Confessed Love vs Disappointing Love

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The Episode starts in the college,

Back to their performance,

purab as arnav(abi role),pragya as khushi(pragya role)

The story starts in Suddenly sira stopped.she look at him.she said ,"nice guy(background plays ae dil hai mushkil)". After she left from there.riksri and pragya come towards abi.riksri hugged abi.she said," idiot dog!".I was scared.pragya could see riksri true care for him.abi look at pragya.pragya didn't speak any words.she looks down.abi looks at her.Riksri said,"lets we go abi".abi often sees pragya.but pragya didn't see abi face. After that incident,she maintained some distance with abi.abi think in his mind,"what happened to her??.why she didn't see me?".riksri is speaking with pragya.pragya behaved like she heard her words. But she is not in her sense.pragya ignores abi.after they reached their home.abi paid auto bill.pragya and riksri entered to their home.pragya directly  goes towards her room.abi entered riksri home.dadi and sarala,they welcomes him.abi is sitting in the hall.sarala prepared coffee for abi.abi is thinking about pragya behavior.he decides to meet her.but he thought,she will come there and meet him.Suddenly he get an urgent call.he never informed to anyone.immediately he leaves from there. riksri comes to the hall.but abi is missing from there.she calls him.he apologies with her after he informed about his work.

screenshift to sira.sira is thinking about abi.she thinks,"who is he?.what relationship between me and sira!!he is not related to you.don't think about him".suddenly sira heard loud noise.sira asked," what happened there??".her bodyguard went to check that person after they said ,"one guy got accident".sira feels restless.she decides to check that accident guy.she moves towards that guy.her heart beat is beating  very fast.she slowly went near him.she is shocked.that is abi.she immediately she goes towards him.aryan sees her differently.because first time he sees sira.she is crying for someone.sira calls her body guard.abi is little bit conscious.abi couldn't see her face.but he can hear voice.immediately sira admitted him in the hospital.she signed that formality paper.she told,"she is his wife".aryan and body guard are shocked and confused.aryan asked," what are you doing??".sira said ,"don't ask any questions to I want to save him.that's it".sira is totally restless.The doctor gave treatment to him.Later The Doctor came out. The doctor said," now he is alright.nothing to worry".she feel relief.sira asked ,"can I see him?".The doctor nodded his head.sira entered ICU room.she touched his face.her eyes filled with tears.she couldn't see him in this condition.she feel someone stabbed inside her heart.sira said," i don't know ,what is relationship between us.but I met you lots of times.whenever I see you.I feel very only saved me on that day".

flash back begin,

sira is playing in the rain.she is happily drenched in the rain.she covered her face using her veil.some of her enemies tried to kill her.abi and his friends are also standings in same bus stop.abi and his friends sees a girl is happily drenching in the rain.she never turns her car approach fastly towards her.they tried to kill her.sira is walking on the road.that car rashly comes towards her.abi sees that car.he called her.sira didn't listen his voice.she is enjoying the rain.she didn't look back.right time abi pulled her.he saved her.sira is shocked.sira holds his collar very tightly.abi breaks their hug.she look at his face.she is ogling at him(background plays female sanam re).abi scolded her.she didn't utter any words.suddenly sira body guard  surrounded her.they get anger on abi.sira gestures her bodyguard," don't talk anything".sira is enjoying his talks.suddenly abi asked," what happened why are you silent??".sira gestures him,"I can't speak,i am deaf and dumb".abi is shocked.sira inwardly smiles.abi understands ,"that's why she didn't listen his words".abi said," sorry.I don't know,you are deaf and dumb".sira gesture him,"it's ok.thank you for your help".abi said ,"you said thanks to me".sira nodded her head.abi smiles.he said ,"no needed".abi(arnav) asked "what's your name?".screenshift to abi friends.sanskar asked ,"what is he doing with her".they came near them.sira look at his friends.they  teases abi.abi said ,"idiot just shut up.she is deaf and dumb".they shows some sympathy look towards her.sira inwardly smiles.she tried to control her laugh.

Flashback end here.

Back to reality,

Screenshift to college students.abi gang and ranveer gang.ranveer goes towards the stage.ranveer directly went to meet arjun,purab.ishani  follows him.sanskar said," see her.she is playing with our hero.she is very smart.that dumb hero didn't find it. she is happily playing with them".swarna says," that is girls power.we will do mistake.but they will not get caught by anyone.but boys did any mistake.they easily caught in girls hand".they laughed.  Swarna said ,"boys are always dumb".raghav said," how could you blame boys".suddenly shivangi said," guys just cool.this is just script.why are you taking everything serious manner.just cool!!".sanskar said," swarna only said boys are dumb always".sanskar and swarna started to argue with eachother.all tried to console them.sona screamed," just shut up still behaved like kid".dev said ,"she is blaming could we sit calm".sona asked ,"swarna just say sorry to them and sanskar,you also ask sorry to her".sanskar says," I can't say sorry swarna.we are not dumb".naina said ,"ok guys just drop this matter now".ragini says ,"both of you say sorry with eachother.The problem will  solve".swarna hesitate to say sorry.all girls forced her.she finally said sorry and same like sanskar.all boys forced him.he finally said sorry.dusky said," now problem let we see our friends performance".suddenly all heard some songs.tanu said,"we missed some scene guys.why that sira is dancing now".alia said ,"oh god!!what happened between hero and that sira".she asked other departments.they says ,"this is sira dream".

