A Note

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Dear whoever this note finds,

I'm sorry but your life is about change.

You didn't pick up this note by chance and you'll soon learn what I mean by that.

I'm sure I'm just going to create more questions but we'll try our best to explain.

Luna has been in danger her whole life and we tried our best to isolate her from that danger. But we're running out of time.

She's the key.

To what we are not sure, but that's all we've figured out. 

Our lives have been dedicated to research but we just couldn't figure out the whole picture.

There are bad people out there who know of Luna's power and soon enough they'll be here. Probably by the time you get this note. 

Don't worry about us though. Our priority has always been Luna and we're going to do everything we can until the end.

That's why we need you to keep her safe.

The world trusts you with her.

That might be hard to accept or understand but I hope you'll give it a shot. I don't know how long  it will take for peace to find Sinnoh but hopefully you're  up to the task. 

Deep down you must be right even if it doesn't make sense.

I have to believe that.

I'm running out of space so let me wrap this up. 

All I can ask is for you to keep her safe. Please. Hopefully we'll be able to watch over Luna from a  far away place. 

And remember.

Every key needs someone to turn it.

I'm sorry this is being thrown on you but please give Luna th best life you can. It'll be tough but we believe in you.

Ash and Dawn sit beside the hospital bed silently. Both of them taking a moment to process what they just read.

How can they believe the note?

Surely someone is out there more capable then them to take care of the child.

But I don't think so.

At least in my non-biased narrator point of view.

Everything happens for a reason.

Nurse Joy walks back in the room and sees the note. She can't help but give it a quick glance. She's seen these kids a lot the few times they've passed through town and has grown quite fond of them.

But taking care of a kid?

The nurse watches Ash and Dawn give Luna their full attention. 

They've saved the town together, proven that they'll face any challenge thrown their way.

The note says the world chose them. And the world knows what it's doing.

Dawn notices the nurse first. "Hey Nurse Joy, did the tests come back?"

"Oh yes," She smiles. "Luna is a very healthy little girl." 

Dawn notices Nurse Joy's eyes glance at the note. "Yea..." 

"Do you guys trust the note? Nurse Joy asks.

The two teens look between each other and nod.

"Then trust yourselves."

The two look back at Luna. They had no problem stepping up against Team Galactic or helping a Pokemon in need but this is not the same.

Then a yellow pokemon waddles into the room. The Psyduck from before.

"It won't just be us protecting Luna," Ash stands up and gives Nurse Joy a confident look. "Our Pokemon will be right by our side."

Dawn smiles softly and stands up beside Ash. "We'll all work together, right Psyduck?"

The Pokemon nods happily and jumps onto Luna's bed.

Nurse Joy watches the two teens give each other big smiles and any worries she had went away. 

"No need to worry Nurse Joy," Dawn turns to her. "We can take care of Luna like the note says."

"I believe you," She smiles back. "And if you guys ever need anything remember Floaroma town is here to help. Feel free to call here if you need help with anything."

"Will do," They reply.

"You guys should stay here tonight but tomorrow Luna should be good to travel with you two," Nurse Joy says before leaving the room.

While Shinx entertains Luna, Ash and Dawn collect their stuff from the lobby and move everyone into a room. The Pokemon join Luna on one of the beds to play.

"Are we really doing this?" The blunette asks.

"I think it'll make our adventure even better," Ash assures her.

"Mhm," Dawn sits on the edge of the bed. "Oh man what am I going to tell my mom?"

"She may be a bit concerned," He laughs. "Maybe she'll have some tips."

"We have a couple weeks to get to Canalave," Dawn thinks out loud. "Maybe we should stop by our homes and the lab."

"That would give us time to train in one place and not worry about cooking," Ash agrees with the idea. "It'd save us some time if that Pokemon could teleport us again."

"Wow a couple teleports and you're too lazy to walk," She teases.

They decided to plan out their journey the next two weeks. They'll stop by Bryan in Jubilife, see the Professor in Sandgem, and then stop by their mom's houses.

A little ambitious considering they now have a 7-year old travelling with them.

Still exhausted from wandering through the forest, Luna soon fell asleep buried in Pokemon. Dawn joined her as well, not sure what the girl needs after such a traumatic few days.

Luckily Luna slept through the night.

Dawn wakes up first and notices Ash's bed empty. "That's a first."

She rolls over and sees Luna sleeping soundly. A calm look across the kid's face. "I wonder what's going through her mind," Dawn thinks to herself knowing she'd be a wreck if she lost her mom.

She runs her fingers through Luna's hair and the girl snuggles deeper into the blankets in response. "I hope we can take care of you Luna."

Banging on the door interrupts Dawn's thoughts.

Luna also wakes up startled, the calm look being replaced by fear.

"Sshh it's probably just Ash," Dawn curses internally and Luna nods, a scared look still present.

Dawn gets to door and looks to the peephole, a little worried it might be Team Galactic looking for Luna.

Thankfully it's just Ash with a tray of food.

Dawn opens the door with a frown.

"What?" He asks while stepping inside.

