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After the very hellish month, Jeno was finally able to focus on the tournament. Since everything's finished, he could only hope that this won't be his last tournament that he'll be playing in. Right now, he'll be worried about today's play. As much as he was hyped about it, he's still upset that Renjun couldn't come over.

Well, so much for having someone to atleast cheer for him.

"So, how were exams?" Yangyang asked as soon as he sat on the bench where Jeno was seated.

Jeno shrugged, "They were fine...I guess."

"Must've been easy for you, huh?" the beta asked, tying his shoelaces.

"Easy to fail, you mean?"

"Haha, nice joke. I didn't know you like jokes."

The alpha rolled his eyes, "When were exams easy, anyway?"

"Someone helped you, right?"

Jeno furrowed his eyebrows at him, "I knew you know something."

Yangyang laughed, "Just to think of it, Jaemin-ah is really kind. It's been a few weeks and I can see that he's really trying his hardest to suck your cold attitude."

"Hey, I-I'm trying to...What are you saying? It's just really awkward to talk to him."

"He isn't your competition anymore, Jen. Give it up."

The alpha sighed, "I--I don't know why I'm being all quiet when it comes to him."

Yangyang teasingly hummed, "You like hi--"

"Okay...Get up! We need to go."

The beta chuckled and immediately catches up with his friend, "Jaemin isn't coming?"

Jeno shook his head, "Why would he?"

"Cheer you on?"

The alpha snickered, "Really? You think he'll do that? I doubt it."

Walking out of the changing room, both of them huddled with their team and cheered for each other. They then walked out of their room as they were announced and heard the crowd cheer for them. Jeno took a deep breath and kept a cold head, challenging himself not to create a scene this season.

Looking around the crowd, Jeno was still hoping that he'd see Renjun. Something that is impossible to happen. The omega obviously didn't show up, but to his surprise, someone else who was awfully familiar to him on the bleachers. They made eye contact and made the alpha to decide walking towards that person after their introduction.

"What are you doing here?" Jeno asked, confused.

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows, "I can't watch?"

The alpha shook his head, "I'm not saying anything...I'm just curious why."

The beta thought how it was his first time hearing Jeno curious about him.

"I wanna watch the game. I came here to cheer someone," Jaemin answered, not wanting to confess that he came here for Jeno and not anyone else.

Jeno raised an eyebrow, "And you cheer for whom? I doubt you know someone else around here. You're not planning anything, are you?"

The beta's eyes widened, "What made you think of that?!"

"Do you actually know someone else? What team are you here for anyway?" The alpha asked, frowning at how the beta came for nothing.

Jaemin's face started to burn up. He was actually having a small fight in his mind. Well, it'll come out wrong when he says it, especially to the alpha. Jeno would maybe cringe or something. Just thinking about it made the beta to feel embarrassment, but of course, this just might get them to be closer.

"I-I came to cheer for you. A-As embarrassing as it sounds, I want to see you play."

Jeno was taken aback, kind of felt his heart skipped a beat but he denied it anyway. The alpha just rolled his eyes playfully while the beta looked away from him with a pout and his arms crossed.

"Hope I don't disappoint you then."

The alpha didn't wait for the beta to say anything, he just goes back to his team and prepares for the first half. Jeno suddenly couldn't stop smiling a bit.

Jaemin sat there, still embarrassed, and hoping that Jeno didn't find him weird or something. Well, he might be delusional for this, but they are doing good. Ever since the beta helped the alpha with reviewing and kind of initiating the conversations, Jeno seemed to be gentler.

Maybe he's changing his attitude? Who knows? But it's a good thing. A way to say sorry is change of behavior. That simple.

Even if Jeno still has some hard feelings for Jaemin, the beta's fine with it. As long as he'll treat Renjun right.

Right into the game, the scores quite have a big gap with Jeno's team leading. Jaemin felt like any other sports fan in the crowd. He kept on cheering and shouting, even slamming his hand against strong plastic barrier infront of him. He wouldn't deny that Jeno's great at the sport. Almost too attractive for his liking.

The way he leads the team, shows off, scores a point and even just plainly playing the game just makes him one-of-a-kind. The alpha looked the guy he expected him to be. The beta couldn't even believe he thinks of Jeno like this.

The game didn't take too long and Jeno's team won the first bracket of the tournament. Jaemin didn't know that he could stare at the alpha smiling from winning their game. His eye smile is very attractive, honestly, but he won't say that. Why would he? That would just make Jeno think he's weird.

Jaemin didn't wait for the alpha, he didn't have any reasons to, so he stood from his seat and was about to go but he was suddenly called.

"Jaemin-ah! Hey, I didn't know you're here."

The beta turned, tensed, but showed a smile at Yangyang who just got out of the rink.

"Hi! You did good back there. Congratulations!" Jaemin uttered.

The beta nodded with a big smile on his face as he got complimented, "Thanks! Does Jeno know you're here?"


"Hey, Jen! Jaemin's here!" Yangyang called when he saw the alpha passed by.

Jeno looked back at Jaemin. They didn't exchange words but they exchanged stares. Yangyang thought it was normal since they don't like each other and would rather not speak, but in reality, both of them wants to say something but doesn't know what to say. Jaemin doesn't know if he should complement Jeno.

"You wanna come with us? A small celebration for our first win," Yangyang invited Jaemin.

The beta shook his head with an awkward smile, "I need to go home. No one's in the apartment."

"Aw, that's sad. Maybe next time. When we win the trophy," Yangyang laughed at his own dream, winning this season's trophy again.

Jaemin nodded, "Of course. I'll hope that your team wins the trophy."

"Well, gotta go. Catch up, Jen," the beta said and skipped his way towards the changing room.

Jaemin didn't know what to say to Jeno who was still there. His fingers just fidgeted, "You did great back there. Congrats."

The alpha nodded, "Thanks...You cheered me well."

The beta got embarrassed, feeling his cheeks heating up, "I got into it too much. I'm sorry," he chuckled.

Jeno then scratched his nape, looking away, as he was feeling a bit timid with Jaemin. He sighed and cleared his throat.

"Thanks for coming, by the way..."

Jaemin shrugged awkwardly, "N-No need to thank me about it--Well, I have to go. I-I'll see you around."

The alpha lets him walk pass him. Jeno facepalmed and didn't know why he was being weird around Jaemin. He clicked his tongue before he went to the changing room, thinking about having a cold shower would help him clear out his mind.

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