Pragya Saved Purab Life

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Hi guys this is sowji... thank u for your support...lets move to ff...

The story continuing with riya and rithika are planned to make riots in canteen.pragya is sitting like calm.but she heard conversation between them.she behaves like she never heard anything.The screenshift to abi table.abishek asked laksh she is that beautiful girl.laksh asked who?.abishek shows his hands towards pragya.see there, one girl is sitting near by ishani.they turned to look at pragya.suddenly laksh said yeah that girl only.OMG,she is also here.whole boys are ogling at pragya.abishek feel little bit jealous.ragini said laksh what are you doing. laksh said chip.I am ogling at her.ragu baby I will talk with you later.ragini fumes in jealousy. she stared at laksh.alia never care about this incident.she is happily having her snacks.tanu pinched laksh hands.he screamed out in ouch!ouch!!.ragini share hifi with tanu.abishek gang girls laughed.naina ogling at raghav.raghav is  also secretly ogling at naina. swarna told laksh u deserves this punishment.purab said I think, whole girls are jealous on her.abishek smell something talked to purab.abi claimed I smell some burning smell here.yeah purab obviously,you are right.that is our girls stomatch.all girls stared them except naina,sona,alia.alia is having her food very sincerely.Vijay is secretly ogling at her.sona is sitting like never care about anything.naina is also ogling at raghav. Whenever raghav looks at her..she changed her actions.raghav smiled inwardlt because of naina reaction.The screenshift to ishu gang,riya said see there.they are very happy.ishu gang member look at them.they are happily talking with each other. ishu asked what’s your problem rigs.y are u always thinking about them.riya just think about us.don’t think about others.ranveer said she is right.riya just leave them we do our work.whole gang member shared same statement.they said same as ranveer.riya and rithika looks at them.she  told k guys I never think about them.riya and rithika angrily look at ishu.pragya noticed riya and rithika reactions towards ishu.she looks calm.suddenly she saw some one comes towards abi gang table.she was shocked.what they will do. she looks at riya and rithika.they are smiling at evil manner.she is confused.she saw some wire in the ground.that wires are near by purab boy took water jug.he signalled thumbs up towards riya.after,he intentionally poured water on the floor.purab never seen that wire.all water moves towards that wire direction.she immediately get up from the chair.she is running  towards abi gang table.ishu gang are
shocked.suddenly abi gang people looks at her.whole abi gang people are  confused.y she is coming towards us.suddenly she sees purab turned towards wire direction..she immediately pushed purab towards his friends. abi gangs get up from the table.she feel down on wire.she was trying to remove her hand on wire. she hold electricity wire.pragya screamed in pain.both gang looks shocked.she dropped down wire on some other place.pragya will try to speak something but pragya was suffocated.she feel difficult to breath.after she is unconscious fell down towards the ground but suddenly abi hold her in his
arms.ishu screamed pragya.ishu gang  comes towards pragya.both gangs are panicked seeing  unconscious  pragya.purab called dispensy doctor he told emergency please come to canteen.ishu comes towards pragya.she screamed please open your eyes.all give some space to her.immediately sona opened the window.sona thought she need some fresh air.swarna splashed water on her face.she slowly opened her eyes.actually her head is little bit injured.she screamed in pain ouch! ouch! .bulbul gave water
towards ishani.ishani take that water from her hand.give it to pragya.immediately canteen
manager switch off the main current supplied box.she slowly drink that water.the doctor comes towards the canteen.the doctor asked what happen.pragya told that incident.abi gang and ishu gang are shocked.she pointed out purab.that guy never sees that.that’s y I came here to save look at her was injured.The doctor gave first  aid to her hand.her head is little bit injured.the doctor put bondage in her face.she screamed ouch.the doctor looks at her.the doctor raised her eyebrow.pragya pout cutely said it’s paining.all are laughing because of pragya antics.abi think in his mind she is too cute.purab asked doctor she is k now.pragya looks at purab.she sees his care towards her.she never knows that he is purab khanna.The screen shift to riya and rithika.rithika angrily whispered this girl spoiled our plan.because of pragya.our plan spoiled.riya said don’t worry.our next plan will execute soon.forget about this plan.our next plan will successful so soon.riya and rithika smiled evil manner.The doctor told nothing to worry.she is alright now.ranveer asked doctor,how do know this incident here happened.The doctor told.the doctor pointed out purab. Purab called me.all emotionally look at purab. ranveer,ishu,purab, abi, pragya