Back to their performance,
Purab as arnav(abi)
Pragya as khushi(pragya)

screenshift to stage.sira leaves from there.abi smiles.abi asked ,"you didn't  say your name to us.sira holds abi hand.abi looks confused seeing her actions.she wrote her name in his hands.abi smiles.she asked ,"his name".he also wrote his name in her hand.sira smiles.she whispers his name.after she leaves from there.sira goes towards her car.she turns back.abi is talking with his friend.he leaves from that place..sira smiles.sira goes towards her car.suddenly song plays...toota jo kabhi tara,

sira dream,

sira stands middle of the forest.suddenly one guy comes near her.she look at that guy face.that guy comes towards sira.she is shocked.that is abi.abi comes towards her.he proposed her.suddenly the music plays.he kneeled down infront of her.he said," I love you".sira hugged him.she said ,"I love you too".both are dancing happily for that song.both are romantically dancing for that song.

Back to reality,

The whole college students  clapped.

Back to pragya and purab performance,

they are dancing very romantically.sira holds abi hand firmly.abi comes towards her lips.suddenly someone touched her.she come back to her sense.she turns.that is aryan.aryan said," I informed to his friends".sira says," bhai shall we stay here for a while minute?".aryan asked ,"do you love him???".sira looks shocked.sira said ,"don't know bhai.but I can't see his pain".suddenly abi holds sira hand.aryan looks shocked.sira moves towards him.she said," nothing will happen to you.I will take care you always".abi holds her hand firmly.after he dozed off slowly.suddenly purab entered to their room.sira covered her face using her duppatta.purab calls abi.purab is worrying about him.sira said," nothing will happen to don't worry.he is alright now".purab said ,"thank you for saved my friend".sira said ,"it's ok.take care.don't tell him.we saved him".purab asked," why??".sira said," simply!!!just tell saved him.please don't ask any as I say".Purab nods.I
Immediately sira and her brother left from the room.sira dupatta stucked with abi bracelet.sira is shocked.sira turns.purab said ,"wait I will remove it".sira eyes filled with tears.she immediately leaves from the room.purab informed their friends.riksri and pragya rushed towards the hospital.abi slowly comes to his conscious mode.purab shared the truth to abi.abi asked ,"where is she?".purab said," she left".abi said she helped me.but I didn't say thanks to her.what is this should stopped her".purab says," she said she have some she left".abi think in his mind,"who is she.because of her I alive now.thank you miss lady(background plays ae dil hai mushkil)".suddenly riksri comes to abi ward.she is shocked.his head is totally injured.simultaneously pragya also entered the room.pragya couldn't see abi in this condition.riksri scolded abi.purab said ,"riksri just leave he is ok".purab takes riksri after they came out from the room.abi sees pragya.pragya asked," how are you??".abi said," I am ok now".pragya looks silent.Abi ask pragya(khushi)," why don't you speak any word".pragya didn't look at his face.abi asked ,"why are you silent now.if I do something wrong".pragya thought to leave from there.abi holds her hand.pragya says," leave my hand".abi asked ,"are you crying?".pragya wipes out her tears.she said," nope,I am not crying".pragya tried to leave from there.but abi firmly holds her hand.pragya looks at him.abi gesture her.she goes near him..pragya sat down in his bed.abi asked ,"do you love me??".pragya looks on.she said ,"I don't know,why are you asking this question?".abi said," because I love you".pragya is shocked.she look at him.abi said," I want to live my whole life along with you".pragya eyes filled with tears.abi said ,"don't just  say frankly.I will never force you".pragya look at his eyes.immediately pragya hugged him.she said I love you too.they smiled.

Back to reality,

whole college students clapped.

Back to their performance,

pragya says," when I saw your eyes.I engrossed deeply in your thoughts.I couldn't see your pain".she is crying.abi says," please pragu don't cry.I can't see your tears in your eyes".suddenly riksri and purab entered their room.riksri and purab cough simultaneously.abigya breaks their hug.both are embarrassed.riksri said," purab,some one here hides their love story from us".purab said ,"yeah!!now  they totally forgot their friends".pragya says ,"nothing like it riksri".purab and riksri teases abigya.abi said ,"riksri and puru, don't tease her".riksri said," see itself he started to support her".abigya blushed.pragya went out.riksri holds her hand.pragya said," leave my hand riksri.riksri pushed pragya towards abi.pragya falls on abi chest.abi screamed in pain.pragya asked ,"sorry abi. Are you ok?.abi whispers, no!! I am not ok😉.he wink at her.both are looking at each other eyes.pragya blushes.riksri said," I feel very happy for you guys.riksri says," now pragya get good life partner".purab hugged abi.he said," I like my bhabhi".riksri said," you naughty abi.I know it idiot her.but I didn't expect it you propose her so soon".suddenly one person screamed ,"how can you cheat me abi???".abi,purab,riksri,pragya turns and look at that person.all looks confused and shocked.

Sira is crying vigorously. screenshift to original abi.Abi think in his mind,"why her tears affected me. why I couldn't see her tears in my eyes.why I feel this story is related to me".Screenshift to ranveer.Ranveer said," just stop your story..enough!! I will never allow you to do further".Ishani sees ranveer argue with purab and arjun.Ishani asked," what are you doing ranveer?".Ranveer screamed," Ishani,I will never allow this story to continue further".Ishani asked," why ranveer?.she is your sister.why are you stopping her performance".Ranveer said,"you don't know ishani about her".Ishani looks confused.She asked ,"what do you know about her".Ranveer said," I know,She is not my sister".Purab,Ishani, Arjun looks shocked.

-----------------To Be Continued--------------

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