A Not-So-Normal Investigation

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Guess which Kirby character first appears in this one-shot :>

No one dies or gets extremely hurt, but there's gonna be some blood in the later parts.

There's been a break-in at Snugglemagne's castle. Someone broke the windows of his castle, and went into his giant dress up room. With all the expensive things . . . .

The Sheriff's Department, including Meta Knight and Kirby, arrived in the main room of the castle. Where the window was broken. Kirby coincidentally brought Meta Knight with him to visit.

Mao Mao put some sunglasses on Kirby.

"There! That makes you look cool, like a spy." He turns to the king. "And it doesn't make me look bad," he mutters. "So King, you said you were sleeping while the crime was committed?"

"Yes! In my royal bed! I heard some glass breaking, but it took me some time to wake up and get out of bed, you know?"

"Hm, alright." Mao Mao took out a writing pad from his sash and gave it to Kirby. "Write that down."

"Poyo!" Kirby said, keeping a firm voice. He wrote exactly what Snugglemagne said.

"What else did you hear?" Mao Mao asked. Snugglemagne kept explaining his point of view while the others were looking for evidence. Badgerclops and Meta Knight were at the glass window, while Adorabat was in the giant dress up room.

"Man, all of this for a necklace?" Badgerclops said, pointing to the broken window. Meta Knight scanned the window, looking for any bits of DNA (hair, bLoOd, etc.).

"Think of it like this—maybe the necklace was stolen for a loved one. Or to sell it," Meta Knight explained.

"Uh, Snugglemagne said that necklace was cheap. Like, 3 dollars."

"May I mention that he also said it was limited edition? It may cost more to sell it." Badgerclops nodded, checking the tiny pieces of glass scattered on the floor.

"Hmmm. I guess that's a valid point. But C'MON." After a few moments of looking, Badgerclops sucked his teeth. "Well, I don't see nada." He immediately regretted saying that and jerked his head down at Meta Knight. "S-sorry, I meant nothing! I hope I didn't disrespect your nationality or something!" Meta Knight chuckled a bit.

"Calm down. You did nothing wrong." Badgerclops wiped sweat off his forehead.


"I cannot find a trace of evidence either," Meta Knight agreed. Mao Mao and Kirby walked to them.

"Well," Mao Mao said, "we got Snugglemagne's point of view for the crime. He said the necklace wasssss . . . . " He paused to look at the notes Kirby wrote. "'A powerful magic source used by kings generations ago. Unfortunately, due to an accident that occurred one generation, that King wrote a note for other Kings to swear to never use the necklace again.'" Badgerclops scoffed.

"Dude, you can't even remember what the King said. Technically Kirby did all the work since he wrote all the notes down." Kirby smiled and went on Badgerclops's shoulder, adjusting his sunglasses. Mao Mao clenched his hands into fists.

"So what, you're saying that I have short-term memory loss?" Badgerclops shrugged.

"Eh. Sometimes ya do."

"Mao Mao," Meta Knight said after glancing at Kirby, "why are the sunglasses necessary?" Mao Mao coughed to hide his embarrassment.

"Well, it's to make him look professional that's all!" Meta Knight lowered his yellow eyes to show his annoyance.

"Mhm. I suppose that Kirby makes you 'look bad', right?" Mao gritted his teeth and muttered random words in disbelief.

"H-how'd you know I said that?!" he blurted. Meta Knight walked uncomfortably close to him.

"I hear and see everything, Mao Mao." Mao Mao gulped and took a step back. He heard Badgerclops snicker, but tried his best to ignore it.

"Aaaaanyways, I'm afraid that the person that took the necklace may want it for . . . evil reasons. But who would know about its power from generations ago?"

"GUYS! I FOUND SOMETHING!" Adorabat yelled from the dress up room. The allies quickly made it to the room to see Adorabat holding something. Mao Mao took a closer look at it. It looked like a lavender-colored feather.

"I don't know anyone that has wings with this color," Mao Mao mumbled as he took the feather from Adorabat. Badgerclops squinted an open eye at it.

