Searching For Lost Part

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The episode starts in Swarna said," then why are you asking about him to Ragini. I know it laksh. your heart loves Ragini. but your mind never ready to accept it".suddenly sanskar screamed Swarna.swarna said, "yeah coming".swarna said, "laksh, you will realize your love for her soon". she left from there.laksh is confused and shocked.Laksh think in his mind, "yeah are right. sometimes I have a special feelings for her.but it's
Not the kind of love you think.she is my good friend.I really care her a lot". screenshift to sanskar, he asked swaru,"what are you doing with laksh?".swarna said ,"I just reminded his love for ragini.just see soon he will realize his love for her".screenshift to abigya.abigya went to staff room.actually cockroach called him...abi said," pragya you stay here and I'll talk to him".pragya claimed,"suniyil I am also come along with you".abi said," pragu!!cockroach want to talk to me alone".pragya said, "ok come soon.I will wait for you".pragya is sitting in the corridor bench.she is playing the. games in her mobile.cockroach noticed abigya.abi entered to the staff room.cockroach speaks to abi.pragya looks at the staff room.but abi didn't come out from the staffroom. suddenly purab enemies came there. that boys doesn't like purab. because they are jealous of his dance.pragya knows about it.she doesn't care about them.they noticed pragya. They came near her. They started to give mock comments about pragya.pragya behaved like she never heard their words.she thought,"she didn't want to create any problem".screenshift to staff room. Cockroach talks to abi about his work.cockroach consider abi as his son.he asked,"abi,do you love any girl??.abi think in his mind,"if I say yes or no".Cockroach asked," I know you love pragya".abi looks shocked. He look at him. cockroach smiled .he said," I understand what do you think about me".abi said," sir we are best friends". cockroach asked,"really...abi...I know about you very well don't hide your love story from me.I like her.she is nice girl.she is perfect match for don't act infront of me😉".abi said sor...she is my best friend..cockroach said," abi.don't tell lie to me.anyway did you finish the work i gave to you".abi said," yeah sir". Cockroach said,"ok leave". He said,"ok sir". He is leaving from there suddenly he stopped. screenshift to pragya.that guy mocked about pragya.but pragya is trying to control herself thoroughly. She lost her patience. She went near them.pragya said, "we will see in our dance competition.I will reply to all your questions answer after winning this more thing,purab is not like you.don't compare yourself with my purab.he is never disgusting like you".that boy got anger.he tried to to slap her.but pragya hold his hand.suddenly they sees the principal. They said," I will not leave you". immediately they leave from there.screenshift to staffroom.again abi turned. He said," sir I love her. but still I have not yet told her my love".
cockroach smiled. He said," just confess your love to her. she will not reject you".abi smiled. He said," thank you sir".pragya is thinking about that guy words. Abi called her. pragu lets we go.abi touched Pragu shoulder.pragya come back to her sense.pragya looks at him.abi raised his eyebrows.abi hold pragya hand. Pragya smiled after they went to their classroom.Pragya think in his mind,"I want to expose that person.because of him,my partner purab got trapped".screenshift to ishveer.ranveer is anger on ishani.Ishani texted him.but ranveer didn't give reply to her.after the break,she changed her place near raghav is sitting with pragya.ishani hold ranveer hand.he refuse to hold her hand.ishani said won't you even you talk to me?.Ranveer said ,"you told huh.that guy is more handsome than me.go to talk to him😏😒😫".ishani laughed😃😅🤣😆😆she said," oh!! my baby.are you jealous on sweet of you".Ranveer said, " I am not jealous on anyone".ishani asked, " really😆😉".ranveer said ,"yeah really☺🙂".ishani kissed his cheeks.ranveer is shocked.ishani puts her leg on him as she wants.she is slowly soothing on his leg.ishani softly whisper ,"ranveer I love you. i love your anger on me. my hotty pie😉".ranveer asked," hotty pie??".ishani said,"cutie pie means cutest likewise hotty pie means hottest😉". ishani whispered," I can't control look very hot".she hold his waist. She whispered slowly,"you look very I can't resist myself".ranveer looks on.he is scared.he didn't expect her bold move toward him.ishani whispered baby😘😉...ranveer is shocked.ishani chuckled.she think in her mind,"poor ranveer.I like his scaring face".she smiled.screenshift to pragya.raghav asked,"why are you looking at me again and again. pragya, do you want to talk to me?".pragya said, " baiyya shall I say something with you.but you should not share this with anyone". raghav asked," what happened pragu.ok share with me.I will never share with anyone".pragya asked," baiyya purab have any enemy in this college.did you know about them.who trapped our purab in our previous year competition.can you tell me how our gang separated into two gang".raghav think in his mind,"let me tell her about chairman raghav. if I tell her this now after ranveer will kill me".raghav told some story.pragya think in her mind,"one part is missing from this can I find that". raghav asked," why pragu. Why are you asking about this matter?".pragya said," I don't know bhai but I feel like something is going wrong".raghav said," don't overthink.nothing will happen to us".pragya time is college bell rings. The college is over.after they went to their home.their life moves on as usual.few days later, Their exams are going to begin. So they are preparing for their exams.One day,dusky got some doubts.she picked up ragini along with her.she went to the stage.she asked lisha mam about their doubt.lisha mam asked,"pragya.can you clean this board".pragya said ,"sure mam".Pragya, ragini,dusky are talking with lisha mam.suddenly the same guy who saved pragya,he entered to her classroom..pragya widely opened her mouth.he came to the stage.whole boys are fumes in jealousy. All the girls eyes only on him.arjun notices dusky reaction on him.abi is anger on pragya.laksh is looking at ragini.Ishani gesture pragya.close your mouth.pragya closed her mouth.lisha said dusky and ragini, just go to your place.pragya is also moving along with them.suddenly lisha stopped pragya.pragya looks at lisha mam.lisha mam said,"pragya wait here". pragya said," ok Mam".shaj is talking with lisha mam.pragya is listening their talks.suddenly someone entered lisha mam class.pragya heard familiar voice.she turned look at the person.she is scared.

Pragya points someone. She says to lisha mam,"i need to talk to him alone. I want to know about him".ishani asked,"ranveer what is she doing.why she want to know about him".

1)Why is she afraid to look at him

2)Who is that person and why she should talk to him????

3)Who is that guy? He is same guy who saved pragya or someone else???

Any guess???

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