said thank u doctor.The doctor said no mention, it’s my pleasure. pragya slowly get up  with help of ishu.ishu and pragya are leaving from the canteen.suddenly pragya stopped.she said wait ishu I will come.she goes towards purab.sona said because  of her,purab escaped  from electrity shock.pragya said excuse me.purab and abi gang sees her.pragya said sorry I pushed you on the floor.actually u never sees that wire that’s y I did like that and thank u.purab said no actually I want to say thanks. because, u saved my life.Suddenly ishu called her.pragya said k bye.she glare at abishek.abishek sees her eyes.ishu and pragya left from there.after abi gang left from there.laksh said she is really nice girl.purab said yeah she is very nice girl. tanu said I never expect this from her.In that gang,everyone consider us as enemy.but she gives her life to save our friend.abi said yes tanu.I also thought like you.but now, I changed my opinion about her.bulbul said I will special thanks her.because of her,our purab was saved.sona said guys stop stop.we will give special treat to her.lets we go to home.The screenshift to ishu gang.karthik goes towards pragya.pragya sees him…Karthik asked r u ok.shall I drop u in your home.pragya said no need I have a scooter.I will go in my scooter.thank u for your help.actually pragya never speak much with any boys.ranveer comes towards pragya.he said thank u.pragya asked for what.ranveer said simply.
pragya looks at ishu.she looks confused.pragya said he will say thanks without reason. ishu  said this thanks for you.because  you  saved his friend life.that’s y,ranveer sternly said who is my friend.they are not my friends.he left from there.ishu smiled.pragya claimed I couldn't  understand ishu.y he said thanks.. ishu said you saved purab life…that’s y.his ego never accept the truth that’s y he shows his fake anger towards us.pragya said oh.ishu said anyway thank u pragya.pragya asked how many thanks.oh ishu stop your thanks. who one in his position.I will save them like this way only.k abi gang heard conversation between pragya,ishu,ranveer.sanskar said I thought ishu is right.ranveer still love us.but his ego never allows him to accept the truth.abishek said yeah.don’t worry,one day he will understand the truth.purvi said I like her.laksh said I love her.pretty girl.ragini splashed water on his face.abi gang laughed.actually abirab looks at pragya.pragya and ishu left from there..At night,Abishek is thinking about pragya.y I feel, she is familiar to me.her eyes are sparkling eyes.No abi don’t think about her.else u will be mad on her.abishek closed his eyes again he sees her's disturbing his sleep.oh god!!what is this.Her eyes disturbs my sleep.The screenshift to pragya.pragya bought all the things.she give that things to lucky.Lucky mam is her chachi.she is hiding her identity to her collegemate.she goes towards her room.she freshed up and she had her dinners.she is sitting sad.she is missing her family alot.she took her family photo and weeping out.after she looks at the moon.she sees abi face in that moon.she is shocked.y my heart feels I know him before itself.don’t over think about him.she goes towards her bed and hugged her favorite pillow.few minutes after, she dozed off slowly in her bed.days are passed month after,both class gets a circular.The screenshift to abi class room.lucky mam informed about a music course staff taking  them to some special class.But both  classes are  combined to attend this class.simultaneously heard same news as ishu class room.Both classes said we never accept this.we could attend this class separated.we will never combine to attend this class.lucky said this class is important to your career.if u have to think once.because, only few staff are there.that’s y they are asking to combine  both classes to attend  this class.both class refused to attend this class.because,they never want to sees  their face.The screenshift to ishu class.ishu class tutor called pragya come to meet her. abi class student make noises.ishu class tutor,she immediately goes to meet her lucky mam.The screenshift to abi class,actually pragya looks very gorgeous.she wore white with golden salwar. she looks cute and pretty.purab asked abi accept to attend this will help for our future.just think once, after decide it.bulbul said no abi we will never accept will make again some issue.some of girls refused to combined with them.whole classes makes some louder voice.lucky mam will try to calm them.suddenly pragya
entered to abi class room.all stopped their speech.Girls looks on.Boys are stunned.whole boys mesmerized by her beauty.lucky mam was whole classes maintain pin drop silence.lucky mam heard pragya voice.she aid come in.she goes towards Mam.suddenly one boy intentionally crashed pragya.abi couldn’t control his anger towards dare he.he looks at her sarcastically said sorry.pragya look very angry.Mam asked what happen.pragya told nothing mam.

New staff entry..lots of twist comes in abi and ishu gang life…

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