"Yeah, me neither," Badgerclops replied. "But whoever has wings of that color, I'd say they're rockin' it!" Meta Knight went next to Mao Mao to examine the feather more.

"You know what I think?" Adorabat chimed in, flying on Mao Mao's shoulder. "I think that it belongs to a tiny winged monster creature that grew once it flew away or something! And then we'll have to find it, and FIGHT it!" Mao Mao raised an eyebrow as he looked at her.

"Are you saying that so you can predict whether this investigation will be boring or not?" Adorabat huffed.

"Yeah. It wouldn't be a surprise if Pinky grew wings." Mao Mao's eyes widened for a second. Then he made a smug face.

"You're right." Meta Knight's eyes were a bright green. He was lost in a spiraling thought as he eyed the lavender-colored feather. It was so clear to him, but he didn't wanna believe it. He didn't wanna think that that guy found out about Pure Heart Valley just so he can destroy it. Even worse, what if he wants the Ruby itself?

"Hey Meta?" Badgerclops puzzled as he poked the side of Meta Knight's head. "You alright man?" Mao Mao put the feather in his sash and knelt down in front of Meta's face.

"Psst, Meta Knight. You're looking at a green-eyed cat right now." Meta shook his head, escaping his thoughts. His eyes turned yellow again.

"Ah, sorry. I just . . . I thought of someone who might have stole the necklace. Though he's . . . not from here." Mao Mao made a toothy grin, standing back up.

"Really?! Who do you think it is?" Meta Knight hesitated for a few seconds. He wrapped his cape around himself tighter.

"I-I . . . uh." There's no way anyone would stand a chance against that knight. Alone, at least. His power must've grown over the years. Meta Knight turned away from the four, walking away a few steps.

Mao Mao got slightly worried for him. Something was up. He walked next to Meta Knight, kneeling down again.

"What's wrong, dude?" Mao asked. Meta Knight glanced at the worried cat, then stared at the floor.

"The person that I think it is—he's from my and Kirby's world. But he is extremely powerful. I barely won several fights with him." He looked at Mao Mao in the eyes. "And I believe that Pure Heart Valley is in danger."

Mao Mao smirked. "Well if he's that powerful then I can just as powerful as well. A fresh new villain to fight is just what I need." Meta Knight's eyes turned red as he scowled.

"You do not understand! He is powerful enough to destroy several planets! And get this—I nearly died one time we battled. What do you think will happen to you if you battle him?" Mao Mao narrowed his eyes at the now short-tempered knight.

"Maybe you're just weaker than me. Heck, maybe you weren't even trying to fight him that one time. Trust me. I'll get the job done." Meta Knight grabbed him by the neck part of his cape. That earned a gasp from Adorabat.

"You are just begging for a death wish, narcissist!" Mao Mao's pupils were the angriest slits.

"Shut it! I've been training for as long as I can rememberrrrr!" He said that last part in a growl. Meta shoved him back.

"All of that will be wasted once you battle Galacta Knight." Mao Mao's eyes widened. He gave Meta Knight a glare and turned away, wrapping his cape around himself.

"Why don't you stay here? You won't give me any trouble," Mao Mao said. Meta Knight nodded.

"Fine by me." Adorabat and Badgerclops went to Mao Mao.

"Mao Mao!" Adorabat whined. "You need to let Meta Knight come with you! I-I don't want you to die . . . . " Her eyes sparkled with tears. Mao Mao's ears drooped down. The last thing he wanted was to hear his little deputy's cries once—no, if he got defeated brutally. He opened his mouth to say something, but Badgerclops beat him to it.

"Me neither man. If Meta Knight says Galacta Knight can destroy several worlds, then he must be pretty deadly." Mao Mao sighed, his ears going back up.

"Once we find him, you two can battle with me. Kirby too." He looks at Kirby, who seems like he's talking to Meta Knight. "Kirby, come with us will ya?"

Kirby hesitated for a second, looking at Mao Mao, then Meta Knight. He went with the others. As they exited the room, Meta Knight leaned against a wall, sighing through his nose.

"I pray that they will be okay."

