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All day, Jaemin was nervous just thinking about finally attempting to talk to Renjun. Donghyuck's right about the closure thingy. Though, he doesn't know what to say. He doesn't know if he should explain or just apologize and promise that it won't happen again. Good thing, it's the last day before their semestral break. If he's in a class right now, he doubts that he'll be able to listen to the lessons.

The time felt slow. All the beta wanted is to get on with everything. He won't be there for too long anyway.

"I should've just attended work," Donghyuck whined and groaned as he regretted.

"You just had to go with me, huh?" Jaemin said.

The beta giggled, "Well, you said Jeno's picking you up. Might as well witness it myself. Also, I'll give you support today! I'll make sure Junnie attended work and won't run away when both of you arrives."

"Won't Mark get mad about it?"

"Ah, that lion? I already told him about it," Donghyuck answered.

The beta furrowed his eyebrows at him and leaned back away from him, "That's why you're wearing his shirt?"

"He wanted me to wear it," the other says it in a tiny voice, "But don't worry. I'm sure your mate would do the same--ehem, ehem, Jeno."

Jaemin's face and red became bright red before he slapped Donghyuck's shoulder, "W-Why does he have to be in this conversation?! Also, why are you pairing me with him?!"

The beta shrugged and smiled at him, "I just have a feeling about the both of you."

"Stop it! You don't get to pair me with anyone!"

Donghyuck laughed, "You two are cute. Enemies-to-lovers kind of relationship, am I right?"

Jaemin covered his whole face with his palms. He was flustered at the thought of whatever Donghyuck's saying. What is he even saying? Jeno's attention is all on Renjun, how on earth they would be a couple? Also, if, and only if, they have a chance to be together, how would Renjun fit in? This would just a messy love triangle--well, they're already in it.

"Let's go. It's just about time. Also, Jeno-ah might be waiting outside already," the beta said and stood from his chair with his bag.

"Oh, you're friends with him already?" Jaemin asked sarcastically, standing up with his backpack in hand.

"What? Gatekeeping him already? I can't call him 'Jeno-ah' and I should call him 'Jeno' instead. Then you get to call him whatever you want, huh?" Donghyuck crossed his arms and sassily uttered.

The beta clenched his jaw, "Why do you keep pushing me towards him?! There's literally nothing that's going on between us!"

"Whatever, whatever. Let's go."

Both of them went out of the room and walked towards the gates. Jaemin feels more nervous now that he's about to go to the shop after a few weeks being gone. It's nerve-wracking. He doesn't know what will happen anyway.

The beta sighed and took a deep breath. He should calm his nerves down before he starts to become a stuttering mess infront of the omega.

Looking ahead, Jaemin already saw the alpha even if he has his back facing them. The beta shivered when he just realized he knows Jeno at that point already. He mentally slapped himself and thought he shouldn't really put any attention to it. Jeno just stands out, that's all.

"J-Jeno," Jaemin called.

The said alpha turned around and saw both of the betas. Donghyuck chuckled, as a teasing, and Jaemin pinched his skin secretly to call him out nonverbally.

"Let's go?" Jeno asked, keeping his phone in his pocket.

The beta hummed, "Donghyuck will come with us. He's just about to attend work...If that's fine."

The alpha shrugged, "I don't see any problems with it."

Jeno started walking ahead, while Donghyuck had to wiggle his eyebrows at Jaemin who clicked his tongue and tried catching up with the alpha, leaving his friend behind. They walked up and sat into the car. Jaemin didn't even dare to sit on the passenger's seat--heck, he won't give Donghyuck a chance to tease him more.

But the beta had to push Jaemin, "Sit beside him, pussy," he whispered.

Jaemin widened his eyes at him and before he could even say anything, Jeno suddenly spoke.


The beta tensed and hummed, "...Yeah?"

"Sit beside me."

Donghyuck was trying to hide his smile and even rolled his eyes but Jaemin noticed him. The beta got flustered and had to pinch Donghyuck by the ear, earning a whine from him, before he exits the car and sat on the passenger's seat. The alpha didn't say anything else so he started driving.