"No banging on doors," The blunette explains. "I think it triggers Luna's memories."

Ash immediately feels bad and walks over to Luna's bed. "I have breakfast," He smiles and the girl appears more relaxed.

He reveals a tray of pancakes and other breakfast goods for the three to munch on.

The Pokemon soon get involved and everyone is soon fed and happy to start the day. After, the group changes and prepares for a long day of walking ahead of them.

Ash transferred the two Gastrodons for Psyduck and Gastly before they left the Pokemon Center. Figured they might as well take one of the mischievous ghost types off the Professor's hands.

They step out onto a sunny Route 204 after a quick goodbye to Nurse Joy. A route they have already travelled but marks a new chapter of their journey. 

"We should be able to make it in one day," Dawn reads the map. "We should stop in Wayward Cave this time since we skipped it our first time through here."

"Good idea," Ash says while keeping a close eye on Luna in front of them. Psyduck, Shinx, and Piplup are all out walking with the girl. Starly flies above, using the clear skies to build some flying endurance.

A couple hours of walking pass and they stop for a quick lunch.

"We must've missed the cave," Dawn says while holding the map. "We definitely would have walked by it by now."

"We took the scenic route last time and were way past halfway by lunch," Ash adds. "I guess no cave for us."

"There's a cave up there," Luna smiles happily pointing down the route further. She wandered down the path a bit with Shinx while the two were distracted.

Ash and Dawn run up to her and see the forest turn to rock.

"I guess we're a little bit slower this time," Ash says.

They both know why.

"Hmm," Dawn pulls the map back out. "We're going to have a tough time visiting people at this rate. We might have to go right to Canalave."

"I know you miss your mom so we'll make it work," Ash assures her.

"Time to clean up," Dawn says to the Pokemon they let out for lunch. Most return into their pokeballs but Jolteon is too busy running around to notice.

"Jolteon," Ash laughs and gets the electric type's attention. He points to Dawn holding his pokeball but then he thinks of something.

"Wait Dawn," He stops her. "It's special training time."

Jolteon tilts his head in confusion but then Ash picks up Luna and places her on the spiky but soft Pokemon. "There," Ash admires his work.

"This is your solution," Dawn giggles while watching Jolteon run around with Luna hanging on tightly but laughing the entire time.

"We have this parenting thing down," Ash raises his hand for a high-five.

"Yes we do," Dawn winks and high-fives him back.

The group packs up and heads into the cave.

Ravaged Path.

Sounds scarier than it really is.

Dawn may not agree.

She instantly brings out Magby to light the way.

Ash and Luna charge ahead and explore the cave. Luna pointing Jolteon towards any shiny stone. 

The blunette hangs back, cautiously turning her head towards any drip of water or screech of a Zubat. The cooler air puts shiver down her spine.

The sound of rushing water begins to fill the cave.

"I think the cave exit is right down these stairs," Dawn says, but she knows it's no use.

The two explorers were already running towards the water.

And to no surprise Ash quickly brought out his fishing rod.

Cool water flows through the cave in a shallow stream.  A few lights were put in this area, probably so no one falls in accidentally.

They bring out all their Pokemon. Some enjoy the water while others do some training. Psyduck watches Luna closely who's sitting beside the stream. She watches Piplup swim around and the girl seems at peace.

Dawn, who would rather be on the way to Jubilife, is at least finding amusement in Ash's failed fishing attempts. "Aren't you glad you got a fishing rod?" She taunts.

"Ha ha," He rolls his eyes while focusing on the bobber. "There's gotta be a trick."

A shriek puts a pause on the fishing.

"Maggg," The fire type screams at Gible who looks equally mad.

The dragon type doesn't return a scream but it does return a bite.

Magby returns a flaming fist.

It's on.

Both Pokemon return blow after blow, no one wanting to interrupt.

They eventually end up in a stronghold, both of their stubby little arms pushing against each other.

Then their arms grow.

Magby's flames grow bigger and brighter. Its fingers become claws and body becomes a mix of red and yellow.


Gible becomes taller and more purple. He also grows claws, as well as multiple shark fins along his body. Its belly in long and bright red now. But it still has those focused eyes and sharp teeth.


"Woah," Ash says and Dawn brings out her Pokedex.

"Legend has it that this Pokémon was born from the crater of a volcano. When wounded, it bathes in lava to heal its body, much as one would soak in a hot spring." She reads for Magmar.

"It loves sparkly things. It seeks treasures in caves and hoards the loot in its nest."Gabite's entry reads.

"I like treasures," Luna laughs.

The young brunette skips to the newly evolved Pokemon who is now taller than her. Her flowery dress that Dawn gave her glows in the cave.

She hands Gabite a small blue rock that she found in the cave. Nothing was special about the rock.

Gabite takes the rock, holding it delicately on his claws. He looks at Luna and smiles. "Gab."

"Here Gabite," Dawn pulls out some string she had in her backpack.

After some work on the stone, Gabite has a brand new necklace.

Now the stone is special.



Well we'll see how this goes.

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