* * *

The four started searching around Pure Heart Valley, starting with the village. They found no one with the necklace, but the day seemed bright with all the Sweetiepies having a good time. The little kids were playing hopscotch, Pinky was doing a fundraiser to save his stale donuts (Muffins had started putting the stale donuts in a shredder), and everyone else was relaxing, doing their own thing.

Mao Mao smelled a scent in the air. He took the feather out of his sash and sniffed it. Both of the scents smelled the same!

"Guys, I think I know where that Galacta Knight is," Mao Mao said. "Follow me." To the right of the village was the giant meadow that Sweetiepies went to sometimes. Just not today, since the pollen was suppose to be high. And EVERYONE was allergic to pollen. Not Mao Mao, though.

Badgerclops sneezed. "Out of all the places he could've been, the guy's here?" he complained with a congested nose. Mao Mao unsheathed his katana.

"Quit it Badgerclops. And all of you, take out your weapons. I can smell him."

"Uh . . . Kirby doesn't have a—"

"I know he doesn't have one!" Mao Mao snapped. "Just give him a sword to inhale. This is a knight we're talking about."

"Mkay, whatever bro," Badgerclops mumbled as he took a sword out from his robotic arm and gives it to Kirby. Kirby inhales the sword and becomes Sword Kirby. Badgerclops changed the top of his arm to a laser beam shooter, while Adorabat readied her smoke bombs.

Mao Mao heard a sinister chuckle that made his ears twitch. Where was this Galacta Knight though?! He was nowhere to be seen in the meadow, neither the sky! Suddenly, Mao felt something grab the side of his leg. Adorabat was hugging his leg.

"I-I'm kind of scared Mao Mao," she said, shuddering. Mao Mao smiled warmly.

"You want me to protect you?" The little bat nodded.

"Okay. Stay close to me."

"Hmph, there's no use protecting that child." Mao Mao growled, looking all around. He kept his sword drew forward.

"Where are you Galacta?! We know you have the necklace with you!"

"I'm right in front of you." Mao stared at the space in front of him, confused. Before he could ask, Galacta Knight himself emerged from the ground. Mao Mao backed up, making the others do the same. Galacta had the necklace dangling on his sword. It seemed to be shining pink. His shield was in his other hand.

"Lemme guess—we have to fight you to get the necklace back?" Galacta chuckled again. He flicked the necklace on his sword off with his shield. Mao Mao caught it and gave it to Badgerclops.

"Keep it. I don't need such foolish jewelry for power anyways. I already have infinite amounts of it." Mao Mao's eye twitched. He just wanted to slice that blob in half already!

"Why did you steal it in the first place?" he grumbled.

"Eh, just a warm up to let you know I'll be stealing much bigger things from this valley." Right then, Mao Mao knew what he meant. Mao ran at him with his sword, but Galacta easily blocked the attack with his shield. "Why must you attack me? I did nothing to harm you or your friends." Mao Mao smirked.

"Well let's see . . . you committed several crimes. You want me to tell ya?" He frowned, listing the crimes on his fingers. "Vandalism, burglary, and!" He took the necklace back from Badgerclops and held it up. "Larceny! I know you don't feel shame for anything I just said, but this is a warning!" He tossed the necklace back to Badgerclops. Galacta Knight rolled his eyes.

"Sure. Because I'll know not to do those stupid crimes next time." He abruptly knocked Mao Mao's katana out of his grip and slashed his upper right arm deeply. He yelped, clutching the long cut on his arm and falling on his knees.

"MAO MAO!" Adorabat, Badgerclops, and Kirby said. Adorabat flew next to Mao Mao and landed on the ground. Tears formed in her eyes while she looked at Mao Mao's face. His eyes were squeezed shut, and his teeth gritted. She noticed blood drizzling between Mao's fingers. As for  the cool duo of Kirby and Badgerclops, they got in front of Mao Mao, aiming their weapons at Galacta Knight.

"That was just the second warm up," Galacta said, humming a chuckle. He spreads his lavender-colored wings out. "Farewell . . . Sheriff's Department? You're called that, right?" He blushes, but no one saw it. "It'd be embarrassing to get a name wrong. No matter."

