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The next day, Jaemin was all in a good mood. It was a good thing that yesterday happened. He thought him and Renjun has gotten really close after that. Well, they've been doing fine since they work together for a few weeks now. It feels great to have a good relationship with the omega. As long as he's close to Renjun, he's happy.

Walking down the street, Jaemin was running towards the shop. He accidentally forgot about his textbook that he left inside the staff's room. It was exams season and he had to read some of his lessons on work last Friday. Resulting him to accidentally leave it.

He checked his watch if he still has time for his morning class and maybe he'll be late for a minutes but he could care less. He'll just hope that his professor won't attend the class. The beta took a sharp turn and ran towards the shop. He panted, like the usual whenever he runs, as soon as he opened the door. He caught the attention of the people inside. Well, not much were inside but the person he least wants to see is there.

Hopefully, he won't spoil his good mood.

"Oh, good morning, Minnie. You're here early," Renjun uttered, looking at the beta who was still catching his breath.

Jaemin nodded, "I-I forgot my textbook in the staff's room. I had to get it for a quiz."

"I'll get it for you. Wait there just a minute," then the omega skipped and went into the room nearby.

Now, he's alone with this alpha.

The beta didn't get any closer to the counter, where Jeno is, and stayed beside the door while he waits. A few seconds was too long for him, he was getting impatient because of the awkwardness. Jaemin huffed, trying not to make eye contact with him.

"I know this is sudden and weird because I'm the one saying this, but the thing between us is stupid."

Jeno said, without looking at Jaemin. The beta seemed surprised though. He can't believe what he just heard from the alpha. He doesn't know the alpha enough but he's sure that wouldn't say that to anyone, especially to him. Did he really hear it right? Jeno surrendering?

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms, "Are you surrendering?"

"Fuck, no," the alpha turned to look at him, "Although this is stupid, I'm not backing down."

The beta sighed and rolled his eyes, "Alphas do have a strong personality, huh? Look, I know where this is going to end so I won't give you a chance."

"I guess this is over anyway," Jeno said.

"What are you saying?"

The alpha smirked at him, "I already asked him for a date and he said yes. Guess who lost at their own game."

Jaemin was about to say something back at Jeno, but their conversation cuts off because of the staff's room door opened and Renjun coming out with a bittersweet smile.

"So...I'm just a trophy to feed both of your prides?"

Both men looked back at the omega with horrific expressions. They became flustered and wanted to say something but they don't know what. It's like they lost their voice and their body tensed. Several curses filled their minds, wanting this day to never exist ever again.

Jaemin sighed, "Renjun--"

"And you guys even lied to me that both of you are getting along well," Renjun uttered, "You hate each other because I don't give you same attention?"

Jeno cursed in his mind, "Both of us like you."

"And we don't want to...share," the beta added. It sounded so stupid of him.

Renjun smiled, despite getting having a heavy heart, "A-Aren't you late for classes, Minnie? So, do you, Jen? Y-You guys can g-go."


"I won't talk to either one of you unless both of you get along."

"Ugh, this is the worst day! I hate this...I really hate this. I wish we just didn't meet," Jaemin whined, slapping his forehead.

"It has to happen, Jaem," Chenle said.

"Why? Just why?! Everything was getting better, and then, this happened?!"

"For the record, it feels good to have two men fighting over you. But, both of you just has to treat him like an object. Also, you guys literally played behind his back so..."

"It's okay, hyung. It'll pass," Jisung comforted.

The beta sighed, "This sucks so much!"

"What did the alpha say?" the other beta, Chenle, asked.

Jaemin shrugged, "I just...exited the shop before him. I don't know what happened next."

The alpha, Jisung, yawned, "You know what, just make friends with that Jeno guy."

"You think that's easy?"

Jisung looked straight at him, dead in the eyes, "If you really like the omega, you'll do anything, won't you?"

The beta pouted, "When did you sound so mature, Jisungie?"

Chenle laughed, "It's cute, right?"

Jaemin did wonder what happened to Jeno after that. The alpha didn't probably do anything. Renjun did want them to go. Wait, how will he work then? Another problem of his. The beta felt exhausted just thinking about it. Maybe he should resign. The omega wouldn't want to see him, he guessed. Also, it would be awkward. Jaemin doesn't know how he will work around Renjun.

"Cap, are you good?"

Jeno snapped out of his thoughts and looked back at Yangyang, "Yeah..."

The beta sighed and sat beside the alpha, "Let it pass for a while. It is both of your faults. Also, you need to focus. Tournament's coming in a week."

"I just don't know what will happen after this. Like, are we leaving things like this? I don't want to...lose whatever we already had," the alpha said.

Yangyang hummed, "You'll hate me for this but do what he wants. You'll do anything for him, right? Get along with Jaemin."

Jeno groaned, face palmed, "I never liked that idea."

"Is Renjun the only omega you really see yourself with for the rest of your life? Or he's just one of those people you liked at first?"

"That's a stupid question," the alpha uttered, "Of course, he's the only omega I want to be with. He's the only one."

"Might as well work for it."

"Did you seriously say that?" Donghyuck asked.

Renjun nodded, "Yeah."

"And you know that that's not going to happen?"

"If they really still want to talk to me, then they'll do it. Also, don't act innocent. You knew about this."

The beta pouted while he stocks up the shelves beside the omega, "It's a friend thing. But like, come on, two guys fighting over you? How often does that even happen? Don't lie to me, Renjunnie. You're flattered about it."

The omega sighed, "Maybe...I was more surprised. Then, got upset when I heard them talking about their little game. They treated me like a reward for their selfishness. They also did it behind my back..."

"If two persons like the same person, that'll happen. You know what happens in this world. Mates are one of the things you want to have before you die," Donghyuck said, "They just can't share a mate, Renjun."

"I still don't like the fact that they just did that behind my back and lied to me. Then what? Everything they did with me is for show? To see who could catch my feelings first? I want to be happy but with the both of them," Renjun furrowed his eyebrows at his thought. Of course, he doesn't want it to be for show. He thinks everything is real. They spent little time together but the omega got attached to them in a snap. He still wants to do things with them.

But he doesn't like how Jaemin and Jeno treated each other. So he just mindlessly told them to be friends without even thinking if it's going to happen.

"Jaemin won't be attending work for quite some time. He doesn't want to make you feel awkward around him...Also, do you still want this?"

The omega looked back at the beta and saw him showing the ID pass Jeno wanted to give to him for the tournament next week. He just pouted before going back to whatever he was doing.

"Just tell them to hurry up and get along with each other, I still want to talk to them."

Donghyuck wanted to chuckle but knowing Renjun, he'll just argue with him. He just shook his head and continues to stock up the shelf. Is it really possible to like and mate two men?

How is that going to work?

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