City of Rocks

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Third Person's POV

"Oreburgh Gate," Dawn squints to read the words etched above the mountain entrance. "Can't they afford a sign."

"Rustic," Ash chuckles while admiring the carved rock. He begins to lead them into the cave but Dawn stops him.

"Ash aren't caves dangerous?" Dawn questions with fear littering her voice. "I've heard of people getting swarmed by wild Pokémon as soon as they enter."

"I'm sure that's just a myth," Ash smiles and they enter the cave.

The sunlight is now missing their skin and the only source of light is the small string of lights running on the ceiling. The squeaks of everybody's favourite Pokémon echoing through the tunnels.

They step in and relief washes over the blunette. "That must be the exit," She chirps happily at the light flooding into the cave at the other end. "It really is only a gate."

Ash pulls out his town map to make sure their expectations aren't getting to high. "That exit will lead us right into Oreburgh City," The raven haired trainer states. "Which means it's almost time for my first gym battle!"

Ash bolts ahead with Shinx close by, leaving Piplup and Dawn behind. The latter giggles and begins to run after him with the water type in her arms.

Then suddenly a cloud of purple and blue swarms Ash and completely hides him from her view. "Ash!" Dawn yells but stops running after seeing the swarm turn into an electric bubble.

The electricity flies in all directions, highlighting every one of the bat like Pokémon. The creatures recover from the shock and find another path in the cave to escape through. Once all the Pokémon clear, Dawn runs up to check on Ash.

"That was a surprise," Ash chuckles while sitting down with Shinx, who still has electricity zipping across his fur.

"Are you okay?" Dawn asks sceptically while crossing her arms. "Caves really are dangerous."

"I'm sure they were harmless," Ash gets up and Dawn notices a pokeball in his hand.

"They had fangs," Dawn shakes her head. "I can't believe you caught one though."

"Shinx got one of the close ones pretty good," Ash fist bumps the joyful electric type. "These Pokémon are pretty common everywhere, even Kanto."

"I'll check it out," Dawn brings out her Pokedex and scans the pokeball.

"Zubat, the bat Pokémon, a poison and flying type," It starts to read. "It has no eyeballs, so it can't see. It checks its surroundings via the ultrasonic waves it emits from its mouth. Their skin is so thin that they'll be burned if prolonged sunlight hits them."

"This one is male and knows absorb, supersonic, wing attack, and bite," Dawn states.

"Not bad," Ash smiles.

"Are you two alright?" A husky man walks over. He's wearing a traditional hiker's outfit with thick brown clothes, a big traveling backpack, and has a dark brown beard. His brownish hat almost covering his eyes.

"Yep," Ash beams. "I guess cave swarms are a real thing."

"They aren't that common," The hiker explains. "And from what I watched, those Zubat weren't much of a problem for you."

"Not for Shinx," Dawn giggles.

"An interesting Pokémon for sure," The hiker raises an eyebrow at the shiny specimen.

"I'm Ash and that's Dawn by the way," Ash introduces themselves.

"Oh-uhh call me Hiker," The man says.

"Alright," Ash shrugs and looks down the path the Zubat flew down. "Dawn we should follow the Zubat, who knows what secrets we'll find down there."

"No!" Hiker lunges forward to stop them from advancing down the tunnel. "Uh I mean- you two are just beginner trainers and it's very dangerous down there. I don't want to see you guys get hurt."

"Oh," Ash sighs.

"We can always come back when we're stronger," Dawn assures Ash.

"Of course," The hiker smiles but a few beads of sweat are running off his forehead. "You two should get going to Oreburgh City."

"Right," Ash nods. "It's our first gym battle!" His excitement washes away the previous disappointment.

"Well in that case you need to break this rock before going through," He moves away to show a stone in the middle of the cave. It isn't the usual dark brown, instead it's a wrinkly grey colour.

"Why can't we just walk around?" Dawn puts her hands on her hips. "Or step over it?"

"It's not exactly a boulder," Ash agrees looks at the hiker confused.

"Think of it as a trial," Hiker tries to convince them. "I'll even give you guys a TM to help you out."

"TM?" Dawn questions.

"Technical Machine," Hiker translates. "They have the power to teach Pokémon moves that they may not learn otherwise."

"Any Pokémon?!" Dawn exclaims. "That's so cool."

"Not exactly," The man sweat drops. "It can only be used on certain Pokémon that are capable of learning it."

He hands Ash a small metal box that has a scratched out label on it. "Uhh," Ash squints to try reading the writing.

"It's TM Rock Smash," He flips open the top for Ash. "What Pokémon have you guys caught that may be able to learn fighting type moves?"

"Shinx?" Ash asks and the hiker shakes his head disappointedly.

"Pokémon with strong arms."

"Piplup?" Dawn holds up the water type.

"Not exactly," Hiker sighs.

"Kricketot!" Ash exclaims and the hiker is now seriously questioning his life choices.

"Hmm," Dawn puts a finger to her chin. "I don't know who if even Gible can't learn it."

"Finally!" The hiker says in relief.

"What?" Ash questions.

"Gible can learn rock smash," Hiker states.

"But why did you say no the first time we mentioned him?" Dawn says perplexed.

"Wha- you never said- never mind it doesn't matter," Hiker watches Ash bring out the dragon type Pokémon.

Gible materializes in front of the device and the hiker instructs him to place a hand on the device. "Don't worry it's not a trap," Ash smiles and the hiker nods as well at Gible.