He turned around to take off, but stopped. "One more thing. Tell Meta Knight that we have unfinished business." Then, he flew into the cosmos. Kirby and Badgerclops turned to Mao Mao.

"Dude, you okay?!" Badgerclops asked, kneeling down next to Adorabat. Kirby went to retrieve Mao Mao's katana.

Mao Mao kept his eyes closed and formed a shaky grin. "Heh. Of course I'm alright. Otherwise I'd be unconCIOUS!" He felt a deep pain travel through his whole limb up to the top of his shoulder. He clenched his right hand into a fist. "Agh . . . . "

"Lemme see it." Mao Mao nodded, opening his eyes a little. Badgerclops gingerly moved Mao Mao's gloved paw off the deep cut. It really was a long and deep cut. It almost reached to the side of his elbow. Blood started dribbling down his arm, and staining the grass. Badgerclops took out a folded, white towel and wiped the blood. He held it on Mao Mao's cut. "Hold it there, okay? And clean your glove while you're at it. I see blood on it."

Mao Mao unwillingly took off his glove, cleaning the blood off with the towel pressed on his arm.

"Sure. Is the medical kit back home?" Badgerclops furrowed his brow.

"Yep. Maybe the King has bandages in his castle." Kirby came back with Mao Mao's katana and put it back in its sheathe for him.

"Thanks Kirby," Mao Mao mumbled with a smile.

"Poyo!" Kirby exclaimed. Mao Mao slowly stood up. The comrades made their way to the castle.

* * *

"Welcome back!" Snugglemagne said. "Did you find the neck—oh dear. Whatever happened to the sheriff?"

"It's a long story," Badgerclops said. "Do you have cohesive bandages?" Snugglemagne stood up from his throne.

"Why yes, I do!" He cleared his throat. "QUINTON! GET ME COHESIVE BANDAGES! THE SHERIFF IS INJURED!" Quinton immediately came with the bandages.

Meta Knight came back from the dressing room sometime after hearing Snugglemagne yelling. He saw Mao Mao's cut getting wrapped by Badgerclops with neon green bandages.

"Did Galacta Knight do that?" Meta asked as he walked closer to Mao Mao. Mao Mao glanced at him, then back at his wrapped up arm.

"Yeah," he mumbled. "We got the necklace back before anything destructive happened. Galacta said it was a warm up. And this—" Mao Mao patted his hand on the bandages, "was a second warm up."

"I see." Mao Mao felt another sharp pain from his arm. It made him reflect on what he said to Meta Knight. He sighed, using enough courage to look at Meta.

"You were right. About how powerful Galacta Knight is. Even if I didn't see his full power yet. I was . . . I was so focused on fighting someone new, and I thought it would be a piece of cake. I was so full of myself that I didn't care about the dangers that we may face."

Badgerclops's eye widened from that last sentence Mao Mao said. He turned to Adorabat.

"At least he admits he's a narcissist," he whispered.

"That doesn't mean I'm a complete narcissist, though," Mao Mao continued, glaring at Badgerclops for a moment. "I-I'm sorry for comparing my skills to yours. You had the upper hand in our argument . . . again."

"I'm sorry as well," Meta Knight said. "For saying that your training was wasted." His eyes turned gray for a second (gray eyes mean sadness). "The truth is . . . I worry about you, Mao Mao. You may seem tough, but you might get beaten to shreds by Galacta Knight, or something else."

Mao Mao was offended by that, but at the same time, he had no idea that Meta . . . what's the word . . . cared about him. Or worried. Mao smiled.

"I get it." He frowned. "Oh yeah, Galacta Knight wanted me to tell you something. You have unfinished business with him...?" Meta nodded, sighing annoyingly.

"Yes. In other words, he wants a rematch. I beat him the last time we fought." Mao Mao took his hand off his injury and formed a thumbs up while smirking.

"If he comes back, want me to fight with you?" Meta Knight nodded. Mao Mao could tell he was smiling.

"That would be nice."

The necklace was returned to Snugglemagne, and his broken window was repaired by some folks outside of Pure Heart Valley. All was peaceful in the world. For now.

If you're wondering, Kirby had those sunglasses on the whole time.

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