A Good Day

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Third Person's POV

"Seviper!" Jessebelle calls out her first Pokémon. It has a snake like appearance, all black with gold charms periodically placed. Its tail is a red razor blade as sharp as a kitchen knife. Maybe a little sharper...

"Sssss," It hisses with red fangs poking out intimidatingly.

"I really hope this Pokémon isn't in the Pokédex," Dawn cringes at the appearance. "Shinx spotlight!"

Shinx flies out with transparent lightening bolts around it. His natural shiny charm radiates and causes the seal effect to sparkle, giving Dawn an idea. "Shinx give off a small electric charge," Dawn says and the Pokémon smiles happily before sending a pulse of electricity through the air.

The electricity amplifies within the seal and creates a stunning glow around Shinx without hiding himself. "Absolutely stunning!" Marian announces and the sound of Jessebelle's points falling fills the arena.

It wasn't much but a tiny disadvantage can make a difference.

"Okay," Dawn closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "All I have to do is remember the basics my mom taught me, while still making it my own."

"Seviper go wrap that kitty!" Dawn's opponent yells.

"Coordinators going for the knockout need to be defended by outshining their offence," Dawn recounts quietly to herself. "Shinx use charge then get out of the way."

The flash Pokémon glows brightly before jumping over Seviper and leaving a faint trail behind him. The poison type beneath manages to stretch his tail and coil around Shinx.

"Shinx!" Dawn cries out. "Try to wiggle out."

Shinx struggles helplessly while Seviper squeezes relentlessly. The electric type doesn't know spark or anything yet but electricity is electricity. "We're going to win!" Jessebelle dances around excitedly on her side of the battlefield.

Her... colourful outfit doesn't exactly match her evil looking Pokémon. The tacky add ons give it an interesting look for one thing. Toning down on the makeup wouldn't hurt either.

"Shinx you can get out," Dawn encourages him with little hope. Shinx cries out in pain again and that makes some instinct in Dawn's brain react. "Let out as much electricity as possible using charge!"

"Shiii!" The yellow and black Pokémon screams while letting thousands of volts of electricity pass between his fur and Seviper's scales.

It isn't powerful but it was enough to paralyze Seviper for a second and allow Shinx to escape. The snake regains its motor skills as Shinx shakes away any feeling from the previous attack.

Dawn glances at the scoreboard and it isn't exactly ideal. Her points are at about half while Jessebelle's are only at three quarters. The time is getting shorter and shorter every second, which makes sense since that's how time works.

She needs to turn this around because her first contest isn't going to have an L with it. "Shinx use tail whip," Dawn orders.

Instead of wagging his tail, he chases it around happily while still giving off the same effect. The cute move brings down her opponent's points while they watch in confusion.

"Seviper attack with poison tail!" The pink haired young woman orders. Seviper doesn't move, not having the heart to swipe at the playful electric type. "Get going!"

Seviper snaps out of the trance and slithers his way with a low hiss. Shinx stops to look at the Pokémon with his big cute eyes, which makes the poison type freeze again.

"Shinx uses baby doll eyes to stop Seviper," Marian holds her hands together. "He's just too cute."

"New attack," Dawn smiles. "Tackle."

Shinx takes advantage of the situation and rams into the poison type. Seviper slides across the stage before stopping in front of his trainer. The crowd cheers, obviously falling in love with Shinx as well.

The points are now almost evened up. Dawn's starting advantage giving her amount a slight edge.

Seviper gets up and he doesn't look too happy. Without command he charges at Shinx with blazing red eyes. The electric type prey tries to move but the sudden fear is too much.

Seviper lunges to bite Shinx but then a horn sounds. "Time!" Marian shouts and Seviper's fangs stop mere inches away from Shinx's face.

"So close," Dawn breathes out in relief. Then she checks the scoreboard and an emotion better than relief is felt. "We won!"

The blunette runs up to Shinx and gives him a tight hug while the audience cheers for the winners. "What a battle," Marian states. "But we still have one more before the finals so let's bring out Kenny and Ethan."

Dawn makes her way back to the coordinator lobby and sits down on the first couch she sees. The blunette enjoys the relaxation and allows for her heart to catch up with the adrenaline rush.

"You got lucky," Jessebelle walks over to her. "It won't end the same next time." She glares but Dawn notices that most of her attention is on the Shiny Shinx in her arms.

"Uh... okay?" Dawn responds while the mysterious girl walks away. "I have a feeling this won't be the last time we see her," Dawn sighs but Shinx doesn't seem to really care.

"Your Shinx there is pretty energetic," A woman with a contest worker badge comes over. "Here's some healing items so he'll be ready for the finals."

"Thank you ma'am," Dawn smiles gratefully as she walks away. She starts applying the potions while occasionally watching the battle that Kenny is dominating. "This is going to be interesting. If only we had more time to train and give you an electric type move that can cause damage."

"Shinx," He jumps off of her and starts to charge electricity. He motions in a way to shoot the electricity but nothing happens. The electricity dies down and he looks down disappointedly.

"It's okay," Dawn says softly and picks him up before petting his fur. "You'll get it eventually and the coordinator lobby probably won't be that place."

"And Kenny wins unanimously!" Marian declares. "We'll be right back for the finals."