"Gib," He grunts and follows instructions. A brief glow appears and Gible shudders before the power dies back down.

"All good?" Ash questions and the Pokémon nods. "Okay use rock smash on that rock."

Gible strolls forward before bringing back a glowing fist and slamming it into the rock. It doesn't exactly smash however...

The "rock" flies down the cave until slamming against the ground and sliding to a stop. Then two muscular stone arms pop out, ends curled into fists and it turns around with a not so happy look.

The Pokémon's big eyes are glaring at the group and it slowly hops towards them. "I thought you said-" Dawn turns to yell at the Hiker but he's long gone. "He knew this was going to happen."

"We're going to have to deal with it ourselves," Ash looks at Dawn to calm her down. "Scan it quickly."

"Geodude, the rock Pokémon, a rock and ground type," The Pokedex reads. "Many live on mountain trails and remain half buried while keeping an eye on climbers. It is impossible to distinguish from rocks and they slam against others in contests of hardness. Carelessly stepping on it will make it swing its fists angrily."

"Carelessly stepping or purposely hitting with rock smash," Ash jokes as it gets closer to Gible.

"You're so funny Ash," Dawn sarcastically laughs.

"Gible keep it away with dragon rage," Ash commands.

Gible starts charging bright blue energy in his mouth and then he shoots it forward at Geodude. The charging rock starts spinning and reflects some of the attack before slamming Gible into Ash's stomach, making them both slide backwards along the ground.

"Our turn," Dawn beams at Piplup. "Bubble."

Geodude clearly wasn't expecting another attack to come so soon and that leaves him drenched in water. Not something he enjoys. "Pokeball go!" Dawn throws a red and white device at it.

The pokeball shakes once, twice, three times, before opening and self destructing. "Geo," He grunts and makes a "come at me" motion."

"That's why I have trust issues," Dawn says frustrated. "Piplup try again!"

This time Geodude was ready and able to shoot out rocks before the bubbles could get close. The rock Pokémon begins charging an even bigger rock to throw at Piplup.

"Rock throw," Dawn recognizes the attack. "Piplup use pound and send it right back!"

Piplup jumps, spins, and smacks the rock with all of his force. He struggles against it before overcoming the rock and sending it back towards Geodude. The ground type gets hit by his own kind and slumps down to the floor.

Piplup nails the landing while his trainer captures Geodude successfully this time. "Yes!" Dawn cheers. She looks backward to show Ash but he's still on the ground with a proud looking Gible standing on him.

"You're going to have to leave the stronger Pokémon to me," Dawn shakes her head amusingly.

"I'm fine with that for now," Ash groans and returns Gible while sitting up. "I heard a cheer so I'm guessing you caught it."

"Easily," Dawn brags and Piplup nods his head to confirm. "First try even."

"Good job," Ash gives a thumbs up and falls back down to have a quick power nap.


"I found a travel app," Dawn shows Ash the screen on her wrist. "It lists all of the important places when we get to a new town."

"Where does your watch say we should go?" Ash questions while guiding them along the packed clay streets.

"There's a museum we could visit before the gym," Dawn looks at Ash with a childish smile.

"Not a chance," Ash laughs. "I'm getting to that gym as fast as possible."

"Well neither of us know where the gym is, but I'm pretty sure that massive building over there is the museum," Dawn smirks.

"We'll find it eventually," Ash marches on past the modern looking museum.

"Stubborn," Dawn mutters and follows him down the street of rugged but sharp looking houses that fit the "mining"feel of the town. You can even smell the coal blowing through the town.

Ash and Dawn continue walking through Oreburgh City until stopping to marvel at an old fashioned building. It has bare concrete walls with visible cracks and a big wooden door. It has a faded brown room and a sign that Ash wanted to see.

"Oreburgh City Gym," Ash smiles confidently.

"There must be no sign makers around here," Dawn points out how the words are scratched into the wall.

"Not important," Ash charges forward and grabs the door handle but it doesn't budge. "Noooooo," Ash cries while shaking the handle dramatically.

"I think it's closed," Dawn giggles and Ash glares at her.

Ash sulks his way back to the blunette. "Come on you big baby," She grabs his shoulder and pulls him down the road. "Maybe the gym leader is at the museum."

"What kind of gym leader isn't at their gym when you want them?" Ash ignores her and continues venting his frustration.

"The kind with a life," Dawn throws her hands in the air. "They're probably just out around town."

"I hope so," Ash sighs.

The two get to the museum and enter through the big glass doors. "Does anyone know where the gym leader is?!" Ash yells as soon as they enter and Dawn covers her face in embarrassment.

"Ash you can't do that," Dawn shakes her head.

"Oh," Ash looks around at all the stares. "Uh sorry everybody."

There's a few sighs in disgust and amusement but eventually all the people get back to what they were doing. "Can I help you two?" A man in a lab coat walks over with a questioning look.

"Oh I'm not with him," Dawn tries to walk away.

"Dawn," Ash complains and she sighs in defeat.

"You guys have reached the married couple stage already," The man laughs while the two turn away from each other. "I'm the lead scientist here and I think I can solve your problem."

"I just want to find the gym leader," Ash frowns.

"I heard," He chuckles. "Which is why I can help you since the gym leader is my brother."


This chapter was delayed far too long but hopefully it was satisfactory.

This long delay pattern shouldn't continue much longer but this week isn't looking free so we'll have to wait and see.

Thanks for reading and cya next chapter!

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