Jaemin could still feel his friend smiling from ear to ear behind him. He just tried not to get too affected by it.

It took them a few minutes, but it felt like seconds for Jaemin, to arrive at the shop. Three of them stepped out of the vehicle and Jaemin felt like his stomach churned for being super nervous. He looked at Jeno who looked like he's unfazed by anything. He isn't nervous?

"You're not nervous?" the beta asked the alpha beside him after Donghyuck goes ahead and went into the shop.

The alpha huffed, "I am. It's just not obvious," then he looked at Jaemin, "You don't look good though."

Jaemin frowned, "I-I can handle myself."

Both of them walked towards the door. They felt new coming into the pet store again. Looking around, nothing really changed. They weren't expecting any change anyway. Jaemin suddenly missed working here again.

"Hyung! Good to see you again!" Sungchan greeted, smiling at him as he left whatever he's doing.

Jaemin nodded, smiling back, "It's good to see you too. Are you guys too troubled without me?"

"Ah, Sicheng hyung and Jungwoo hyung take turns. Don't worry, we're fine. We do miss you though," the alpha uttered, then looked at Jeno who was standing behind, "Jeno-hyung, good to see you too."

Jeno briefly smiled, "It's been a while."

The beta hummed, trying to find someone, "Is...Is Renjun here?"

Sungchan was about to say something but the staff's room door was abruptly opened. Jaemin and Jeno jolted in surprise and before they knew who it was, a pair of arms wrapped around them together. Both of them were taken aback and felt their hearts melted when Renjun hugged them.


"I-I'm sorry if I pushed both of you away! I didn't mean to..."

Jaemin sighed and placed his hand on top of the omega's head, "We were at fault. You don't have to say sorry--"

The omega pulled away and looked at them, "Then promise me you guys won't fight again!"

The beta looked at Jeno and before he could say anything, the alpha answered ahead, "We promise."

"Good! There's no point in fighting. I like both of you."

Everyone in the room stopped and tensed at what Renjun suddenly said. Jaemin and Jeno somehow feel deaf.

"Wait, what?!" Donghyuck shouted.

Renjun chuckled awkwardly, fidgeting with his fingers, "Well...it's been a dilemma of mine..."

The beta and the alpha looked at each other with confused expressions. Then they looked back at the omega.

"S-So, you mean..." Jaemin stuttered.

Renjun smiled, "I have feelings for the both of you."

"You can't pick only one?" Jeno asked.

The omega shook his head, "I don't want to. So, let's be happy together!"

Although they find Renjun very cute, Jaemin and Jeno don't know how they could be happy when they're three in a relationship. They were too naive in this kind of arrangement. Well, Renjun is as well--he's clueless to whatever he's saying but he really wants to be happy with Jeno and Jaemin.

Donghyuck pats Jaemin's shoulder, "Now, there's an excuse for you and Jeno-ah to be closer."

The beta pouted, "Shut up--"

"Minnie, help me with these!" Renjun uttered and pulled Jaemin towards the shelves that needs some restocking. But suddenly remembered Jeno, "You have practice, Jen?"

The alpha timidly nodded, "Yeah...I'm about to go."

Renjun smiled, "Okay. Take care. We'll come and see you play next week," portraying Jaemin who will come with him on the next game.

Jeno smiled back, "I'd love to see you there," he uttered, "If you won't mind...I'll pick you later after your shift," then looked at Jaemin, "Both of you."

Jaemin jolted and didn't know what to say. He just looked away, not wanting to have his cheeks hot. Why would he even blush? There's nothing flattering or to be happy about it.

The omega nodded, "We'll be waiting then."

Well, they're still in a mess but they'll work on it.


A/N: thank you for reading this story until the end,, i know it was a short journey but i hope everyone enjoyed :D i could have done more and better than this but this is the only thing i could capably do rn,, this ship could possibly be one of those ships that's quite hard to create a plot with bc i'm not familiar with polygamy that well,, tho, i did my best :D

i'm sorry and i promise that i'll do better :) so please support me!!

stay safe and healthy as well

Love lots ♥

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