Kenny strolls in moments later with a smug look. "Not even hard," He tosses Piplup's pokeball up and down. "You're next Dee Dee."

"Stop calling me that," Dawn growls but Kenny turns away ignorantly.

He waves her off arrogantly and presumably goes off to find someone to heal his Pokémon.

"I don't want to talk to him again so let's go get ready in the tunnel," Dawn says, still bothered by the guy.

The two walk down slowly and stop right before the opening into the arena. She peeks out, looking for the raven haired trainer. Dawn scans the top seats in the bleachers since that's where Ash probably ended up.

Dawn notices a guy with a Bidoof on his head and even though she can't completely focus on him, she's pretty sure that's Ash. "What a doofus," Dawn giggles and Shinx smiles happy that his trainer is happy.

Dawn has noticed that she has been feeling happier since leaving on her journey. It's probably just the sense of being on an adventure but maybe it's something else. She tries to focus on Ash again while she thinks about this but Marian has the crowd on their feet now so it's impossible to see through the cheering.

It could be her crazy fantasies though so the possibilities are slim.

"Here we go!" Marian interrupts Dawn's thoughts. She heads in and the cheers are louder than her thoughts. Shinx doesn't mind however and is happily jumping towards the stage.

Across the stage are Kenny and Piplup, already set to battle. "Begin!" Marian announces and Piplup instantly charges with his tiny little fist glowing.

"So that's how he's going to play," Dawn smirks. "Use tail whip to knock a Piplup off balance."

Shinx waits before spinning and sending his star shaped tail into Piplup's face. The water type's tiny little legs become unbalanced by the slightest of things and ends up crashing into the ground.

"Tackle!" Dawn commands with a smile that can light up the Distortion World.

Shinx tackles the penguin Pokémon, causing Kenny's points to drop substantially. "Get up and use bubble," Kenny urges impatiently.

Piplup stood on his feet and sent the wave of bubbles towards Shinx. "You know what to do," Dawn smirks and Kenny becomes confused. "Charge."

Shinx shakes in eagerness before letting the electricity snap off of his fur. The crackling electricity zaps the bubbles and causes them to sparkle around the electric type. This continues until all the bubbles are popped and the audience is in awe at the performance.

Kenny finds himself frozen in confusion and awe so he hits himself to try and get out of it.

Kenny's points are now below a quarter and Dawn still has almost the full circle. With the little time left, all Kenny can do is go for the knockout...

"Piplup keep using bubble while going for a pound attack!" Kenny yells.

"Charge tackle!" Dawn yells and points ahead of her. It may not make sense in most minds but it makes sense in Shinx's and that is what matters.

Shinx runs towards the bubbles while giving off electricity. The bubbles do minimal damage and he's able to tackle the surprised water type without being pounded.

The buzzer goes before anything else can happen and Dawn's emotions freeze her in place. "I can't believe it," The blunette mutters and she feels Shinx jump in her arms. She then smiles brightly and cheers, "You did it!"

Dawn meets Kenny in the middle for the traditional handshake and he shakes her hand politely. "Good battle Kenny," Dawn smiles.

"Yep," Kenny replies and walks away.

"Be like that then," Dawn rolls her eyes but not even he can stop her from feeling all bubbly inside.

"What a wonderful performance today," Marian walks over with Mr. Contesta.

"Here's your Jubilife Ribbon," He shows the case and Dawn carefully takes it out. It's a purple colour with white bordering and has a golden pin holding it together in the middle.

"Thank you," Dawn takes it and bows.

She turns to the crowd and holds it out. Everyone gives her a standing round of applause but their thoughts don't really matter compared to one person...


"Mom I did it!" Dawn states happily into one of the video phones. She twirls happily in her dress while her mom sighs.

"I know Dawn," Johanna sighs. "I watched it on television."

"I know but I wanted to hear from you personally," Dawn says. "How'd I do?"

"Dawn you can't look at me for that okay," Her mom says which shocks the blunette. "You won't be able to grow as a coordinator if I do that for you. I don't mind hearing from you occasionally but you can't rely on me. I am proud of you and your first win though."

Dawn doesn't respond but she's now looking at her feet instead of her mother.

"I know that you have other people that can grow with you and will be able to teach you things that might make you better than I ever was," Johanna continues. "For example your boyfriend Ash."

"Ash-" Dawn tries not to smile at her Mom's attempt to cheer her up. She wasn't able to keep herself from blushing though.

"Yea Dawn?" Ash walks towards Dawn with a perplexed look on his face.

Dawn's face becomes even redder that it's almost reflecting off of her white dress. "Nothing," Dawn manages to get out while Johanna watches mischievously.

"Dawn was just wondering if you liked her battling skills," Johanna stops herself from laughing. "I'll talk to you two later."

"Well I thought your batting skills were amazing," Ash states and Dawn smiles to herself, still not looking up. "But maybe not up to my level yet."

"Ash," Dawn says in a low voice but with a hint of amusement.

"What Dawn?" Ash asks with a stupid smile on his face.

"I'll give you a head start," She continues.

"For-Uh oh," Ash looks at Shinx who tilts his head cutely, before running away from the girl.

"Ash Ketchum!" Dawn chases Ash through the contest hall lobby while people laugh at their antics.


So Dawn actually won her first contest but can she continue that streak?

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