Chapter 10

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I'm so sorry I haven't put up stuff, but with finals this December next week, almost lost my boyfriend from his attempted suicide, my own depression, family and friend dramas, writer's block again, and other shißa, I couldn't bring myself to write anything, but here we are!

The picture at the top is for my friend Mistress_Mitsukai who was chatting with me saying they pictured this and I wanted to draw it and here we are! Well I hope you enjoy this VERY delayed chapter. I had this draft worked and started on in September! SEPTEMBER! AHHHH! Goes to show my procrastination skills at work and my schedule as an 8th graders on a high school schedule lol

Squidnee's POV:

  I sit down and start up.

  "I was at the hotel room, and saw that Allianna has yet to come back, and I had waited for about 30 minutes before I get ready to find her, but she walked in as soon as I got my shoes on.

  'Well took you long enou- Wait... are you okay?' I asked when I saw her paled face.

  'Ye-ye-yeah.' She stutters out, but I wasn't convinced. I knew her really well. She almost never stutters, and that's usually when she's either really worried, nervous, or she is talking to a crush or is around them. I push her to answer the truth. She finally cracks and answers.

  'A-Adam-am might have been captured by squids or some other enemy of the Sky Army.' She had said, looking a little shocked."

I sit back and hear footsteps.

"Knock knock," I hear a certain fish say.

"Come in!" I holler to him. He comes in, and plops down next to me.

"Huh, well you weren't kidding when you said you have a camera recording." He chuckles, and I swat at him to be quiet. He laughs and I continued.

"Well anywho, when Allianna said that, my jaw dropped. I was so surprised.

'How in the hell is the COMMANDER of the legitimate SKY ARMY taken!? That shouldn't be possible! How did it even happen!?' I was throwing question after question at her, and she just sat down. Her head was in her hands, her long dirty blonde, more dark brown hair from lack of sunlight to her hair at the time, had cascaded over her face, her slightly tanned skin on her face was hidden, and you couldn't see her face at all. You could have sworn that her was was a waterfall from how much it was and the sheer length too.

When I stopped chucking question after question at her, she answered to the best of her ability.

'All I heard was someone, no one knows who, was able to sneak into Adam's room and kidnap him. No clues on who, but every single general thinks it was the squids or some higher entity.' She leaves it at that, and I nod, knowing that she is just as confused as I am right now."

I smile and give a thumbs up to Fish and he turns the camera off.

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