts of getting some sleep. But, I always got the same results as those images kept me up each time. The more I  saw those images, the less I couldn't handle it... until, finally I just gave up and decided not go to sleep for the rest the night.

To Be Continued...

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